Page 15 of Stolen Moments

“Oh my god, Mason. Hi.” Her voice is breathy, and she looks shocked to see me. She pushes a lock of her hair behind her ear as I step up to her, bringing us toe to toe.

“Go out with me,” I state rather than ask. I’m not usually so pushy, but thoughts of this woman have plagued me the last month.

Her cheeks flame, and the need to see how far that blush goes consumes me.

“Umm…” She’s thrown off by my sudden appearance and demand.

“Don’t overthink it. Just go out with me. One night. Please. I can’t stop thinking about you.”

A shy smile touches her lips, and I’m dangerously close to pressing mine to hers. She hesitates for a fraction of a second but nods. “Okay. Yes. I’ll go on a date with you.”


“Tonight.” She lets out a cute giggle, warming my soul.

My face splits in a grin. I can’t believe this is me right now. I never do this kind of thing. I don’t date, let alone dream about and chase after a woman.

A smile spreads across my face—another thing I rarely do, and yet here I am, grinning like an idiot. I’m not only happy; I’m fucking floating. The girl I’ve been thinking about nonstop for the last month popped up out of nowhere and agreed to go on a date with me.

“Here. Type in your number,” I command, handing her my phone.

Fuck, I sound like such as asshole. I need to take it down a notch.

I clear my throat, trying to calm my beating heart, and watch her thumbs drift across the screen as she enters her number into my contacts, a soft smile playing on her lips. Before she can hand the phone to me, it’s plucked out of her hands.

“Well, well, well. Who do we have here, brother?” Cameron interjects.

I glare at my brother, but this only makes him smile more. Emery looks up at Cam, who is wearing a shit-eating grin, and back to me.

“Emery, this is Cameron, my little brother. Cameron, Emery,” I introduce them and wait for it.

My baby brother is by far one of the most highly recognizable figures in sports. Women can’t get enough of his pretty-boy antics. They practically fall at his feet. It doesn’t hurt that Cameron is a good-looking dude. He’s 6’5’’, built like a tank, and has the infamous Miller hazel eyes.

“Hi.” She waves shyly.

“Pleased to meet you.” Cameron shoots her a flirty wink.

I want to punch his smug dickface. She shakes his hand, and when she doesn’t recognize him, I release my breath. Horns blare in the background, pulling my attention away from the beautiful woman in front of me.

She looks over my shoulder as some guy yells, giving me the finger. “I think he wants you to move your car.”

“He can wait. You’re more important.”

She blushes again.

Damn. How did I not notice that last time? She’s fucking sweet.

“Mase, I’m gonna hop in the car. Hurry up, man.”

I wave Cam off as he heads to the car with a smirk on his face. He’s going to give me shit, for sure. I couldn’t give a fuck. I finally found her. Besides, he owes me after the horrible dinner I endured for him.

“I’ll text you when I get back to my brother’s place. Pick you up at eight?”

“Yeah. Sounds good.” Her sweet, raspy voice makes my chest pinch.

What is it about her that’s got me so enchanted? I’m almost desperate to find outthe answer.

“Dress warm. It’s going to be chilly tonight,” I instruct her again, taking a deep breath.