Page 72 of A Surrender Of Hope

After a moment, she steps back, her eyes moving to Razar and a choked sob breaks from her lips as he slowly holds his arms up. I watch in complete shock as the girl runs, flinging herself into his arms, careful of the baby as she starts to sob into his chest.

“Tell me it’s a lie,” she begs, and I watch as Razar’s throat bobs with emotion, and he shakes his head.

“I’m sorry, Mara. I’m so sorry,” he rasps, arms tightening around her as her crying escalates.

“He wouldn't do this. He would never…” She breaks off with a gasping cry, and I can’t stop my tears as I watch the girl completely break in Razar’s arms.

“Who is that?” I ask as Creed slowly walks back to me, his arms banding across my waist and tucking me to his chest.

“Arch’s mate, Mara. They’ve been together since they were teenagers,” he whispers, making my heart plummet as I realize the situation. “He died before their baby was born, or I guess he left before the birth,” he corrects.

“I know. I’m going to figure this out,” Razar promises, his hands fluttering awkwardly around Mara like he wants to comfort her but doesn't know how. I lean into Creed, Nox and Valen moving to my side, the first standing behind us and the latter holding my hand and kissing my hair. After a few moments, Mara’s crying turns to sniffles as she pulls back a little, the baby shifting in her arms, and for the first time since I’ve seen her, she smiles, rocking the babe in her arms, then looks up at Razar who stares at the infant with wide eyes. He slowly reaches down, letting a long finger dust over the tiny nose on the perfect chubby face, and Mara’s smile turns to a grin.

“Do you want to hold her?” she asks, and Razar immediately shakes his head but keeps stroking the baby's cheek.

“I don't want to hurt her,” he admits, then steps back, frowning at his hands. Nox scoffs and strides forward.

“You wouldn't hurt her,” he scolds, eyeing Raz as he holds his enormous hands out to Mara. “May I?” he asks, a twinkle in his eye as Mara places the baby in Nox’s arms. “She's… so tiny,” he admits, cradling the little girl close and studying her like she’s the most fascinating creature he’s ever seen. “Are you sure she’s healthy? Maybe we should go to the med wing,” he rasps, looking at Mara with concerned eyes. She laughs softly and shakes her head.

“No, she’s perfect. I went into labor early, so she was small, but the doctor is happy with her growth so far. Your father stepped in and supplied her with a magical boost when she was born, saving her life,” Mara admits.

Creed tugs me to follow, eyes locked on the baby and a smile on his face. “What's her name?” he asks as Valen releases my shoulders and moves to Nox’s side, chuckling when the baby opens her bright green eyes and blinks at them.

“Morya,” she whispers, leaning to her left to peer around Creed, her eyes falling on me with a puzzled frown. “Um?” she starts to say as Nox and Valen start arguing. Valen wants a turn to hold Morya, but Nox is unwilling to release her just yet.

“Ah, yes! Mara, this is Lemon Drop. She’s my mate!” Creed chirps happily, grinning down at me as Mara’s eyes lighten a little.

“Our Mate,” Nox grumbles, glaring at Creed.

“Really? Creed, that’s so exciting! Hello,” she greets, nodding at me, and I give her a warm smile in return. Mara stands several inches taller than me. Her frame is willowy, yet she still somehow appears strong despite the dark circles under her green eyes.

“Hi,” I offer, looking from her to her baby. “Your baby is beautiful,” I add, laughing a little when I see Nox scowling atValen, who now holds Morya in his arms. He rocks her back and forth, bouncing on his heels, and I think my ovaries burst just watching him.

“Thank you. I think so,” she agrees, then her smile fades as she looks over our shoulders at the Throne Room. “Shit, what about Helena? She’s not here, is she?” Mara steps closer to her baby like she’s worried about whoever this Helena is as Creed stiffens at my side.

“Who is Helena?” I groan, looking at Creed and hoping it won't be another Victoria. Creed winces and shrugs.

“So we all had betrothed,” he starts, and I curse, kicking the ground at the very idea of them. “But don’t worry! Mom’s already broken the contracts. They were created the moment we came into the family. There is no relationship between anyone. Our contracts weren't as locked in as Nox’s was since we aren’t the Crown Prince. It’s fine, I promise,” he stresses, eyes full of sincerity before he looks at Mara. “And no. She’s not here. You don't need to worry.” Mara relaxes at his words and looks back to Razar, who watches us all from the shadowed corner he’s backed himself into.

“How long are you here for? Mother said you would be leaving soon, and I was worried I wouldn't see you,” she admits, looking back to Nox and Valen and grinning when she sees them gushing over her baby. “It’s why I came down here.”

“We leave tonight,” Creed admits, looking to Nox and Valen and rolling his eyes as he lets me go and walks over. “Knock it off, you two. It’s my turn!”

“We leave now. If we want to get out of the castle and hopefully through the kingdom without being seen,” Razar corrects, stepping closer and making Mara’s shoulders slump, but she nods. “I’ll send word the moment I have information on Arch,” he rasps, and Mara’s eyes fill with tears again. I panic and look to Creed, finding him holding Morya. Shit.

“Valen,” I whisper, then nod at Mara, making my dream man's smile fall as he instantly walks back over and hugs Mara.

“Hey, don't cry, Sis,” he soothes, looking at Razar with sympathy in his eyes.

“Oh! Mara, love,” Vivian whispers, appearing at the door and rushing to her daughter-in-law's side. “You are still supposed to be on bed rest, dear. I was just coming up to bring you dinner and help you with Morya.”

“I wanted to see the guys before they left,” she admits, and Viv nods.

“I know. And they will be back soon,” Viv whispers, looking at Razar with a firm expression and smiling when he nods in agreement.

“We need to go,” Nox mutters frustration as guards walk past, the sounds in the castle growing as people come out of their rooms now that the drums have stopped.

“Jes went to the stables and is getting all your Nuckelavee saddled. He wants to know if you want your own, dear,” Viv says, and I instantly shake my head. Like hell will I be getting on one of those monster horses by myself!