“You’re lying, Pup,” I clip out, calling her on her lie as I cling to where I hold her like she's my damn lifeline. “You love it when I push you because you love to fight back as much as I do.” I yank her hard into my chest, her soft body melding against mine like she was fucking made to be there.
She releases a squeak of surprise, those perfect fucking lips parting with a gasp as I lean closer to her, the soft scent of citrus and sugar filling my senses. I can feel my cock hardening, jerking in my pants as she blinks up at me in surprise, and then I do something I never thought I would. Never in my wildest dreams would I have let myself believe I would be stupid enough to accomplish. I slam my lips down on hers, catching her next gasp and devouring every inch of her I can.
Igasp and freeze, the heat in my center exploding the moment Razar’s lips take mine in a brutal and almost painful kiss. His lips move with a fierce possession, coaxing me to part further for him as he licks into my mouth. I moan, my senses on overdrive as I taste him for the first time. There is a sharp edge to his kiss, dangerous and dark, as his hand releases mine only to weave into the hair at the base of my neck, then grips me with a strength that almost scares me.
Razar’s muscular body is pressed to mine as he steps forward, forcing me back until I collide hard against the bookshelves behind me, not granting me even a centimeter of space. I instinctively arch away from the bite of pain the shelves cause as they dig into my spine, which makes Razar growl as my breasts press more firmly into his body. I don't stop to think about what we’re doing; all I want… all Ineedis to be closer to this man, to feel him further and have him settle the ache blooming inside me.
Our kiss turns feverish, his lips moving smoothly against my own, making my brain turn to mush. All rational thought leavesme as his big thumb strokes over the delicate skin of my throat, then presses my chin up more, allowing him to deepen our kiss.
I press myself impossibly closer, my hand tightening on the blade I still cling to as the crisp, clean scent of pine fills my senses. I feel his cock thickening against my stomach, so long and firm, reminding me of when I saw him naked in his room weeks ago. A rush of lust ignites in me, and I struggle to breathe as my thighs clench together, my body thrumming with need. My head falls back more as Razar’s grip tightens in my hair.
Razar draws back enough that his sharp teeth rake over my bottom lip, dragging it through his teeth before he bites down, making me yelp in surprise and jerk back. My eyes snap open the moment his do, and we stare at each other, neither of us moving or breathing as realization dawns on us both. My chest heaves, and I look up, surprised and shocked to see I still have ahold of Razar's hair, the dark strands twisted between my fingers.
I look at him, then his hair, trying to catch my breath, watching as those black-green eyes study me, and I can't tell if he’s going to kiss me again or kill me. Razar moves first, his swollen red lips curving into a menacing snarl as he shakes his head like he’s trying to clear the fog of lust that blanketed us both. His movement startles me enough that I finally release his hair, yanking my fingers from the strands and pulling on them hard as I try to shove him back an inch, my breath coming in short, heavy pants.
“Give me the damned blade,” Razar snarls, the fire in his eyes burning into an angry inferno as he tries to reach for my Kalis.
“No!” I snap back, kicking out and connecting with his ankle, taking him by surprise and making him take an unsteady step back. I take advantage, lurching forward and shoving his chest, making his arms windmill out for balance as I try to push him onto his ass. If I can get him on the ground, maybe it’ll buy me enough time to get out of his rooms and find Valen or Creed. I’mguessing Nox will be talking with his dad, and as much as I want to know what’s happening, I also know interrupting that talk would be incredibly stupid. I’ve already complicated the guy’s life enough in the last forty-eight hours, and I don’t need to add to that.
With another rapid shove, Razar’s feet slide over the stone floors, his heel catching on the edge of an uneven stone and he starts to fall back. I grin, but my victory is short-lived when his big hand wraps around my wrist, and with a growl, he yanks me to the ground with him.
I land on top of him, making him huff a pained groan as I try to roll off and crawl away. “Why do you even want it? You have hundreds of blades. I only have one Kalis, and Monroe gave it to me!”
“You left it behind, meaning you relinquished control of it,” Razar argues as I manage to get to my knees. I try to put some distance between us, then curse when his big hand wraps around my ankle and yanks me back to him. I’m pinned under him in less than a second, his hand trapping my wrist which holds my Kalis above my head.
“I didn’t want to leave it behind! It was still…” I trail off when I realize I was about to say my blade was covered in his blood and on the ground behind his Beastia since I had just stabbed him in the chest. I frown, the reminder of stabbing him making me feel almost sick now. At the moment, I had been confused and so fucking scared, but now guilt eats at me from my past actions.
“I paid for that blade with my blood. It’s mine. You want it back?” Razar growls, now moving both my wrists above my head and holding them with one hand as he plucks the Kalis from my fingers and sheaths it at his side. “Then earn it. All you do is whine and complain. Grow up and learn how to fight for something you want. Then maybe I’ll give it back to you,”he snarls, leaning so close our noses brush. I glare at him, my breaths still coming in short, rapid succession.
“I don’t?—”
“You do! It's always about what you want, not about the greater picture. Stop fighting us and look at the reasons we do things. You’re young, but not a child. You need to learn, or you will end up dead. For real, this time. We can't always save your ass, Pup. You have to at least attempt not to get hurt for once,” he scoffs in disgust, his eyes flicking from my eyes to my lips then back and I immediately feel self-conscious.
“I’m not trying to get hurt,” I mutter, frustration filling me as he rolls his eyes.
“No, you just throw yourself in front of arrows and fucking die!”
“I did that to save you!” I scream at him, and his expression darkens.
“I never asked you to save me! It was not worth it! In the end, you made a mess of my brothers. Look at Valen; he’s still not talking like he normally does, and now we havethis…” he hisses, grabbing my wrist and turning it so we can both see the red mark carved into my flesh. “To deal with. You never should have jumped in front of me!”
“You would have died!”
“YouDIDdie!” he roars in my face, making me flinch back from his raw anger. “Dammit, Meyer,” he snarls, drawing back enough that he’s not screaming in my face just as the door to his room flies open, revealing a worried-looking Valen. My dream man's pale green eyes move from Razar to me, then to my hands, which Razar still has pinned above me, before settling on my face, no doubt seeing the small amount of fear there. His jaw tightens, eyes darkening as they slowly drift back to his brother on top of me.
Oh, shit. This probably doesn't look good, and considering Valen was already mad at Razar for tossing me off the cliff and finding out about the castle wall incident, I’m guessing this will go south fast. Razar groans, his eyes shutting as he shakes his head, probably coming to the same conclusion I had.
“It’s not what it looks like!” I say quickly. The urge to defend Razar baffles me because he’s currently being an asshole, but I’m already too late as Valen launches himself at Razar, tearing him off me so fast my head spins. “Shit,” I groan, rolling to my side and watching as Valen starts pummeling Razar, who surprisingly doesn’t fight back.
“We… were only talking!” Razar snarls, catching Valen’s fist in one hand while trying to block his other blow.
“Then why did she look terrified!? What did you say to her, and why did you have her pinned?” Valen’s fist moves fast, catching Razar in the side and earning a threatening growl.
“I stole my blade back,” I explain, pushing up to my knees and trying to grab Valen’s hand before he can punch Razar again.