“Razar’s been through a lot the past year. Training has been his only source of therapy. Don’t piss him off, or you’re likely to lose a limb. No matter if he favors you or not,” he says, moving to the door and opening it, nodding for Jesthren to leave. “Meet us at the gates in an hour. Don't be late,” he adds, making Jesthren scowl, but surprisingly, he listens as he nods and leaves the room. Nox turns to the bed, looking at Meyer with a pinched expression. “Wake her and get her ready. We need to go whilewe still have the time. We can’t leave the castle unprotected for long.” Turning on his heel, he follows Jesthren, letting the door shut softly behind him.
“I’m going with you,” Theo yells, trailing after an angry-looking Nox who stomps down the steps of the castle, a large black pack slung over his shoulders.
“No,” the Demon Prince answers, voice firm as his dark green eyes meet mine where I stand waiting next to Valen. The annoyance in Nox’s gaze melts a little, and heat replaces it, making me shiver as I swallow and tear my gaze from the man, trying really hard not to turn into the flaming ball of hormones I was in Creed’s room earlier. I’m not sure what happened back there, but it was extremely intense.
I don't regret it; actually, it's the opposite. However, now I’m not sure how to react to Lennox. Do we return to our snide comments and half-hearted insults, or are we supposed to be nice to each other? I almost grimace at that idea, knowing that would never work. Maybe I’ll just wait and take his lead on things? I’m sure I can manage to be nice if he’s not acting like an asshole.
“There’s no way you’re taking her without me. I don't give a damn who you are!” Theo snaps his hand out, reaching to grabNox. My eyes widen as Nox spins, catching Theo's hand and crushing it in his iron grip, making my friend wince.
“You don't get to decide what Meyer does or doesn't do, Ranger,” he growls, towering over Theo menacingly as I toss my coat that Valen had just handed me to the ground and bound up the stairs toward them.
“Neither do you,” Theo hisses back, eyes narrowing on Nox in challenge. What the actual fuck is he doing? Nox is going to pound him!
“Mi Sol! Don't, let Nox handle this!”
“Get your hands off him,” I snarl at Nox, taking the last few steps two at a time and almost killing myself when my foot slips, and I nearly eat it down the stairs. Without taking his attention off Theo, Nox catches me by the arm, keeping me on my feet.
“You don’t get to decide what she does. You’re not her Senior anymore,” Theo says as he tries to yank his hand from Nox’s firm grip.
“That's where you’re wrong, Ranger Drakos. Meyer is a Demon whose charge falls under my command. She reports to no one but me in this castle and has more power here than any other Hunter,” Nox snarls back, and I raise a shocked brow, momentarily stunned by his words.
“I do?”
Nox shoots me a look that tells me he wants me to shut up, rekindling my anger, and I reach out, shoving his shoulder. “Let him go. Now,” I demand, then try not to look as surprised as I feel when Nox immediately lets Theo go, growling under his breath as he turns on me, scoops me up into his arms, and hauls me down the stairs with him.
“Stop that. It’s not safe for him to come, Meyer. Why do you think I’m telling him no? You have to stop challenging me in front of the Hunters, and besides,” he scoffs as his hold onlytightens on me. “I refuse to let that boy tell me what I can and can’t do with you,” he snaps as Theo shouts and chases after us.
“What you can do is let me down!” I snap, kicking at Nox’s stomach, making him curse under his breath as he almost drops me.
“Could you not fight me… just once?’ he asks in frustration.
“Yeah, if you acted like a normal person instead of a wild animal. Stop dragging me around everywhere!”
“What the hell? It's been like two minutes. By the Gods! Lennox, stop making her mad,” Creed complains as he steps out of the castle and sees us yelling at each other.
“I’m going to get my mother. This isn’t…oooph!” Theo grunts. I look over my shoulder and start to panic when I see that Razar has appeared out of thin air and now has Theo by the collar of his black and red training shirt. He’s glowering down at him, blade already in hand.
“No! Razar, drop him!” I shout, true fear filling me when Razar’s hand twitches closer to Theo. “Now!” I scream, crawling over Nox’s shoulder so I can reach my best friend. Razar tilts his head to the side, eyes flicking to meet mine, black brow arching in challenge when I glare at him and point to the ground, signaling for him to release Theo.
Razar’s eyes narrow, but he slowly sets Theo back on his feet. I almost smile my thanks before the Demon's big hand presses to Theo's chest and shoves him hard, making him shout as he stumbles and rolls down the remaining stairs.
“Dammit,” Nox sighs, tightening his hold on me when I try to lunge for Razar. “Really?” he asks his brother in exasperation.
“You’re an asshole!” I growl at Razar as I shove out of Lennox's arms and rush down to Theo, sighing in relief when I find Valen crouched in front of him.
“I’m fine,” Theo mutters, glaring at Razar, who ignores us all as he stalks by, cloak billowing out around him.
“Could you stay out of his way? The other guys won't hurt you, but…” I trail off, glaring at Razar’s back. I know the man won’t hurt me. That sounds cocky as hell, but it's the truth. The fear I had seen for those brief seconds on the battlefield before everything went dark only confirmed it for me. Razar has had too many opportunities to hurt me, or simply let me die, to hurt me now.
I have this weird, almost dark need to be around him. The cold silence and predatory gleam in his eyes give me the same thrill I get just before a Beastia shows up. I’m unsure what that says about me, and at this point I don't want to know. Why do I crave the attention of the man who reminds me of the monsters I’ve hidden from my whole life? Yeah, that's a question I need to ask a therapist, but I’ll roll with it for now.
“This is a bad idea.” A smooth voice says as a familiar big red-headed man approaches my side, grabbing Theo and tugging him behind his back. He shakes his head at Nox, who simply shrugs and stalks after Razar like nothing has happened. Monroe looks down his nose at me with those bright, almost neon green eyes, studying me long enough that I start feeling awkward and bring my hand up, brushing some hair off my cheeks. Do I have something on my face? Creed brought me some food as I was getting dressed, and I ate it so fast that I got a stomachache.
“Um…” I start to say as Valen hooks an arm around my waist and tugs me closer to him.