Page 54 of Heart of the West


Lost in thought I arrive at the graveside before I realize it. I tied Duke off and hopped down. Retrieving the flowers from the saddle I trudge through the snow to her grave. I dust off the snow and put the flowers in the permanent vase I had added.

I remove my hat and kneel down by her stone. Removing my gloves I trace the letters of her name etched in the stone.

“I don’t even know where to begin, Evie.”

I feel her then. Her presence. It’s not the first time I’ve felt her here. As if she’s standing beside me with her hand on my shoulder listening to every word I say.

“Love, I don’t know how to say this, but I’ve met someone.”

I swallow the lump in my throat. “The kids don’t even know I’m attracted to her and they already like her. She’s brought back an energy to the house we’ve been missing since you left us.

“The kids are coming back home baby and I’m fairly certain Kai is working up the courage to ask for my permission to marry our little girl. Can you believe she’s twenty-five?”

I don’t know how long I talk to Evie. At some point I become aware of two riders approaching the area. I look to see Dalton with Kai, who doesn’t look completely terrified, riding Buttermilk.

They stop several yards away. Dalton dismounts first tying his horse not far from Duke. Kai gets off but stays back while Dalton walks to the grave. He takes off his hat.

“I thought I’d find you here.”

“Hello, son. I needed to talk to your mother.”

“Did she talk back?”

‘Not, yet, but she will. She always does. What brings you up here?”

“Kai wants to talk to you. I figured you’d be here when Duke wasn’t in the stall.”

“It’s where I do my best thinking.”

“It’s always peaceful up here. I’ll send Kai over if you’re done.”

I nod my head and watch Dalton walk away. I know all the kids visit here from time to time. It’s always been a place of peace for me, I didn’t know Dalton felt the same way.

Kai crosses the distance, shoulders back, head held high. I can tell he’s a little nervous when he gets closer.

“Mr. Reeves.”

“You can call me, Effrem.”

“Effrem, I’d like your permission to ask Jessi to marry me.”

“You think you’re ready for that step son?”

“We can have a long engagement. Wait until after school is finished before we get married.”

“You have one more year to go.”

“With the way my mother plans weddings it’ll take her an entire year.”

“I thought you were an only child.”

“I am but she has sisters and all her sisters have daughters. She’s the wedding planner of the family.”

“You have my permission, young man.”

He visibly relaxes. “Thank you, sir.”