"Are you sure?" I lifted my head from Jace's chest and peered at him.
"I am." Jace brushed my cheek with his thumb and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "I think you'll be more comfortable that way."
The elevator dinged, and we pulled apart to step into the car. Minutes later, we were inside my unit.
Jace reached for me after I set my purse and sandwich on the counter. He kissed my forehead, and his arms slid around my waist in a comforting hug. "I'll grab my overnight bag from my apartment later, but you're coming with me when I do. I don't want to leave you alone. It's a bit disconcerting knowing the guy I chased was the same man you had an incident with, possibly two, and has a motive for being here we don't comprehend."
"See? I do need to get you that sword and shield. Ooh, and that white horse too."
"Not quite. But like I said before. I'm not going to let anything or anyone hurt you." Jace pulled away, his expression sober. "You need to be careful and understand this is serious. Make sure you're aware of the people around you. You've already seen what can happen."
"You're right, and I only joke because it keeps me from being so scared. It's like hiding behind a veil. It adds a level of comfort even though it might not be much."
"It's okay. We'll get through this."
I snuggled against Jace's chest, buoyed by his concern and thankful to have him at my side.
Chapter 19
Arriving at the field for Lily's soccer game, I parked in the adjacent lot and hustled across the grass, searching for Ree. She said she'd be sitting in a red fold-up chair along the sidelines with the other parents.
I scanned the groups of people, thinking I'd heard my name.
There it was again, but it wasn't Ree. The child's voice belonged to Lily, who was running toward me.
"You're here!" Lily threw herself into my arms, hers wrapping around me in a tight hug.
"I told you I'd come." Smiling, I let go of her as she pulled away.
"I know, but my dad said the same thing, and he didn't come." Lily nudged the ground with her toe, her eyes downcast.
"Well, I'm excited and can't wait to see you play. Where's your mom? I need to tell her I'm here." I bypassed Lily's comment about her father. It wasn't my place to say anything. Besides,James's behavior had become a touchy subject. According to Ree, James was dating one of the pharmacists at Knightsbridge Hospital, where he performed surgeries and checked on patients, and was increasingly neglecting Lily.
"Momma's sitting in her chair." Lily grabbed my hand and dragged me across the turf toward the far end of the marked-up and orange-coned field. "Momma brought chairs for you and Della." She suddenly halted and looked around. "Is Della coming? She's not here, and Momma said I get to meet her."
"Yes, Della will be here. She had to go somewhere else first."
"Della's coming. Della's coming," Lily sang, letting go of my hand and spinning in a circle. When she stopped, she wobbled for a few seconds, then pointed at a group of people. "There's Momma. She's talking to Becca's mom."
I spotted Ree sitting in her red chair with two vacant ones beside it. She was in an animated conversation with the short blonde woman standing next to her. A man stood behind the blonde, his eyes on the players being given a pep talk by an adult male I assumed was one of the coaches.
"Sweetie, is that man over there your coach?" I motioned to the gentleman in the jersey and ballcap, addressing the team.
"Uh-huh. That's Mr. Kennedy. He's Willow's dad."
"Why don't you join them? I'm going to sit with your mom."
"Okay." Lily sang to herself as she happily skipped away.
I approached Ree, gaining her and the woman's attention. Both halted their conversation. I hugged Ree and stepped back. "I hope I'm on time."
"You are. The game's about to start." Ree glanced behind me. "Where's Della? I thought she was coming with you."
"She'll be here in about twenty minutes. She had a dentist appointment scheduled for this morning."