Scarlett must win whatever argument they are having because Rylann’s shoulders fall. “Jace and I would love for your friend to join us at the reception.”
“Thank you, but that’s not necessary,” I assure her.
While having Graham there as a buffer might help me get through the night, I would never do that to Mason. It would kill me to see him with someone else.
I rush out of the office, not wanting to make things more awkward.
Climbing into bed, I grab my phone and lean against my headboard, and same as I do every night, I scroll through old texts between me and Mason. I know I should have deleted them a long time ago, and rereading them only makes me more sad and lonely, but I can’t bring myself to do it. I’m not ready. I don’t know if I ever will be. I miss him so damn much, my heart aches.
Our texts disappear as the screen flashes with Chris’s name. I accept the video, and his face fills the screen.
“Hey, Chris.”
“Hey, Ems.”
“How are your classes going?”
A smile spreads across his face, and I already know the answer.
“Going great. My final projects are due the first week of December, then I’m done. I can’t freaking wait. Don’t worry, I’m still coming to you for Thanksgiving.”
After I spilled my guts about Mason and cutting ties with our parents, Chris and I fell asleep. The next day, we laid everything out on the table and managed to find a way to pay for his last semester of school and books. Turns out, my baby bro is resourceful, and had a chunk of money saved from his internships and other side jobs he’s picked up. I am so freaking proud of him and the man he is turning into.
“That’s great. Want to eat out or stay in?”
“In?” he hedges, no doubt still unsure of my state of mind these days.
I’m slowly getting there, but I definitely don’t want to go out. Thanksgiving is for staying home and eating a whole pumpkin pie while watchingThe Wizard of Ozon TV.
“That works for me.” I sigh, wishing the holidays would be different, or rather, spent with someone else.
Rylann mentioned going to Los Angeles for the holiday, and I’d bet my paycheck that’s where Mason will be too.
“Oh no,” Chris interrupts my thoughts.
He groans. “I know you’re thinking about him. Please tell me you aren’t reading your texts again.”
“I wasn’t.” The lie slips easily off my tongue.
“Liar,” he hisses.
I am a liar. A huge one. I wish I could stop, but I can’t. It’s a sickness I’m not ready to get over. Yet. Or any time soon.
“Just drop it,” I plead.
“Fine. How was that event last week?”
“Horrible. Itsowasn’t a business thing. Scarlett tricked me. Everyone was thereto hook up.”
Chris cackles, almost falling off his chair. “Scarlett’s awesome. So, did you meet anyone?”
I don’t want to tell him about Graham, but I vowed never to keep secrets again. “Yes and no.”
He rubs his hands together like a nefarious villain. “Ooh. Spill it, woman.”
“I made a friend.” I hesitate too long, and Chris catches on.