Page 17 of Her Saviors

The officer in question pulls out his handcuffs and places them around Goliath’s wrists. Goliath doesn’t fight being detained as he watches no other officer go near his children. Scorch and Anguish both lose their shit and jump off the floor of the common room when other officers put hands on their children and Robynn. Robynn does everything in her power to protect her children from the officers as she struggles against the hold an officer has on her.

“You’re seriously going to use excessive force to push children who are barely a year old onto the ground? Who the fuck do you think you are? You come in here without a warrant or probable cause and create a fucking shitstorm for no reason. Now you want to add manhandling a toddler to your list of crimes here today? Are you fucking kidding me?” Robynn yells out, knowing everything is being recorded by the cameras we have all over the clubhouse.

I look around the room for Soul as Scorch, Robynn, and Anguish are placed in handcuffs and shoved back to the floor once again. Robynn lets out a scream as her shoulder hits the floor and we all hear something crack. Anguish jumps off the floor as if he’s not in handcuffs and I know everyone is in for a fucking ass chewing right now.

“Are you fuckin’ serious? Get your hands the fuck off my wife and step away from her. If you don’t, I’ll beat your ass with no hands and nothin’ will fuckin’ happen to me,” Anguish roars out above the sound of his wife crying while Nanny and Tracy try to move closer to her. “This shit is done. Someone without handcuffs on call in Darren and get him the fuck here right now.”

“If I watch anyone pull out a phone, you’ll all be under arrest and these little fuckin’ brats will go into the custody of Child Protection Services,” the officer that’s taken the lead says, trying to force his voice to go hard like he’s some kind of bad ass.

With most of the kids crying because they don’t know what’s going on, as well as the women, the chaos is giving me a headache. First, though, I need to figure out what the hell’s going on and what caused this shitshow to occur. After hearing Anguish mention calling Darren, I look around and notice he’s not here. I pull out my phone and call him as several officers walk from the hallway, their hands empty and scowls on their faces as they look around the common room. I quickly tell Darren what’s going on here and hang up while staring the other officer down.

“You’re gonna pay for making that phone call,” the officer states with a glare in my direction.

“I don’t believe I will be. Darren outranks you and we both know that. He’ll be here in a few minutes and then we’ll see who ends up in handcuffs and who remains free. You have no reason to be here and the cops tossin’ the clubhouse for no reason have obviously found no reason to be here since they’re all walkin’ back in here with empty hands. I suggest you fuckin’ stop while you’re ahead and shut the fuck up,” I state while returning the glare to the officer and noticing Soul slowly inching his way to my side.

As I finish speaking, the door of the clubhouse opens once again and Darren steps inside. Every officer stands up straight while looking at Darren as he takes in the scene before him.

“What the fuck is goin’ on here?” he growls out, his voice louder than normal so he’s heard over the kids crying and screaming.

“I got a call about guns and drugs in this clubhouse and came out to apprehend the guilty parties,” the officer that’s been leading this clusterfuck states, standing with his head held high as if he’s in the right.

“You got a call about drugs and guns bein’ in the clubhouse and thought you’d come here, barge in, and not get a warrant? Everythin’ you’ve done here today is against the law and conduct of our office. I don’t know what the fuck your problem is, Hanson, but you’re done. This is your last fuck-up and I’m goin’ straight to the top with this shit,” Darren informs him as I watch Hanson lose the cockiness he had a few seconds ago as his face pales with the promise from Darren.

“You can add in that he put his hands on Nanny and Robynn. Robynn needs to go to the fuckin’ hospital to get checked out now because we all heard somethin’ crack when he shoved her to the fuckin’ floor,” Anguish yells, startling the kids once again. “And those stupid fucks behind the kids were followin’ his lead and put their hands on our children. They pushed them to the fuckin’ floor so every kid will also be goin’ to the hospital to be examined. Your fuckin’ department will pay for every fuckin’ one of them bein’ seen and that’s just the beginnin’. I will sue him and every fuckin’ person in on this bullshit raid. Do you fuckin’ understand me, Darren? This is too fuckin’ far and our kids are gonna have nightmares about this fuckin’ shit.”

“I hear ya, Anguish. I’ll alert the captain and make sure he knows what’s comin’ his way. Hanson, remove the fuckin’ handcuffs from the men and get out to your fuckin’ car. Now!” Darren orders him as Hanson goes to protest. “If one of them hit you when you release them, I’ll make sure everyone knows I didn’t see a fuckin’ thing. You put yourself into this position and I’m not gonna get you out of it. You’re a drain on the department and I refuse to allow anyone to cover for you any longer. Hulk, why don’t you pull the security footage when you’re free so I can show it to my captain as evidence against everyone here today?”

“There aren’t any cameras in here,” Hanson says, his face paling even more as he looks around the room.

“Yeah, there are,” Hulk speaks up. “In this room alone there are at least ten to fifteen cameras and they all have audio on them. Every move you’ve made and every word you’ve said has been caught and recorded. We’ll have our own copy to give to our lawyer. And that’s shitty for you because we aren’t people who sue others for any reason. We prefer to let karma work its magic and get you back. In your case, we’re gonna take every fuckin’ thing you own and hold dear to you.”

The officers quickly work to release everyone in handcuffs. Not a single person touches Hanson as he races from the clubhouse as if his ass is on fire.

“Bet he pisses himself before he gets to his car,” Nova says from the side of me as a few guys start laughing quietly.

Darren makes his way over and talks to Anguish for a few minutes before he rushes everyone else from the clubhouse and he leaves with the recording from Hulk in hand. Today has turned to shit quickly as Anguish takes his wife and children out to one of the SUVs after ordering everyone staying behind to clean up any messes made. Goliath and Scorch also leave with their kids and Hulk takes Nanny as they all head to the hospital.

Hours have passed by since Darren showed up and got rid of the stupid fucks who thought it would be a good day to break the law to try and get ahead in their career. Or they’re just stupid as hell and wanted to try to pull something over on the club when we have nothing to hide from anyone. If Hanson or any of the other officers had thought to ask to look around, Anguish would’ve let them look in every room we have here. Instead they chose to fuck around and now they’re gonna cost the town of Odin’s Gap due to their stupidity.

I haven’t heard from Brooklyn and neither has Soul. We’ve both sent her a few messages and there’s been no response. She doesn’t always remember her phone and it wouldn’t surprise me to learn she’s left it in the cup holder of the club’s SUV she used today. Still, a feeling settles deep in my gut telling me something is very wrong right now. Looking at my best friend, I can tell by the look in his eyes he’s feeling the same thing.

I go to get up from the table I’ve just sat down at when the door of the clubhouse slams open. We all turn to face who’s entering as Cricket and Fee make an appearance. Their eyes frantically search the common room as the guys step up behind them.

“Where the fuck is she?” Cricket growls, still looking around the common room. “And where the fuck is Theo?”

“What are you talkin’ about, Cricket? Brooklyn was meetin’ the two of you at the bar and has been there since gettin’ done helpin’ Nanny as far as we all know,” I ask her, fear starting to fill me as the gut feeling gets even worse than it was a few seconds ago.

“She never fucking showed up. We worked and waited all day for her. Then I got the call from Goliath and we went to the hospital to be there for our babies. Where the fuck is Brooklyn, Wheels?”

“Fuck!” I roar, slamming the chair I just got out of against the floor so hard it shatters in my hands.

“He’s fuckin’ got her. That’s why there was a random call about guns and drugs in the clubhouse today. Bennett made his fuckin’ move and took our girl,” Soul adds in, turning and grabbing everything he can get his hands on as he begins destroying the common room, growling and roaring out his pain and anger.

“We don’t know anythin’ yet,” Anguish says, walking in with two of his kids’ car seats in his hand while Robynn follows with her arm in a sling. “Everyone who can, ride out searchin’ for any sign of Theo and Brooklyn. Call me as soon as you find anythin’.”

I move to Soul and wrap my arms around him so he stops trashing everything. No one says a word to him as Nanny walks up to us and wraps her arms around us in comfort. Soul immediately stops moving and lets our adopted Nanny hold him while he tries to hold in all the pain and anguish he’s currently feeling. The three of us remain silent as everyone else leaves the common room to go out searching or to get their children settled in for the night. None of them head to their home, preferring to stay here tonight for some reason. As I quickly look at the children, none of them appear as if today’s events are affecting them at all and I’m happy about that. We don’t want them scared of being in the clubhouse for any reason.

Chapter Eleven