Page 15 of Her Saviors

“The only reason I’m not sure about this pregnancy is because of Bennett and my family. They’ll do anything to hurt me and we all know that. You guys are doing everything in your power to keep me safe, but that’s not enough anymore. We have to think of the baby and what any scenario they might put me in will cause. I don’t want anyone to know yet. Cricket and Ophelia know, but they’ve promised to keep it a secret. The less people who know, the longer we’ll be able to keep this secret and we won’t have to worry as much about that asshole and my parents finding out,” she says, the tears slowing down but not stopping all the way yet.

“Okay. We’ll keep it between the three of us for now. Ask Cricket and Fee who they use and make an appointment with them. We need to get you to the doctor soon, Love. Why don’t we go to the cabin and you can take a nap while Wheels and I make dinner?” I ask her, knowing she’d rather be in her bed instead of this couch.

“That sounds good. I already can’t keep my eyes open,” she says, a large yawn emerging that she doesn’t bother trying to stop.

Wheels and I stand up and I watch as my best friend lifts our girl into his arms. He carries her from the clubhouse and out to his truck that’s been pulled out of the barn where we store our vehicles until we move into our homes farther back on the property. No one stops us to talk or gets in our way as we head to the cabin and walk in to put Brooklyn to bed. When we’re cooking maybe Wheels and I can talk about things so we’re on the same page and can be there as much as possible for our girl and baby. Fuck! Brooklyn’s pregnant and that’s not what I was expecting to hear today. Though I’m not upset about the news. We’ll see what happens moving forward and take it a day at a time.

Chapter Nine


CRICKET AND OPHELIA need help at Cricket’s today. They’re having Ophelia’s baby shower at the bar instead of the clubhouse for some reason and want to get it all decorated before anyone shows up. Jayce and Gavin know I’m going to help. They have something to do for the club and won’t be around today to follow me to the bar, but Theo’s here for me. Fetch is supposed to go with us for a second person, but he’s unavailable. I guess the guys called him in at the last minute to go help them and so it’s just going to be Theo and myself going to Cricket’s. It’s okay. I’m confident that we’ll make it there without anything happening because it’s only a few minutes to get from the compound to the bar and no one knows where I’ll be since I don’t have my SUV back yet.

Darren is still going through the vehicle Jayce and Gavin got me and it breaks my heart because I feel as if they tried to do something really special for me and I can’t keep it because of Bennett and his obsessive need to have me in his life once again. I’m nothing to Bennett except a possession because he craves owning everything and everyone in his life. Since I ran away from him, heneedsto get me back and prove that I’m something else for him to own and destroy as he does with everything else in his life. He’s taken everything from me over the last two years and continues to try and destroy my life any way he can. I’ve grown to loathe him and everything he represents, especially since I’ve come to learn more about who I am as a person. Jayce and Gavin are truly two of the best men I’ve ever known. Even when I get into my head about something, they’re patient and compassionate. They don’t push me to get answers and wait on me to process whatever is going on in my head.

I’ve already helped Nanny this morning with the chickens. The little chicks I found and brought her are thriving in the coop and she’s slowly starting to mix them with her other chickens. This morning we let them all mingle together while keeping a close eye on them as Nora and Tracy even came over to watch what we were doing. I’ve heard a little bit about Tracy’s story and to see her thrive in this new environment and be such an amazing mom is one of the best things I’ve ever witnessed in my life. Tracy has overcome so much and learned to lean on the men and women of this club. Nanny checks in with her daily and I know Autumn also spends time with her a few times a week. Today is really the first time I’m getting to be around her and she’s so damn smart and funny as she talks to her daughter about what’s going on in the coop.

“Who’s going to the bar with you?” Nanny asks me as we leave the coop and I hesitate as she locks the door behind us.

“Theo’s going to take me. No one else is around to follow me and I promised the girls I’d be there to help them. We’ll be careful and it only takes a few minutes to get there. As soon as we pull in, Theo will get me inside the bar and that’s where I’ll stay until we’re done. Cricket knows I can’t leave and she won’t let me put myself in danger,” I answer Nanny as we walk over to Tracy and Nora.

“I want one of you to call me when you get there, Brooklyn. If I don’t hear from anyone, I’ll walk my old ass to the bar and make sure none of you ever forget to call me again. I’ve got a cane and an umbrella that will leave marks on you for making an old woman like me walk that far. I could fall and break a hip or something,” Nanny threatens me as she tries to appear stern and mean when she’s one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met in my life.

“Nanny, you wouldn’t make it to the fence from here without breaking out in a sweat and deciding the walk is too far and it’s time for a lemonade break,” I tell her, laughter filling my voice as she tries to swat me.

“Oh, you’re such a brat, Brooklyn. I don’t know how Wheels and Soul put up with you,” she returns, a large smile on her face as she looks at me. “I’m not gonna even try to say you’re wrong though. I’m too old to walk that far. Though, there are extra motorcycles and trucks in the barn. I do know how to hot wire things so I’ll just take one of them instead.”

The visual I get of Nanny sitting on a motorcycle has me nearly doubling up in giggles. Somehow, even if she’s never ridden one before, I suspect her sheer stubbornness would have her figuring it out. The only problem is, she’d probably strip the gears in the process.

“Goliath and Hulk would disown you if you tried to ride a motorcycle on your own, Nanny. You’d lose all access to Dillion and Briar as well. Goliath would never forgive you for putting yourself at risk trying to ride a bike,” I state, knowing that’s the truth of the matter as she pouts in response. “And every one of the trucks practically requires a stepstool to get up into it, Nanny! If you’re trying to keep us all on our toes, you need to find another way, okay?”

“Fine. But, you have to come back here at some point and your cabin is right next to mine. I’ll get you one way or another. And I’ll rat out Cricket in a heartbeat for not letting me know you’ve made it to the bar. She hates when Goliath sleeps on the couch unless she put him there for something stupid he’s done. I will win this battle, Brooklyn, and there’s nothing you can do about it,” Nanny states, letting her sassy side come out as Tracy starts laughing her ass off.

“Trust me, she won’t leave your ass alone if you don’t answer the door for her. When I first moved in here, she tried to come check on me and I didn’t want to see anyone. I was having a rough day and just needed to be alone to get through it. Nanny didn’t accept that as an answer so she stayed at my door until I finally opened it and came barging into my cabin and stayed with me all day long. I don’t think you’re gonna win this, Brooklyn,” Tracy says, looking at Nanny with so many emotions circling through her eyes as the affection she feels for the older woman shines through brightly.

Nanny’s a force of nature to be sure and I know one of the reasons that Goliath and Hulk are the men they are is because of her. She’s definitely had her share of heartbreak, but she’s strong and independent as hell. Well, as independent as she can be now that she’s getting older, of course. Still, she figures out ways to accomplish what she wants done so she doesn’t have to rely on any of us.

“It’s the truth. But, I see Theo waiting for you. Get out of here and I expect a call within the next five minutes. If not, I’ll call your men and you’ll be the one in the dog house, Brooklyn,” Nanny promises me, her voice as stern as she can make it.

“I promise we’ll call.”

“See that you do, Missy,” she retorts, grinning unrepentantly at me.

Theo walks over and gets chewed a new ass by Nanny about protecting me and making sure someone calls her the second I’m safe inside the bar. She scares the hell out of him as Tracy and I watch him start to shake where he stands thinking of her coming at him with her cane and umbrella before letting the chickens out to finish off the job. He promises her that he’ll make sure one of us calls her when we arrive before practically running to his bike while I tell the women and Nora goodbye and head for the SUV I’m borrowing from the club.

We leave the compound and nothing happens as we head down the hill leading to town. I take in the sun shining brightly in front of me and the warm breeze that’s blowing through the windows of the SUV, blowing my hair all over the place because I forgot to throw it up in a clip when I was done with Nanny. I keep my eyes on the turn coming up fast that I’ll take to get to the bar with a smile on my face. Even though I know Theo is following me, I have a sense of freedom that I haven’t felt since the last time I was able to drive my SUV alone. It might not seem much to most people, but having the ability to get in a vehicle and go somewhere when you want or need to is so damn freeing. While I don’t mind being a ‘passenger princess’, having to find someone to take me or go along with me is frustrating! It’s also a reminder that it’s one more thing Bennett is taking from me because he’s a dickhead. Fucking shit eating asshole!

Putting on my blinker, I hear a horrible crash behind me. My eyes immediately find the rearview mirror and I watch in horror as Theo is thrown from his bike and flies through the air before landing on the pavement and sliding toward the back of the SUV. His bike is fast approaching his prone body and I can’t take my eyes from the scene behind me. I don’t know how it happens, but the bike seems to change its path and misses Theo’s body just as I’m hit from behind. The SUV I’m driving careens to the side of the road and I know in that instant that I won’t regain control of the vehicle. Fear and a sense of calm fill me as I realize that Nanny isn’t going to get the call saying I made it to the bar safely.

Before I can put my hands back on the wheel to try and get some kind of control so I don’t go down the slight hill into the water a few feet below the road, I’m hit again and pushed until I’m trapped between the guardrail and truck that’s taken out Theo and now me. I have no brakes or gas when I try to push down on either pedal. There is literally nothing I can do and I’m a sitting duck. Images of the guys start to fill my head as I realize this is Bennett’s move. He’s going to either kill me on the side of the road right here or whoever’s driving the truck is about to take me from this SUV and deliver me straight to him. If I had known this was going to happen today, I would’ve held Jayce and Gavin a little tighter before they left and given them a hundred kisses to let them know how much I love them. Yes, I love them and I’ve never said the words to them. The fear of them not saying it back or rejecting me made me freeze every single time the words wanted to escape. Now, they’ll never know how much they mean to me and just how deeply in love I’ve fallen with them.

My head bounces off the steering wheel in front of me when I finally come to a stop. I can’t look around me to see what’s going on because blood is filling my vision as it slides down my face from the gash the steering wheel left behind and my vision is blurry from the tears sliding down my face and the impact of hitting the steering wheel. Before I can try to even unfasten my seatbelt, the driver’s side door is yanked open. A large man practically rips my seatbelt off without reaching across me to unclip it before wrapping his large hand around my arm and gripping it tightly. This asshole drags me from the wrecked SUV as I look back at Theo to find him still laying in the middle of the road and not moving an inch. From this distance I can’t even tell if he’s breathing. Anger and fear consume me and none of it is due to the fact that I’m about to be kidnapped. It’s because an innocent man trying to protect me is now hurt, or worse, because Bennett is a piece of shit and can’t stand to lose.

I send up a quick prayer that the accident didn’t hurt my baby, and that Nanny was serious about finding someone and raising the alarm if she doesn’t hear from me when I arrive at the bar. I also pray that Theo will be okay, and that no one else comes along and hits him since he’s in the middle of the road. Right now, my focus is keeping myself safe and alive until I’m rescued.

Because I know Jayce and Gavin will move heaven and earth to get me back. That’s how confident I am in how they feel about me. They’ll burn it all down to find me. I just hope it’s in time and that I don’t suffer too much at Bennett’s hands.

I don’t fight against the asshole dragging me from the SUV as my eyes remain locked on Theo. Even when I have to twist and turn my head to see him. In my mind, Theo is more important than I am. He’s a young kid and is just starting his life. Theo hasn’t had a chance to live and experience anything at all yet. If these fuckers killed him in their haste to get to me, I will gut them all where they stand and watch as they slowly bleed out. I’m not a bloodthirsty person by any means, but in this instance I will gladly do it here and now to fucking take this fucker out.