I’m led to a fucking SUV with heavily tinted windows and I know deep in my gut when the door opens I’ll find Bennett inside waiting for me. This time I don’t feel fear or anything else that I’d normally have flooding my body from an encounter with him. Right now, I want to punch him directly in his smug face and watch as his blood flows. No one has ever dared to put their hands on him because they’re too afraid of his father and all of the empty threats Bennett likes to toss around when he’s not getting his way.
“I’d say it’s good to see you, Brooklyn,” Bennett’s voice washes over me as I’m shoved roughly into the back of the vehicle. “But I’d be lying because I know you’ve become the whore you always were with that biker gang.”
“It’s never good to see you, Bennett. If I could go the rest of my life without ever seeing your ugly ass face or hearing your nasty as fuck voice again, I would gladly run away every single time I saw you close to me. And they aren’t a biker gang. It’s a motorcycle club. Don’t you know anything?” I ask him, all of the hate and guilt I harbor for never standing up for myself previously filling my voice as I glare at the asshat in front of me.
“I thought you said she was weak and pathetic? That she’s easily manipulated and believes every word you say?” another man asks and I snap my head in his direction to find Bennett’s father sitting next to him, brushing imaginary lint from his suit jacket without even looking in my direction.
“I’m not a mindless fucking zombie like you’ve made your wife,” I bite out, not giving a fuck what this idiot thinks he’ll do to me. He’s the reason Bennett is the way he is, a malicious, malevolent person who only cares about himself. I’d go as far as to say both of them are textbook narcissists based on my experiences with Bennett. They only care about themselves, no one else.
“No. You’re a loud mouth bitch who doesn’t know her place in the world,” he returns, his voice cold and angry as he turns his glare to me while Bennett smirks in my direction. “I don’t want to hear her voice again. Knock her the fuck out.”
Before I can utter another word, something sharp pricks me in the neck and I know I’m being drugged. Fear for my baby and what’s going to be done to me overrule everything as I try to fight against the pull of the drugs dragging me under to an oblivion that won’t lead me any place good. Bennett’s laughter is the last thing I hear before everything fades to nothing.
I’m groggy as fuck and my head is pounding as I try to pry my eyes open. It takes me several minutes to remember what happened. The crash. Theo flying through the air. Being taken from the wrecked SUV by a man and delivered to Bennett and his father. The last thing I remember is being drugged because Bennett’s father demanded it. Opening my eyes, I try to figure out where I am, but the room is pitch black. I can’t see a foot in front of my face and fear fucking consumes me as I begin shaking so hard my teeth rattle and smash together. No! If there’s one thing I’m completely afraid of, it’s being in an unknown place in complete darkness.
When Bennett and I first started dating, he took me out one night. We went up to some look-out point in Dobber’s Cove. Surrounded by the forest and no city lights to illuminate the area, Bennett forced me to play some fucked-up version of hide and seek. I had to go in the forest alone and hide while he counted and then came to find me. I didn’t stray too far from the beginning of the forest until he was close to finding me. Bennett chased me through the forest until I got lost and had no clue where I was. The entire time he taunted me and threatened to leave me out there alone all night long. When he finally captured me, I was thrown over his shoulder as he yelled and bitched about me crying and screaming for help. Instead of comforting me or anything, he only made the situation worse with his yelling and demands that I shut up. Since I couldn’t calm myself down, Bennett threw me in the trunk of his car and refused to let me out no matter how hard I pounded on the inside of the trunk. That was the night I became terrified of the dark, especially when I’m around Bennett.
I run my hands down my body and realize I’m completely naked. My body is covered in goosebumps and I wonder what’s been done to me while I was knocked out since I’m now naked and can’t see if anyone else is in the room with me. I’m not about to call out for anyone either. The last thing I want to do is draw attention to myself. The only thing I have on me from when I left the cabin are the earrings that Hulk gave Gavin and Jayce to give me. Knowing they’re still in my ears means there’s no doubt in my mind that they’ll come for me. My guys will know exactly where I am and won’t leave me here for very long.
The worst part about this, besides being surrounded by darkness, is the disorientation. I have no clue how much time has passed or where I am. Being knocked out, I don’t have the first clue where I’ve been taken. I could be near Odin’s Gap still or very far away from my hometown. Since I also don’t have a clue how much time has passed since I’ve been taken, I realize I could have been locked in the dark for a few hours or for days. Maybe even weeks if they kept me drugged. I let the darkness consume me as I sink back into a panic induced oblivion. This is just a setback and I will get through this is the last thought I have before more images of my guys flash in my mind on a loop.
Chapter Ten
BEFORE GOING TO work, we had to head out to the police station. Everyone in the club went and Fetch came along with us. He drove the tow truck to bring Brooklyn’s SUV back to Baker’s so we could finally start fixing it and make sure she’d be able to drive it once again without worrying about Bennett having someone do something to ruin it for her once again. I want to make sure everything is perfect for her and Anguish is helping me work on it. Together, we’ll make sure nothing happens to her while she’s behind the wheel because she’s carrying precious cargo now and Soul and I want her to have her freedom but be safe while doing it.
Darren wasn’t able to lift any fingerprints from anywhere on the SUV that didn’t belong to any of us in the club. Whoever is fucking with the SUV knows what the hell they’re doing and aren’t making any mistakes. Even remaining faceless despite the numerous cameras we have set up around the parking area of the night club. There’s no prints on the piece of knife Darren’s guys pulled from the tire either. I don’t know what the fuck is going on, but we’ll have to figure out how to find this fucker a different way. Hulk is going to go through Bennett’s accounts along with his father’s to see if he can figure out who’s been getting large sums of money recently to pull a job like this. Hopefully he can figure something out because I’m done playing games when it comes to our girl.
Today Brooklyn will be going to Cricket’s when she gets done helping Nanny with the chickens. They’re getting ready for Fee’s baby shower and wanted to have it at the bar instead of the clubhouse. Their reasoning is that Anguish always bitches when they decorate the common room in all of their girly shit so if they have it at Cricket’s they can do whatever they please because it’s her bar and no one can complain about a damn thing. It also works out perfectly because the bar is closed to the public today so they can hang out and party as long as they want while keeping the doors locked.
Brooklyn was so excited to be included in their plans. For the first time she feels as if she’s really got friends who aren’t hanging out with her simply to gain something. Soul and I could see and feel the excitement pouring off of her and there was no way we could turn her down and force her to stay home just to keep her safe and protected because that’s what’s been ingrained in us for years. So, even though Anguish pulled Fetch in to help us at the last minute, Theo can go with her to the bar and make sure she gets there safe and sound. I have all the faith in the world in him and know he’ll give his life to protect her and our unborn child. Even if he doesn’t know anything about the baby she’s carrying.
After working all day long on the SUV, there’s still a few things I want to do to it before I’ll let her have it back. Anguish and I are adding some things like bulletproof windows, our own tracking device on the vehicle that will not only alert us to her location, but will tell us if any damage has been done to the vehicle in any capacity. If Brooklyn gets in an accident, everyone in the club will receive an alert to their phones so we can get to her immediately. Anguish wants one installed on every vehicle the club owns along with the vehicles of every ol’ lady in the club. It’s just one more way we can protect them from anything happening when we’re not with them.
Once I’ve locked the shop up since I’m the last one to leave, I walk to my bike and straddle it, turning my hat so it’s backward and putting on my helmet. When I first started wearing my hat under my helmet, it was so uncomfortable, but I quickly got used to it and now it’s second nature to me. I rarely take my hat off unless I’m in the cabin with Brooklyn. Once I’m ready to head out, I start my bike and take off from Baker’s. It’s not too far from the clubhouse and I enjoy the short ride, wondering if I should head for the clubhouse first or if I should go to Cricket’s so I can check on my girl and make sure she’s okay. Cricket and Fee know she’s pregnant and won’t let her do anything that will put her or the baby at risk. I trust them and Brooklyn to know what she’s doing and take every single precaution necessary.
So, knowing I trust Brooklyn, I shake my head and go for the clubhouse. The gate is already open when I pull up and confusion fills me. Since Brooklyn’s been here and we don’t know what’s going on with Bennett, the gate is closed and monitored twenty-four hours a day. It doesn’t take more than a few seconds before I figure out why the gate is open and why none of our Prospects are at the gate to monitor who comes and goes from the compound.
Our parking lot is filled with police cars parked haphazardly with their doors still open as if the officers driving them raced from their vehicles and into the clubhouse. I quickly park my bike and race to the front door of the clubhouse, yanking it open to find complete chaos going on inside. Men, women, and children are all over the place. The kids are all crying as Robynn, Nanny, Autumn, and Tracy try to calm them all down. My brothers from the club are forming a wall between the cops and their women and kids. They aren’t taking any chances with their women and kids as the cops pull their weapons and face me as I rush into the common room.
“What the fuck is goin’ on here?” I bark out, my voice ragged from the adrenaline coursing through me right now.
“Get inside and on the floor. You’re all done doing whatever the hell you want,” one of the officers states, stepping forward and pointing his gun directly at my head. “Everyone. On. The. Floor. Now.”
We all get on the floor while the women and kids remain close to the couches as they continue trying to comfort them.
“I said on the fucking floor now! No one is exempt from this order. All women and kids on the fucking floor!” the same officer yells out, his face turning red as he marches over to where they stand with three other officers at his side.
We all watch on as he grabs Nanny by her shoulder and forces her to the floor harshly. Her body makes a loud thumping noise that echoes around the common room as the other officers put their hands on the women and kids.
“You touch my fucking kids and I’ll gut you where you stand!” Goliath promises the officer making his way closer to Dillon and Briar. “It’s bad enough you just pushed my fuckin’ Nanny to the floor and risked hurtin’ her. I will be makin’ sure she gets taken to the hospital and if she has a single bruise on her body, you’ll be losin’ your fuckin’ job. Touch my kids and I won’t be held accountable for the actions you force me to take.”
Hulk adds to Goliath’s statement, saying, “Whatever the fuck you think we’re doin’, I can promise you’ve been misled. I’m thinkin’ we’ve got a case for police brutality especially since you’re fuckin’ with women and children, asshole.”
“Are you threatenin’ an officer of the law?” the entitled officer asks, getting in Goliath’s face and ignoring Hulk as if he’s a tough guy.
“I’m not threatenin’ anyone, fuckface. It’s a fuckin’ promise that if you touch my kids, I’ll fuckin’ gut you where you stand and not think twice,” Goliath states, a smirk on his face because he doesn’t give a fuck what happens to him when it comes to protecting his children and Cricket.