Climbing the steps to the trailer, she opened the door, wanting the quiet.
She laid her helmet on the counter and walked around to the fridge for a bottle of water.
“You snuck off.”
Spinning around, River wanted to throw something at Riot for scaring her. “What are you doing here? You have interviews.”
“I needed to drop something off for you.”
“That’s sweet. What is it?”
“It can wait, I have those interviews to get back to.” Riot turned, leaving her standing dumbfounded in the trailer’s kitchen. As he left, he heard her scream, knowing she had found the little black box on the counter next to her helmet. Riot was ready for it when she burst through the door, leaping at him. He stumbled back a step as he caught her against his chest. She kissed him softly as tears swam in her pretty eyes.
“Is that a yes?” he asked her.
“Yes,” River answered between kisses.
Laurel Canyon, aka Vicky Brown, sat in a dingy grey common room in her one-size-fits-all orange jumpsuit with her inmate number stamped across the back. Her hair was slicked back from her face. She wore no makeup, which made her have a haggard appearance. She stared up at the ancient TV that hung on the wall.
She watched a race clip, a race clip of a race she knew well. It was one that had set things in motion eight years before.
The commentator came on, talking about the stats of an earlier superbike race. They moved to a new race clip about River Wile and D&T Racing. When the camera panned over the team, she saw a ring on River’s left hand.
“It seems things are really going River Wile’s way this season,” commented the news reporter.
Vicky Brown stood up, picked up the plastic chair she had been sitting in and threw it at the TV with a scream. Her tantrum didn’t last long as two female guards tased her, knocking her to the floor. All they could make out as she flopped around was one word: “RIVER.”