“Stay the fuck out of this before you get hurt,” Razar snaps, glaring at me when he sees me try to stop Valen.
“Don't tell her what to do,” Valen says, punching Razar again just as they go rolling across the floor, crashing into a bookshelf and making thick volumes rain down on the idiots, as I crawl after them.
“Jesus Christ. You two are acting like children,” I scold, ignoring that I had just been the one rolling around on the ground only a moment ago, but at least Razar and I weren’t actually hurting each other. Razar manages to pin Valen this time, bringing his arm back to punch him, and I growl, launching myself at his side and distracting him enough that Valen manages to buck the two of us off him.
Razar curses, his arms wrapping around me protectively as we fall to the side, his hand cradling the back of my head just before it can connect with the hard stone beneath us.
“Mi Sol!” Valen shouts, eyes widening when he sees I had been on Razar when he launched him off. “Let her go!” Valen rolls toward us, trying to grab me from Razar as he panics.
“I’m fine,” I grumble, batting at his hands while shoving at Razar’s chest.
“What the hell are you three doing?” Creed shouts, taking us all by surprise as we look up, finding him standing at Razar’s open door with their mother at his side.
“Good lord. Razar, Valen let that poor girl go. She’s not a toy to fight over,” their mother scolds with a stern look on her beautiful face.
“Why are you on the ground?” Creed asks, a puzzled expression on his face as he crosses the room and toes Valen away from Razar before reaching a hand down to me. I slap my hand in his, letting him yank me to my feet as Razar sits back on his knees.
“Raz had her pinned,” Valen mutters, standing to his feet and dusting off his suit coat as he watches me with an intensity that makes me shiver.
“She stole my blade,” Razar grinds out, and I scoff.
“My blade.” Razar glares at me and crosses his arms over his chest as his mom laughs, her amused gaze moving from me to Razar with a delighted smile on her face.
“Valen, dear. How about you help Meyer to your rooms? I think a bath might be in order,” she whispers. My cheeks darken in embarrassment as the Queen looks me up and down with an arched brow. It’s not a mean look, just a surprised one. “How did she end up like this? Why did you four come back in pristine condition when she looks like this?” she asks, looking to Creed,who wraps his arm around my waist, kissing my dirty hair before gently pushing me into Valen’s embrace.
“Raz shoved her off the cliff through the rift and didn't teach her how to land,” he explains, making their mother’s eyes widen as she gives Razar a startled look.
“Yannos!” she gasps as she looks at Razar. I don't miss the slight flush of his cheeks or slight hunch to his shoulders as his mother starts lecturing him about how Princes don't toss ladies off cliffs and how she raised him better.
“Come, Regina. Let's get you washed up before we visit with Mom. She wants to talk with you,” he whispers, turning me toward Razar’s door. I look over my shoulder to Razar once more, wondering if I should feel bad that his mom is scolding him like a toddler, but honestly, tossing me off the cliff was a dick move. But I can’t help but feel a little sad when Razar refuses to look at me as I leave, and I hate myself for it. My life is complicated enough with the three relationships I have. I really shouldn't be adding a fourth. But even as I think the words, I remember how Razar’s lips felt against mine, and I shiver, leaning more into Valen’s chest and closing my eyes, letting him guide me to his room. I’m in way over my head here, and I don’t know if I should be excited or scared.
Ilean back in my chair, watching my youngest son stride confidently into the room, his face drawn in a blank expression. His emotions are schooled and probably set to the side as he moves past the guards that line the room. I can't stop the small burst of pride I feel as I watch him, a smile almost cracking my own expression despite my anger and frustration toward him.
I wince as I eye the lavish trappings that now adorn the throne room, hoping that Garthelaun is too distracted to notice. Viviane needed something to distract her while the boys went on their mission. It took a combination of her redecorating the entirety of this room, and private suite…along with near daily sparring with me for her to calm down. I try not to groan as I shift in my chair, looking forward to letting my bruises heal rather than just adding to them now that our sons are home.
Garthelaun has grown over his year away from home both physically and magically. But it's the mental growth I’m currently worried about.From what I managed to pick up from my sons when they rode into the courtyard earlier and how well Nox had shielded his own emotions, I know something is goingon, and I know it has to do with that girl Heldakar had in his arms.
I straighten on my throne and nod to General Vega, signaling him to leave and take his Legion with him as Garthelaun steps in front of the dais and falls to one knee, dipping his head to nod respectfully. I wait for the throne room to clear before fully turning my attention to my son.
“Rise,” I clip out, ripping the ridiculous crown from my head and tossing it on my wife’s throne, my hands gripping the ornately carved armrests as I lean forward.
I eye Garthelaun as he stands and ascends the steps before me, grumbling under my breath when I see how close he is to my height. He’ll surpass me in a few years if he doesn't stop growing at this rapid rate.
“Sit.” I gesture to the chair I had brought in so we could talk casually. Hopefully, the less formal situation will calm him enough to let me grasp his current feelings. I have to say, I’m impressed with his emotional control. He had always struggled with it before he left for the human world. But it does make gauging his mood much more challenging since I now have to rely on instinct rather than magic. “Now…” I drawl, eyeing him as I sit at an angle to look him in the eye as I steeple my fingers in front of me. “Explain to me what’s going on and why you and your brothers felt the need to challenge me in front of everyone in the courtyard, and why that girl is currently being held in Yannos’ room like she’s in danger?”
I keep my tone light, or rather, I attempt to, but the last word holds a bite of my anger that I never manage to control fully.
“Is she in any danger?”
I narrow my eyes at my son and grit my teeth. “Have I ever hurt or endangered a female without cause?” I point out, frustration building at the lack of answers to my questions.
“No,” he finally admits after a long pause. I nod my head and lift a brow, waiting for him to continue. Whatever is going on is enough to have him doubt me. Was I surprised at the girl's appearance? Absolutely. That will happen when someone with the devil's magic appears on my doorstep, but I wouldn't have physically harmed the girl without cause. I am, however, wary of her presence in my kingdom and the attachments my sons seem to have with her.
“We didn’t challenge you,” Garthelaun denies, and I scowl at him, making him sigh as he nods. “Fine, perhaps we did, but that wasn't our goal. We were only trying to keep Meyer safe,” he mutters, glaring at me when I arch a brow at him.