“As ready as I’ll ever be meeting my boyfriend’s family.”
“That’s my girl.” Cam kisses the back of my hand.
Even though my heart races, I’m excited to meet the Millers. Cam loves his family. They mean the world to him.
His parents, Karen and Mark, are easy to talk to. They are both huggers and really excited about Cam bringing a girl home for the first time. It’s a first for both of us—meeting the parents.
I also meet Eli—who flirts with me on purpose to get a rise out of Cam—Jace’s neighbors and best friends, Levi and Scarlett, as well as his niece Sariah, who lets me scoop her up without a care. She’s the spitting image of her mom and is absolutely adorable in her birthday outfit. I think I’m in love with her.
The entire Miller family treats me with nothing but kindness. There is no mention of my brother, for which I am grateful.
Cam stays by my side. His arm is a permanent fixture, draped over my shoulder. I lean into his body, absorbing his affection.
I really had nothing to worry about. These people are amazing. Cam is so lucky to have such a supportive and loving family.
When Rhys comes ambling over, he stops and stares at me. I know kids, and I can see his little wheels spinning.
“There’s my little buddy.”
His head snaps in Cam’s direction. “Uncle Cam!”
“How’s my guy doing?” Cam grabs him around the middle and tickles him. His cute little laughter fills the air.
There is nothing hotter than watching my man play with his nephew. My ovaries want to make their way down to my womb so Cam’s virile sperm can impregnate them.
Oh goodness. Is it hot in here?
My cheeks flame, and my lady bits tingle. I fight the urge to fan my face after watching Cam interact with Rhys.
Rylann catches my eye and smiles. She sees too much. She reminds me of Zia Rose in that way.
I turn my attention back to Cam. He holds Rhys in his arms, listening intently to every word the little guy relays about yesterday’s Evaders’ game.
They look so much alike it’s crazy. All the Miller boys do, actually. Tall, strong jawline, hazel eyes, and broad shoulders. Mark Miller has strong genes. Every one of his sons—grandson included—looks like a younger version of him.
Cam’s parents and brothers edge closer to listen to their conversation.
“Are you practicing your swing like I showed you?” Cam asks.
“Yep. Grandad took me to the batting cages. He said my swing is better than yours.”
Cam looks over at Mark, and they have a silent moment. I didn’t have a traditional father figure growing up, but I rather not have a father if I received anything less than what Cam’s dad gave him—love, attention, and support.
“Then it must be true. Grandad taught me everything I know,” Cam says, returning his attention back to Rhys.
“That’s ’cause you stink. You haven’t hit a home run in six games.”
“Oh dang. Burned by an eight-year-old.” Eli laughs. “Need some aloe to soothe the sting, Cam?”
Eli is an interesting guy. He’s funny, like Cam, but also has this quiet aura about him. Like he’s always watching and waiting for the next shoe to drop. He’s a little shorter than Cam but no less broad, and like the rest of the Miller brothers, he’s hot as hell.
What the hell kind of Herculean genes does their dad have?
Cam rubs his nose with his middle finger, directed at his brother. The entire patio erupts in laughter.
He ruffles Rhys’s hair. “I’ll do better. Next homer I hit will be for you, and I’ll hold up our rock and roll sign with my hand. Deal?”
“Deal.” Rhys looks my way and crunches his brows. I’m afraid he’s going to acknowledge the elephant in the room, but he doesn’t. He innocently asks, “Who are you?”