What upsets me most is how callous this woman is being, especially since she’s obviously been abused by Bennett, if not other men. Whatever happened to sister solidarity? When I was worried about me and the guys having sex without a condom, Cricket and Fee didn’t scold me or anything like that. No, they took me to the clinic so I could find out if I was pregnant and if I wasn’t, so I could get on birth control.That’swhat a woman should do for another woman; fix their crown and help them up if they’ve fallen.
Of course, I can’t be too harsh on her. She’s obviously endured much of the same treatment as I have, so maybe she’s just mentally checked out right now. All I know is this farce of a wedding cannot happen.Please hurry,I think as she zips the dress up, causing me to hiss out whenever she touches a sore spot.
“You won’t have your hair done or any make-up put on. Bennett doesn’t want you in all that stuff because no one’s going to see you with the exception of your parents, his parents, and the minister here to perform the wedding ceremony. He doesn’t give a shit what you look like and wants this done as soon as possible,” she tells me, her voice still in that monotone, robotic sounding thing she has going on.
Before I can respond, the door is opened and Bennett is standing in front of me. I didn’t notice him even step in the room as I try to formulate some kind of plan to get the fuck out of this situation I’ve been put in. Hell, the least he could’ve done was allow me to take a damn shower. I feel grimy, especially given the fact I was in a nasty, dirty basement.
“Don’t even fucking think about it,” Bennett growls out, hitting me in the stomach before I can protect myself.
“Fuck!” I cry out, doubling over in pain as fear courses through me.
Tears fall from my face as Bennett grabs my arm in his hand and tightens his grip as hard as he possibly can. I wince as my skin is pinched between his fingers and know more bruises are being added to my body as he drags me from the room. I’m led down the same hallway closer to the front of the house and desperately stare at the door in front of me. Bennett must realize where I’m looking as he jerks me again and shoves me into what appears to be a living room of some kind. It’s one of those formal rooms that never get used because the homeowners are pretentious assholes who wouldn’t dare to soil the furniture in a room made to spend time together in.
“Finally,” an older man growls out, his voice devoid of any emotion as he stares at where Bennett is dragging me further into the room. “Learn to control this bitch, Son. I’ll show you how it’s done if I must.”
“That’s not necessary, Father. She’ll listen moving forward,” Bennett states as if it’s already the conclusion of what I’ll do when it comes to any of this.
My eyes land on the minister and I see the pity and fear in his eyes.
“You know I’ve been kidnapped, right? I will never willingly marry this man so if you perform a wedding ceremony, I’m sure the cops will want to talk to you about your hand in this matter,” I tell the minister as his eyes widen just a fraction as he looks nervously around the room.
“Shut the fuck up!” Bennett growls out, backhanding me as he stops us in front of the minister. “Get the ceremony done and over with. I want you out of my father’s house as soon as possible.”
As I’m held by Bennett, the minister starts the ceremony. Every time he looks at me I offer one objection after another and get ignored every single time. No one is listening to me and it’s not a surprise if I’m being honest. The women in the room, our mothers, are fucking cowering under the scrutiny of their husbands. Our fathers are glaring at me for every outburst I give. Bennett never listens to me and the minister can’t do anything. His hands are tied and there’s nothing I can do to get myself out of this situation as my fate seals with every single word the minister speaks and my heart shatters in my chest as I realize I’m being ripped away from Jayce and Gavin by a man who truly wants nothing to do with me. This is my new life and I will never get away from Bennett and this house of horrors.
Chapter Thirteen
EVERYONE IS FINALLY here and we’re ready to head inside the fucking mansion to get our girl back. Soul and I have been separated. Goliath is with me and Soul is with Country. We’ll all be going through the front door of the mansion once the guards are taken out, but we can’t work together. If something happens, no one wants Brooklyn left alone. They still don’t know she’s pregnant, but the guys don’t need to know right now. Everyone here will protect her with their lives regardless of her being pregnant or not. Brooklyn is our woman and everyone in Odin’s Gap knows it. No one needs to see the three of us together to realize Soul and I will be claiming her as soon as we possibly can.
Nova and Scorch set up somewhere they can get a clean shot on the two guards on the roof of the ostentatious mansion. They listen for Anguish to give them the countdown as the rest of the guys get into place. We want all of the guards taken out at the same time because it will create less chaos and no one will be able to alert anyone inside. We still don’t know how many guards are inside the mansion and will have to deal with them once we get through the door. From our position outside the front gate, I watch on as every guard is taken out in one way or another. The only part of this shit I can’t stand is that the guards on the roof aren’t being killed. They’re being tranquilized with darts Scorch will fire off at them so Darren can take them to jail with everyone else in this fucking house.
I watch on as each guard hits the ground while waiting for the call from Anguish to break through the gate so we can get the fuck to Brooklyn. Soul and I need to lay eyes on our girl and make sure she’s okay. Not only because of her, but because of our child as well. Soul and I don’t give a fuck who’s baby she’s carrying. The three of us will raise him or her together and we won’t ever do one of those DNA tests to figure out who the baby belongs to. As long as Brooklyn is on board with us not knowing, Soul and I couldn’t care less about being the biological father to the children Brooklyn gives us.
“On my count,” Anguish finally states as the last of the guards fall to the ground.
Shaking my head to clear all thoughts from my mind, we make our way through the gate after Goliath disables the electronic pad on the pillar just before you enter. The doors swing open soundlessly as we push through them and make our way up the driveway. There’s no point in hiding where we are because none of the guards inside the house look out the windows or even walk by them. While Bennett and his father are cocky and narcissistic enough to make the dumbest fucking mistakes and leave paper trails they aren’t even aware of, I don’t believe Bennett’s father is stupid enough not to have guards inside the house with him.
We finally get to the front door and step aside as Anguish holds out the battering ram he’s been dying to use. He slams it into the front doors and both of them open wide, almost falling off the hinges. I hear the screams coming from inside the house already and let the sinister smile cover my face as we race inside and head straight for the screams. The room we enter is one of those fancy as fuck sitting rooms where no one ever actually sits in the place. My eyes roam over the overpriced, nasty looking furniture until I get to where Brooklyn is standing with Bennett in front of a minister.
“I now . . .,” I listen as the minister says, his words faltering when Bennett pushes him aside and pulls Brooklyn in front of him.
He’s using our girl as a fucking shield as if we won’t get to him. I take several steps forward and only come to a stop when Bennett brings his one arm in front of my woman’s body and holds a gun to her head. A sinister smile covers his face as he believes he’s won. Bennett hasn’t won a fucking thing as I take in Nova and Scorch peering through doors leading into this room from the backyard.
“Minister, I suggest you stop speakin’. This woman isn’t marryin’ an abusive piece of shit against her will. You sit tight and let us deal with this asshole before we make sure you get out of here in one piece,” I tell the minister as he looks at me with fear in his eyes. After a quick, subtle nod of his head, he steps back and tries to become invisible in the room.
Anguish, Country, Soul, and Riot line up behind the other people in the room as I stare down Bennett. I don’t let myself look at Brooklyn because if I do, I know I’ll lose my shit. She’s been with this cocksucker and we all know he’ll want to punish her after she had the balls to leave him and take back her life into her own hands. Soul and I haven’t voiced our concern or fears about what’s been done to her because we refuse to make it real when we can’t do anything about it. Right now, I need to keep Bennett distracted as Nova and Scorch sneak in the doors behind him.
Country notices what’s going on and tells Anguish to get them out of the room to the hallway so I’m not distracted when everything is going on. Anguish realizes the need to get the other four fuckers out of here and removes them from the room. I don’t move or say anything else until Soul and Country re-enter the room and stand at my side with Goliath.
“You won’t win, biker bitches. I’ve got Brooklyn in my arms, we’re basically already married, and if you take one more step near me, I’ll fucking pull the trigger and blow her brains all over this room. My mom will have a reason to redecorate the room as she’s wanted to for years now,” Bennett says, his voice full of that elitist attitude I’ve seen from millions of guys like him all over the world.
“Really? You think the men who came with us have already entered this room? That there’s no one else here with us? I can tell you right fuckin’ now that there are multiple cop cars linin’ your driveway as we speak. All evidence of your crimes and the crimes of your father have been presented to them and they’re just waitin’ for us to get Brooklyn out of here and away from your fuckin’ ass,” I inform Bennett as his eyes fill with shock and fear for a split second before he puts his blank mask back in place.
“You’re not fucking taking me anywhere. Nowhere in this scenario do you win. You’re nothing more than biker scum and don’t deserve to have a slut like Brooklyn. She’s less than fucking trailer trash and I won’t let her go. If you think of coming any closer to me, I’ll fucking make you watch me shoot her in the head as I’ve already stated. Now, I suggest you get out of my father’s home and let us finish this wedding ceremony so our plans can move forward,” Bennett states as Nova and Scorch slip in the house undetected and get right up behind Bennett.
He's so fucking arrogant, he doesn’t even notice someone is behind him. His entire focus is on Soul and me with the fucked up smirk he has on his face. With a subtle nod of my head, Scorch grabs Bennett while Nova takes the gun from him. Bennett’s face turns purple in rage as Brooklyn is released from his hold. Soul and I rush to her side and catch her before she can fall in a heap on the floor at Bennett’s feet. When he goes to kick out at her, Nova steps in and stops him by grabbing his leg and keeping him off-balance.