“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Bennett screams out as Brooklyn starts sobbing in our arms while Soul and I hold her close.
Reluctantly, I hand her over to Soul and step up in Bennett’s face.
“You were never gonna win, Bennett. Brooklyn is too fuckin’ good for you and way more than the trailer trash you claim her to be. She’s lovin’, full of spirit, and findin’ who she is as a person while no one holds her back. We don’t put her down and treat her like a piece of shit and beat the hell out of her because we’re not man enough to handle a woman with her own mind and opinions on things. You’re nothin’ but a little bitch and your reign of terror has come to a fuckin’ end,” I promise Bennett as I turn my attention to Soul and Brooklyn.
Walking back over to them, I take our girl in my arms and watch as my best friend gets a smirk on his face. The only time Soul ever smirks the way he currently is, is when he’s got some kind of plan in mind and I continue to watch as he drops to his knee in front of Brooklyn.
“Love, you’ve been through hell and back. We got here as fast as we could to bring you back home. Wheels and I love you so fuckin’ much and want to spend the rest of our lives with you. You’re carryin’ our baby and we want to raise him or her as a family. With you, we’ve both found a sense of peace and calm that we’ve never experienced before. I know this is really fast, but that’s okay. Wheels and I aren’t goin’ anywhere. You’re our person and we knew that the night you walked in to Cricket’s after runnin’ from the piece of shit behind you. I want to marry you here today with our brothers present. We can have a larger weddin’ that you take your time plannin’ once all of this bullshit is over with. Will you marry us, Brooklyn?” Soul asks, a tender edge to his voice I only hear when he’s talking to Brooklyn, Nanny, or the kids of the club.
“Yes,” Brooklyn says, tears running down her face as I notice the bruises on her face and neck for the first time.
“I love you, Little Warrior. We’ll get married right now and force this sick fuck to watch you voluntarily marry men you know love you and want you for who you are and not for what you can bring to our operation or whatever the fuck he has goin’ on here. We want you at our side for the rest of our lives and will spend our days lovin’ you and makin’ sure you know you’re the center of our world. Together we’ll build an unbreakable bond and make our family one of the strongest ones you’ve ever been a part of. Our children will never know the pain we’ve endured at the hands of our own parents. Well at least when it comes to you and Soul,” I add in as Bennett struggles to get away from Scorch and Nova as they laugh and know exactly what the hell we’re doing right now.
“Anguish, bring everyone else back in here. We’ve got the stupid fuck away from Brooklyn and it appears we’re gonna have a weddin’,” Scorch calls out, his voice full of laughter as Anguish and everyone else find their way back into the room while Soul turns to the minister that was brought in to marry Brooklyn against her will.
“You’re an ordained minister? The weddin’ will be legit?” Soul questions the man as he looks around the room, trying to figure out what the fuck is going on around him.
“Yes. My church is in the middle of town and I was forced to come here against my will. Much like your fiancée was forced to marry this vile excuse for a human. The ceremony was not complete so she’s free to marry the man of her choice,” the minister answers my best friend as Brooklyn wavers in my arms.
“Just a little bit longer, Little Warrior. Let’s get married and then we’ll get you to the hospital to get checked out,” I promise her as we step up in front of the minister.
“You can’t fucking do this!” Bennett screams out, his voice so high I feel dogs are about to surround the mansion in their attempt to get to the thing screaming the way he is. “Brooklyn will be mine! She’s nothing more than a slut for you. Minister, if you perform this ceremony, I will guarantee that your church is burned down and you’ll be inside when it happens.”
“No, you won’t. You’re gonna end up as someone’s bitch in prison and you won’t be allowed access to the outside world. The only time you’ll be around another person is when your ass is bein’ railed while you scream out in pain,” I promise Bennett as Soul and I stand to one side of Brooklyn and the minister smiles at the three of us.
“What the hell is going on in my house?” Mr. Conklin asks, confusion filling his face as he tries to figure out the mess in front of him.
“That’s an easy answer,” Anguish begins, slapping the asshole’s cheek so hard he flinches from the touch. “My men are claimin’ their woman and gettin’ married today. Your son is a fuckin’ loser and couldn’t seal the deal. All of you will be goin’ to jail for the various crimes you’ve committed over the years and you won’t see the light of day as a free man again. Your dreams of higher positions of power will not come to fruition.”
When Mr. Conklin goes to respond, Anguish covers his fucking mouth with his hand and shakes his head. Goliath steps up to the other side of him and it shuts the fucker up because Goliath is an intimidating man and Conklin doesn’t want to tangle with him. I can’t blame him at all.
“Sir, if you could go through the ceremony as fast as possible, I’d appreciate it. We need to get our soon-to-be wife to the hospital to make sure our baby and her are okay,” I tell the minister as he nods his head in response.
The minister goes through the ceremony as I watch Brooklyn and Soul get married. I stand by my best friend as they repeat the vows and pull the rings from my pocket. We bought an engagement set shortly after Brooklyn moved into the cabin and have been holding onto them ever since. The second their ceremony is over with, I change places with Soul and go through a commitment ceremony with our girl. It was no decision for Soul to be the one to marry Brooklyn while I committed myself to her. My best friend deserves to have a wife in name even though she’ll have both of our last names. When the minister is done talking, Soul and I kiss our woman and slide the three rings on her finger. One is her engagement ring, a wedding band from Soul, and a band from me so we’re both represented. Soul and I don’t have rings yet, but we’ll have them once we know our woman is safe and there’s nothing wrong with our baby.
“Let’s get the fuck out of here,” Anguish says once we’re done.
I turn to face Bennett who’s all but passed out from the way Scorch is holding him. His face is purple as Scorch and Nova shove him from the room in front of us. None of these fuckers will be behind Brooklyn so she has to look over her shoulder to find out where they are in aspect to herself. She’s done that enough and it ends right this second. All five of the assholes who have treated her so horribly are led out to the waiting police force with Darren standing in front of everyone. We hand them over and know this won’t be the last time we see them. Brooklyn will have to testify against them and we’ll be right at her side while she does.
After exchanging a few words with Darren and the lead officer from Dobber’s Cove, we all head out. Scorch tosses us the keys to the one of the SUVs they arrived in because Brooklyn can’t go on either one of our bikes right now. Especially when we don’t know what damage has been done to her. We’ll find out soon as Soul pulls out his phone to let Nanny, Cricket, and Fee know we’ve got her and are heading to the hospital. They tell him they’re packing her a bag of clothes and will meet us there. Soul is in the backseat with Brooklyn in his arms as she cries and buries her head in his chest. I keep my eyes on the road while glancing at them every few seconds. I’m afraid if I take my eyes off of her for too long, I’ll wake up and this will all be a dream.
Chapter Fourteen
GETTING MARRIED WASN’T in the plans for today. Even knowing the minister was here, proposing and marrying Brooklyn wasn’t a well thought out plan, but it’s not anything I regret happening at all. I do love Brooklyn with every piece of my soul and know this isn’t some short-term fling between the three of us. Wheels is just as in love with our wife as I am. She might not have married him, but she’s his wife regardless of what anyone thinks or feels about the situation. This is right in our mind and hearts as we continue to build our life with Brooklyn. As long as she’s happy, that’s all that matters to either one of us.
“We’re almost to the hospital, Love,” I whisper to Brooklyn who hasn’t moved since we got in the SUV.
“Thank you, Gavin. I love you both so much and it scares the hell out of me. But, I want to go on this journey with you and I don’t regret marrying you even if others feel it’s too fast,” she says, her voice still tinged with the tears that won’t stop falling from her gorgeous eyes.
“Why are you thankin’ me, Love?” I ask her, using my finger to tilt her head up so she’s looking at me when she answers.
“You’re both always saving me. There wasn’t a single ounce of doubt about you coming for me when I was locked in the cage. I knew you and Jayce would burn the world down on your way to get to me,” she says, her voice small and weak once again after being held for hours by Bennett.
“You don’t ever have to thank us for comin’ to get you,” Jayce states from the driver’s seat as he looks in the rearview mirror at us. “We love you and there was never a doubt about us comin’ for you.”
“How’s Theo?” Brooklyn suddenly asks, her lip trembling as she thinks of the Prospect.