Before opening the door, I stare at Cam while he sits in the giant whirlpool, all sexy and wet. Water droplets sparkle as they roll down his thick neck and perfectly chiseled chest. Steam rises from the surface as the hot water bubbles.
It’s now or never.With a deep breath, I slide the double-paned glass holding me hostage and step out onto the deck.
Cam turns his attention to me. “Nice of you to join me. I was wondering how long you were going to stand there gawking.”
My cheeks flame; I’m embarrassed to be caught staring. Again.
This time, Cam’s teasing ignites a defiant flame in me. Crossing my arms and popping my bikini-clad hip, I smart, “Not much to gawk at.”
“Keep telling yourself that, itty bitty.” The endearment slips off his tongue, silky and smooth, as his eyes sweep over my body, setting my skin ablaze. He licks his lips, eyes lingering on my chest for a second longer than they should. “You should know I’m looking.”
“Are you now?”
He nods, his eyes finding mine; the green-gold striations burn bright like a stoked fire, warm and familiar. “I shouldn’t, but I am.”
At his confession, shivers wrack my body and my skin pebbles. My pussy slickens with desire as my clit pulses between my legs in time with my heartbeat.
“No, you shouldn’t.” Neither should I.
Not wanting Cameron to see the mess he’s made of me with one smoldering look, I march up the stairs to the jacuzzi. Thankfully, I don’t slip this time. I climb into the hot tub across from him, putting as much space between us as possible.
We sit in companionable silence as the whirlpool jets bubble and swirl the water into a boiling frenzy. I lean back and stare at the night sky, and for some inexplicable reason, I wish this night didn’t have to end.
“Can I ask you a question?” Cam asks, breaking the silence.
I can’t bring myself to look into his eyes again, so I answer to the stars. “Sure.”
“Did you come out here hoping I’d be here?”
Obviously, I did.
I gnaw on the inside of my cheek, holding back my answer. I’m not a liar, never have been. Answering him is a slippery slope, but I do it anyway. “Yes.”
The water sloshes, lapping at the top of my breasts.
Warm breath fans across my ear, shocking the hell out of me as Cam says, “I was hoping you’d be here too.”
His arm brushes mine under the water as he sits beside me, and the same electrical charge shoots through every cell in my being, awakening something deep inside me. I wish I knew what strange magic he holds that makes my body react this way.
“Just because I hoped you’d be here, it doesn’t mean something is going to happen between us.”
Cam chuckles, deep, throaty, and oh so sexy. “Relax, Talia. I know nothing can happen. Doesn’t mean we can’t be friends.”
Friends.He said as much the other night, but is it possible for us to be friends? Nico aside, there is this undeniable attraction between us that’s more than friendly.
“Friends, huh?” I watch him out of the corner of my eye as he stares at the sky like I was before.
He shrugs. “I don’t see why not.”
“Do you have a lot of female friends?”
“Not unless you count my sisters-in-law and a handful of colleagues. Most women…” Cam’s train of thought trails off.
“Most women, what?”