“Meyer will ride with me,” Nox murmurs, then nods at Razar, who looks at Mara once more. A conflicted look of pain twists his features before he turns and disappears into the shadows.
“Keep him safe, please. I know he was attached to Arch as much as Arch was to him. He’s not okay,” Mara whispers, looking up at Nox, who nods in agreement.
“I will. You keep that baby safe and ensure she grows a bit before I return. She’s too small,” he says in concern, looking at his mom, who nods in agreement. Nox holds his hand out for me as Creed reluctantly walks over with Valen and hands the baby back to Mara.
“Wait...” I look around, frowning. “Shit, where’s Theo?” I ask, realizing I haven't seen him since I asked Creed where he was acouple hours ago. Creed's eyes widen in horror and he curses as he turns and sprints for the entrance of the castle.
“I’ll get him! He’s fine!” he yells over his shoulder.
“Oh, shit. Is he still locked in the guardhouse?” I shout, taking off after him. An odd mixture of worry and amusement rushes over me at the thought. I pass several guards, all of whom shoot me odd looks before chasing Creed out the doors and down the main steps of the castle. I watch him turn by the stables next to a large black stone building and throw the doors open, disappearing from view.
I’m only seconds behind him, rushing into the guard's house and looking for Creed, but I don’t see him anywhere in the large, dimly lit structure.
“Uh, which way did Creed go?” I ask a few stunned, dirty-looking guards who sit at a table eating some dinner.
“Prince Darahk?” one of the guys asks, and I nod, forgetting these guys don't know him by that name. He points up the stairs, and I offer a quick thank you as I bound up them. I get to the top just in time to see Creed throw open the door at the end of a long hallway.
“Hey, dude, sorry! I totally forgot about you!” Creed gasps, then shouts as a furious Theo jumps from the room and tackles him to the ground, landing on Creed and making him cough as the air is knocked out of him.
“You rat bastard! I told you I wanted to help fight, and instead, you locked me in that tiny room?!” Theo brings his arm back to punch Creed, and I groan, trying to get to them before Creed kicks his ass.
“I had to make sure you were safe! Meyer would have cut my balls off if you got hurt!” Creed snarls, catching Theo’s fist as it’s launched toward his face. They spin, Creed pinning Theo to the ground as he offers him a shrug. “Wasn’t willing to risk it...Fuuuck!” Creed groans, rolling off Theo, hands grabbing hiscrotch as Theo smirks and jumps to his feet. I skid to a stop next to him and watch Creed curl into a ball on the ground still clutching his balls and glaring up at Theo.
“Yeah, well they still weren't safe, obviously,” Theo scoffs, brushing off his clothes before looking at me and frowning. I hold my hands up and step back.
“It was not my idea to lock you up,” I say quickly, and he narrows his brown eyes at me, hands on hips like he’s not convinced. “But full disclosure: I knew you were in here, well, kind of. I asked if you were safe, and he told me you were. I didn't realize you were kept here the whole time, though. I should have checked,” I offer apologetically.
“You think? Where have you been? The last thing I knew was you were in danger, then I’ve been pacing that damn room for hours!” I wince again and look at Creed as he slowly pushes himself to his feet. Theo looks at Creed, then me, and I shrug when he gives me an unimpressed look.
Yeah, I’m the worst friend ever. I just let Creed fuck my brains out while Theo was sitting here worried about me. “I’m sorry,” I rasp, and Theo rolls his eyes, glaring back at Creed before winding his arm around me and tugging me along with him, leaving Creed to limp behind us.
“I should totally tit-punch you for that, but… I kinda understand,” he says as he peeks over his shoulder at Creed and then winks at me. “I want to say I wouldn't have forgotten about you if that man was doing filthy things to me, but I totally would’ve.” I laugh and slug him in the shoulder.
“You two are dangerous as friends. My balls will never be safe again,” Creed moans behind us, hands still cupping his crotch.
“I’m not sorry!” Theo shouts to him, and I chuckle.
“Do I need to warn Jordan that you’re checking out other guys?” I ask, then frown. “My guys,” I add and bump my shoulder to his, shooting him a pretend warning look.
“Please do. Maybe he’ll actually talk to me again. I’ll take the blow-up argument that would cause as long as he fucking talks to me,” Theo grumbles, his grin fading and making me feel bad for bringing up a sore subject.
“Right, well, it looks like we’ll have to figure something out the moment we get home. I can't have my besties fighting.” Theo smiles and nods, but the smile doesn't reach his eyes. “Don't worry. We’ve got this,” I promise, wrapping my arm around Theo’s waist and walking out of the guardhouse where the rest of my guys are waiting.
Ilean against Lennox’s chest, eyes searching the dark landscape in front of us, waiting for Razar’s signal that it’s clear to move out of the forested area and to the rift between our worlds. It took us longer to get through the abandoned streets of Versipellis than Nox wanted, and I can feel how tense he is behind me, his eyes darting over the dark treeline of the forest, looking for his brother.
“We’re almost there,” I whisper, my hand grabbing his thick arm and wrapping it around my waist as I snuggle back into his chest. Nox releases a grunt, and I feel his lips on my hair—something he’s done so much over the last couple of days that it's starting to feel normal for us. His body relaxes into mine, his breath leaving him in a loud sigh as he nods and squeezes me tight to him.
“I know. I think the attack on the castle set me on edge. I’ll be fine,” he grinds out as Valen rides up next to us, Theo riding in the saddle behind him. Creed had eyed my friend, then adamantly said no when Nox instructed Theo to ride with him, leaving Valen to help Theo up into his monster horse's saddle before we took off several hours ago.
“What's the hold-up?” Valen looks from Nox to me and frowns. “You look tired,” he whispers, then shakes his head. “We should have waited for tomorrow to travel. My magic is depleted after the fight, your magic is low, and Meyer looks like she has not slept in days. This wasn't a smart idea.”
“I could’ve used a day after that knee to the nuts. This saddle is killing me,” Creed grumbles, shooting Theo a look that has my friend flipping him off.
“We had to get out before the Lords saw us leaving. We need to keep the appearance we’re still there as long as possible,” Nox mutters, then growls when he looks back toward the tree line. “Where the hell is he?”