“Friend orfriend?” he sings, kissing the camera.
I roll my eyes at him. “Just a friend. He’s going through some stuff too. He’s only in town temporarily to take care of his grandmother.”
Why do I feel the need to keep telling everyone this? Even if I was interested in him, it’s no one’s business. I’m single as a Pringle and can date whom I want. I shake my head at myself, skipping over the thoughts of dating anyone but Mason.
“Well, I’m proud of you for making friends. That’s a huge step for you.”
“It is.” I smile in appreciation that Chris recognizes my accomplishment because this is a big deal for me.
I don’t let people in easily, but with Graham, it was effortless. He’s kind of in the same boat as me since he also just got out of a relationship. Though, I think it might be easier for him to move on since his ex moved away for a job in another country. Mason left me because I was an idiot for lying and keeping secrets from him.
“Rylann said I could bring him to the wedding. Is that weird?”
“No. You’re allowed to make new friends, man or woman. You’re also single as fuck, so if you wanted to date this guy…” He pauses, waiting for me to fill in his name.
“Graham. His name is Graham.”
“Oh, let me guess,” he snaps, weighing his thoughts. “Older guy, super hot, and rich as fuck.”
“How do you do that?”
He grins and pumps his brows. “It’s a gift.”
“You’re ridiculous.”
“And yet you wouldn’t change a thing about me.”
“True. I love you just as you are.” I grin back at my baby brother. He really is perfect.
“Okay, Bridget. Back to this whole date thing. I think you should do it.”
“Why is that?” I groan.
“Well, if Mason is truly over you, it’s a non-issue. But if he isn’t over you, he’s going to be hella fucking jealous if you show up with another guy.”
I roll my eyes at him again. I hope that the old wives’ tale isn’t true because I am about to get these eyeballs stuck in the back of my head with this conversation.
“It’s been months. I’m pretty sure he’s moved on.”
“Doubt it,” he grumbles, covering his mouth with his fist, piquing my interest.
“Why do you say that?”
“Okay, I wasn’t going to say anything.But…” he sings, exaggerating the word like he usually does when he has gossip or wants to make a show of things. “A couple of weeks ago, I saw him at an event. He was with Eli Miller, who I assume is his brother because they look exactly alike, and as soon as Mason saw me, he peaced out faster than you can come on a ten-inch cock with a vibrator up your ass.”
I cringe. “Gross.”
Chris cackles, loving that he can still make me uncomfortable. “Gah, I love messing with you.”
“I know. But, why didn’t you tell me about seeing him before?” I ask, curious about this new development.
“You had finally stopped crying yourself to sleep. I didn’t want you backsliding.” He gives me a sad smile.
He knows how hard this break up has been on me. I get why he kept it from me, I really do. But I can’t just erase my feelings. I truly loved Mason, and a part of me always will.
“If Mason was over you, he wouldn’t have run out of the hotel like a fucking coward when he saw me. Also, why didn’t you tell me his brother is a hotshot talent agent?”
“Didn’t know he was,” I answer honestly.