Page 27 of Stolen Bases

His chest puffs as he expels a gruff sigh. “Most women don’t want to get to know me.”

He doesn’t need to elaborate. I understand completely. My brother is a professional baseball player too. Most women are more interested in his money and status than who he is outside of baseball. I’m sure most athletes and celebrities experience this problem.

“Tell me about your sisters-in-law.”

A soft smile curls at the corner of his upper lip. “Let’s see. My sister-in-law Rylann is married to my brother Jace. She’s the best. I love that woman, and the girl can cook. They have two kids, a boy and a girl.”

“The little boy on your phone?”

“Yup. Rhys. He’s the coolest kid around. Little dude owns my heart. So does his sister, Riah. She’s the only girl in the Miller bunch, so she’s our spoiled princess.” He lights up like a Christmas tree as he talks about them. It’s sweet. This big, cocky baseball player who throws ninety-five-miles-per-hour fast balls has a huge soft spot for his family. “Then there’s Emery. She’s married to my brother Mason. I’m still getting to know her, but she’s sweet and has excellent taste in movies. She makes my brother happy, and that’s all I care about.”

“So, you have two brothers?”

“Three. I’m the youngest. It goes…” He ticks off his fingers. “Jace, Eli, Mason, and then me.”

“Wow, that’s a lot of boys for one mom to handle.” My mom struggled with two kids. I can’t imagine how busy it was having four.

“It was. My mom’s an angel. But my dad was there too. He was super involved with raising us. Especially with sports. He was my biggest supporter. Still is.”

The mention of his father hits hard. Not for me—I have no memory of the man—but for Nico. Not having our father around had a big impact on him. It’s hard for me not to blame myself for his heartache, or my mother’s, for that matter.

I overheard her and Zia Rose talking late one night. They were drinking and complaining about the crap men they chose. It made my heart ache for the two women in my life. I never told them I’d overheard their conversation, but it’s part of the reason I like to lie low and not cause any drama.

“What about you? Do you have any other siblings besides…” Cam intentionally doesn’t say Nico’s name. Not that he needs to. My brother will always be the five-ton elephant in the room where Cam and I are concerned.

“Not technically. I grew up in the same house as my three cousins who are like my sisters. My mom and aunt are both single moms, and they raised us all together.”

“How was that?”

“Hard. Crazy. But also kind of awesome. We are all really close. Even Nico, if you can believe it. He was the only guy in a house full of women.”

My mom worked hard being both parents to us, and she did an amazing job doing so. She’s the best mom ever. I never once felt like I was missing out because I didn’t have a father. I also had Zia Rose. She’s not the girly-girl type, and her less than feminine wiles more than make up for not having a male figure in my life.

“I did not expect that,” Cam mumbles, shaking his head like he can’t wrap his mind around what I’m telling him.

“Expect what?”

“That your brother grew up in a house full of women.”

“What the hell does that mean?” I bristle, offended on my brother’s behalf. I stand, done with this conversation.

Is my brother a dick sometimes? Yes.

But he’s also a good man. He takes care of his family, always has.

Anger burns like acid in my stomach. I don’t want to hear Cam bash my brother when he doesn’t know a thing about him.

Maybe Nico was right about Cameron.

Heisan asshole.



My hand gently wrapsaround Talia’s tiny wrist, stopping her from running out on me.

I can’t let her leave without explaining. There’s no way I’d be able to sleep knowing I was the one who upset her. “I’m sorry. That came out wrong.”