This was the start of a new chapter, a new life. Nobody interfering with her before races, no wonderingwhat if. It was a beautiful day. Her friends were by her side and she had a full team working with her to make this season great. Someone hollered from back at the pit, causing them to stop. When River glanced back, she saw Riot and the boys holding their hands up to say what the hell. She laughed as everyone told them to hustle up. Within minutes it was the entire D&T team. From the owner to the mechanics, they all began to walked the track. The conversation around River eased the butterflies. When the time came to sit on the line, she would be fueled by adrenaline as much as fear. You have to have a little fear to have respect. Without respect for the bike, the track, the other riders, you were doomed to hit the wall, bound across the pavement, or end up at the back of a pack being shut out by those that knew what it took to do it better.
“Hey, did y’all hire my umbrella guy?”
Archer busted out laughing. “I think we could get one of the new guys to do it.”
“Oh, you’re bad.”
“What gave me away?” He smiled, slapping her on the shoulder. “Let’s walk this track.”
River and Archer, along with the other two racers, went over every inch of the track, pointing out low dips on inside turns that could give them trouble. They looked at the distance between the track and the outside. They talked about issues they each had at different times on the track. Before they knew it, they had walked the track and worked through a ton of nerves. Stepping back in the pit with everyone, she noticed they were all looking at her. She almost asked what their deal was, but Riot gave her a look. Putting her hands on her hips, River told them, “Ride your own ride, no one else’s. You know what you’re capable of, you know your bikes. And damn it, I didn’t see anyone else walk that fucking track. That’s our track today.”
“Hell yes!”
“Fucking aye.”
“Damn right.”
They all shouted in unison. Hell fucking yes this was their track today. “Ben, what can we do to help get things set up?”
Ben waved them off, telling them they needed to relax and get ready for the race. Come race time it would be one hundred and twenty riders on the track blasting at 190 MPH. Every one of them trying to score the most points to start the season with. Even her teammates would become her rivals once they were on the track. No matter what, it was about D&T Racing and showing the racing world that they were in it all the way. Moving through the crowds, River made her way to her trailer to change clothes and run the track in her head. She always took the time to do so before each race.
River opened the door and hustled up the steps into the cool air. Riot standing in the living area startled her. “Riot, is everything okay?” He smiled at her.
“I’ve been thinking about your offer.”
Riot sounded serious. River closed the door behind her so they wouldn’t be disturbed while they talked. “Which one would that be?” She got a cocky smile.
“Moving in with you.”
“Are you saying yes.”
“I am.”
“What about work?”
“I can work from the ranch as long as I go into the office once a week. I’m thinking you can come with me.”
“I’m not staying in that crappy hotel room.” She grinned.
He grabbed her and pulled River to him. “We won’t be staying there.” Sliding his hand into her wild hair, he tangled it in his fist, forcing her head back so he could take possession of her mouth. He kissed her hard and long, making sure she knew she belonged to him. When he let her up for air, he stared into her eyes, reminding her it would be his rules—not hers—if they were going to move forward. River agreed without hesitation. He kissed her once more before leaving her to her pre-race rituals that he knew every racer had.
River almost fell off her bike when Riot walked out onto the track holding a golf umbrella with the racing brand on it. If he had been shirtless, it would have been better, but beggars shouldn’t be choosy. He talked to her about the track, her mindset, listened as she went over things about the bike. When she finally stopped talking and closed her eyes, Riot stayed quiet, holding that damn umbrella over her.
Putting her mind on the track, she started her internal process. Her nerves were in overdrive. The adrenaline rush wrapped around her followed by her heart accelerating. River tried to get the butterflies in her stomach under control. She watched the sun push the shade away as Riot and the others left the track.New season, new team, brand new life.
When the lights went, she hoped for a decent start. River wasn’t in a hurry to get out front. Today it was about finding her spot within a new team. She had laid awake, reminding herself not to be aggressive towards Archer—he was now her teammate and starting to be a friend. Looking ahead, she saw him look back at her. He pointed a gloved hand at her and she returned the acknowledgment.
Her mind went calm, the butterflies flew away as the lights went out and she twisted the throttle, shifting through the gears. The first few turns, she pushed into a forward spot, staying behind a few bikes as one bike lost it in the first turn hitting the infield. She had no time to even think about it; the next straightaway was in front of her. Clawing her way up into a better position, she leaned into the next curve, staying tight to it as she went in deep and low.
River rolled through turn nine, twisting the throttle. Then she felt it—the rear tire broke loose and the bike went into a wobble.Fuck.She relaxed her grip, relying on the bike to right itself. Her heart pounded in her ears until she felt the bike straighten and River gunned it.
At the end of the race she placed eighth, her teammates were scattered out on the charts. Archer had stuck with her throughout the race, coming in seconds before her. River slapped him on the back, congratulating him on a great run. Riot was there at the finish line, waiting on her just as he promised. Pulling into the pit area, she hopped off and let Ben and Dan know the bike ran great, all the while she watched for Riot to come in. She knew he would have a ton of interviews. D&T Racing was on the map now with superbikes. River looked at all the people hustling around, getting things done. She smiled as her teammates came in one at a time, laughing and talking in a commotion of chatter.This was what a team should be like.
A person could barely move through the crowd with all the excitement happening everywhere. A few reporters stopped her asking about how it felt to be on the D&T team. She answered professionally, knowing Riot would tan her ass if she stepped out of line. River waited for the interviews to change from the race and D&T to Laurel. Only one reporter tried, but River told him simply, “No comment.”
Looking around, it seemed chaotic with the team members, reporters, and sponsors. She wanted a few minutes to herself, so she backtracked, finding a clear path to where the trailers were parked. Mal would know where to find her after things calmed down. The season was off to a good start.