“We have no other option, man,” Creed mutters, stepping behind me and resting his chin on top of my head as he smiles at his friend. “You going to miss us or something?”
Monroe snorts and rolls his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest while Theo sidesteps him so he can stand next to me. “Unlikely. Maybe life will be somewhat calm without you four terrorizing the Rangers.”
“Don’t go,” Theo whispers into my ear, and I glare at Creed when he cuffs him upside the head.
“You knock it off. She has to come, and you’re needed here. I thought you and Meyer decided that Ranger Jennings needed you to watch over him?”
“He doesn’t want me here! And I refuse to let you take my friend without some backup,” Theo snaps, rubbing the back of his head before pouting at me.
“I don’t think I have a choice,” I grumble under my breath, the red mark on my wrist itching a little under my gloves as I think about it. Do I want to go to the Demon realm? Not really, but I also don’t like this Inanis guy’s mark on me, and I can understand the urgency of figuring out how to remove it.
“Then take me with you. You know that you’ll need backup over there as much as I do.” I look at Theo and wish I could bring him with me. I know I’ll be safe with the guys, but something about having your friend at your back is calming in an unknown situation. But the idea of Theo being in danger is something that tugs at my chest. Sure, he's a trained killer and can probably kick my ass, but I don't like the idea of bringing him into more danger than necessary. Theo and Jordan are the brothers I’ve never had, the brothers I always wished I had. I can’t bring one of them with me without knowing they’ll be safe.
“Watch after Jordan,” I finally say. Theo’s lips press into a firm line, his eyes hardening with frustration as he shakes his head and looks away from me. “Please, Theo,” I whisper, pressing my hand to his shoulder when he steps back from me and shrugs. I see him swallow, his throat bobbing as he rolls his lips together and inhales sharply.
“Sure thing.” His voice is rough as he takes another step back when I try to step closer to him. I stop, hurt that he’s trying to put distance between us. “Just come back, Meyer,” he grinds outbefore turning and rushing back up the stairs before I can say goodbye.
I move to dash after him, but Creed stops me, his big hand pressing on my shoulder as he shakes his head. “Let him go, Lemon Drop. We can guarantee your safety because of Nox and Valen, but Theo doesn't have a bond to a Demon, which would be dangerous for him. He’s safer here.” My shoulders sag say I nod, watching after my friend until he’s out of view.
“Monroe?” I whisper, looking up at the red-haired giant at my side. “Keep an eye on them for me?” I ask, feeling a little weird asking my Regalis Senior for a favor, but needing someone to look after the guys. Monroe arches a thick brow at me as he purses his lips, trying to suppress a smile as he sighs.
“I already have four death threats hanging over my head about those two Rangers, one of which isn’t even in my bloodline, mind you. Are you going to make it a fifth, Ranger Smith?”
“Four?” I ask, looking from Valen to Creed, then Lennox, who is talking to Elaine with Senior Drakos at her side. Victor looks around them, his gaze scanning every inch of the courtyard for a threat, his hand resting on the hilt of his massive sword strapped to his side. His eyes find mine, and his lips twitch into one of his almost smiles as he dips his head to me in greeting. I smile back and offer him a small wave just as Creed steps in front of me with a scowl on his handsome face. “What?”
“No,” he growls, shaking his head. A spark of something dark lights his green eyes, making me smirk as my hand falls to my side.
“Are you jealous, Credence Regalis?” I tease, loving the possessive look he’s giving me. I startle when Valen’s big hand wraps back around my waist, and he leans forward, his soft lips pressed to the shell of my ear, making a shiver race down my back.
“That man danced with you at the Christmas dinner, and we didn’t.” I swallow as Creed steps forward, pressing my chest to his and caging me between them. My eyes lock with his and widen as he dips his head, making me lean into Valen’s hold so I can look up at him.
“Jealous doesn't even start to describe how I feel when you look at any other man but us. You don't get to be cute and wave at him. Not unless you want him out of the picture in a very permanent manner,” Creed rasps, lips brushing against mine in a soft kiss.
“I… you’re… wait, you’re frying my brain,” I snap, feeling like I’m short-circuiting as I shove at his chest, making Creed grin in response. “Victor is one hundred percent obsessed with?—”
“Elaine,” Creed finishes for me with a nod as he swings a bag over his shoulders. “Yes, we know.” I frown and look over my shoulder to Valen, who’s watching me. His pale green eyes are softer than before, slightly alleviating my fears about his mental state. I know he’s not completely okay, but he seems almost back to normal, which is a good sign.
“So why the jealousy?”
“We didn't say it was rational jealousy, Mi Sol,” Valen whispers, leaning down, his lips dusting over the sensitive skin behind my ear. “You compare our behavior to that of a human man… not a Demon. We are not rational with our mates. Possessive, territorial, protective…irrational,” he breathes, drawing the last word out as he chuckles against my neck. “All words you should get used to.” With one more kiss to my neck, Valen stands, leaving me swaying on my feet as he walks over to Nox, who’s glaring at Victor like he’s about to murder the man.
“Are you ready for an adventure?” Creed asks, bouncing on his toes. His smile is so broad it's almost contagious.
“Not really,” I admit, nerves fluttering in my belly, feeling like I might throw up on Creed's shoes. “Why are you so happy?”
Creed chuckles as he leads us closer to the others.
“Because I get to introduce you to Mom. She’s going to love you.” He presses a kiss on my hair, and my heart drops. Oh, holy shit… I have to meet the parents. Why didn't I think of that before now? My nerves increase tenfold. Not only am I sleeping with three of their sons, but I think I might be Nox’s girlfriend or some kind of Demon partner. He said I’m his and that he tied us together to bring me back to life. I’m so grateful, but I need to get him alone for a moment and ask him what that all entails.
Shit. I really am going to throw up.
“Let's go!” Lennox snaps, yanking me from Creed's arms with a dark growl as Creed starts to laugh.
“You’re going to have to get that under control, Nox. You know how it’s going to be back home, and Dad will roast you for killing civilians in a jealous rage.”
“Fuck off, Credence,” Nox snarls. Razar is already by the opened gates, his long black cloak moving with the cold gusts of wind. “We’ll be back within the week. You know what to do if there’s an attack before we get back,” Nox instructs Elaine, who gives him an unimpressed look.
“Yes. I do believe we know how to handle the castle, Lennox. Get things sorted and get back here so we can finish this. I’m growing tired of fighting,” she adds, her soft brown eyes moving to mine as Monroe walks over and starts talking with Victor. He waves at Nox and Creed, nods at Valen then glares at Razar, who is looking in his direction, then flips him the bird. I snort in amusement, liking my Senior all the more when Razar takes a threatening step forward, and Nox sighs, holding his hand up to stop his brother.