“Rhys, this is my girlfriend, Talia. Talia, this is Rhys,” Cam interjects, placing his nephew on the floor and tugging me to his side.
Geez, Rhys is tall for his age.He already comes up to my chin. I bet he ends up being as tall as Cameron.
“Hi.” I wave like a dork. I know how much Cam adores him, and after the family picnic, I’m more nervous about meeting this little guy. Kids don’t process the nuances of relationships like adults do. They say what they think without thinking.
“You have weird eyes,” he says.
I cover my mouth with my hand and laugh.
“Rhys, manners,” Rylann chides her son.
“It’s okay. He’s right. I kind of do. Lots of people have told me so. Everyone in my family has them except for my cousin Sofia. She has brown eyes, kind of like yours.”
“Mine are like my dad’s.” He puffs his little chest with pride.
I could just eat this guy up. He’s so cute. It’s no wonder everyone fawns all over him.
“Are yours?”
“No, mine are like my mom’s.” My chest aches, thinking about the way we left things.
“What color are your dad’s eyes?”
I can feel the stares of everyone in the room as I chat with Rhys. Like I expected, he doesn’t hold back and says exactly what’s on his mind. This is why I love working with kids and teens. Their innocence and honesty are refreshing. Too many adults are ashamed of asking for help, but kids aren’t. When they hurt, you know it. When they need help, they ask for it.
“I don’t know. He left before I was born.”
Cam places his hand on the small of my back, rubbing circles, feeding me support with his touch.
When I was younger, conversations like this hurt. I didn’t understand. All I knew was that there was no dad in my life to chase away the monsters under my bed or to take me to father-daughter dances.
I may not have had a dad, but I had a Nico. And he did all those things for me.
My answer doesn’t faze Rhys as he continues. “My first dad died. But now I have my real dad. Maybe Grandad can be your dad. Then you can be happy too.”
“That’s a great idea, but you know what? I had a big brother who always looked out for me, so I was never sad.”
“I’m a big brother. I’m going to take care of my baby sister and baby brother too.”
Rylann gasps. “Rhys, how did you know that?”
He looks guiltier than Yogi Bear caught red-handed with a picnic basket as he mumbles, “I ate one of the surprise cupcakes. It was blue.”
Everyone stifles a laugh as Jace drops to his knees in front of his son. “Rhys, we were waiting to surprise you and the rest of the family.”
“I know. But I couldn’t wait. I really wanted to know. I’m sorry, Dad. Are you mad at me?”
Jace chuckles. His eyes are filled with so much love as he chats with Rhys that it brings tears to my eyes. I look around and notice similar shining eyes on those paying attention.
“Never, kiddo.”
Rhys throws himself at his dad, who wraps him up in a tight hug.
Tears tingle my nose at the sweetest father-son moment I’ve ever witnessed.
Jace stands, his son wrapped around him like a koala, and walks over to stand behind Rylann. He kisses her neck and rubs her belly.
Little flutters hit me in the gut as I picture them as me and Cameron. Would he be the same doting father and husband? I cansee it. Does he see it too? He’s mentioned a future in which we are married, but does he want kids too?