Page 55 of Heart of the West

“How did you manage to duck out of the day’s festivities?”

“Clyde is covering for me. I have to get back. I left them at Calico Gypsies.”

“Gypsy is good but you best hurry.”

He nods his head and hurries back to Buttermilk. Dalton joins his soon to be brother in law. I watch as they disappear into thetrees. Moments later I hear the flap of wings and look to see a cardinal resting on Evie’s headstone.

“Thank you, for your blessing, my love.”

With my query answered I untie Duke, mount up, and head back to the barn.


I sent Clyde a text earlier to pick up pizza from Mama Bear’s. I called in the order and paid for it. Ruby is still sleeping and I don’t want her to exert herself making even a light dinner for ten people.

By the time she wakes up everyone is back home and we’re dishing out pizza.

“How are you feeling?” I ask as soon as she wanders into the kitchen.

“Other than a killer headache, not bad.”

“Oh, Ruby, your eye.”

“It’ll heal. In the meantime take pics of my good side.” Ruby replies with a smile.

“Tomorrow and Christmas I’ll help you put cover up on it.”

“I’d like that. We’ll have to arrange my hair to hide the bump too.”

Jessi crosses the room and envelopes Ruby in a hug.

“You poor dear.”

“Thanks to Dalton, I’m fine.”

“Big bro is a hero.” Jessi says.

“I don’t know about that the guy got away. They have an APB out on him.” Dalton adds.

“We’re lucky to have a sketch artist in a town this small. Most of the surrounding cities don’t have one,” I say.

“Lucky for us she’s in love with your deputy,” Dalton says.


“Who’s ready for pizza?” Clyde asks, carrying in half a dozen boxes.

“Me! I’m starving,” Ruby says.

I went over to Ruby and guided her to the seat beside me. Jessi brought in a stack of paper plates, and napkins. While Maya carried a pitcher of sangria and glasses on a tray. Kai came in with cold bottles of soda.

I grabbed two cokes, took my keys out of my pocket and opened them. I keep soda in stock in glass bottles which are recycled. The Coke is from Mexico and has real sugar in it. I’m not a high-fructose corn syrup fan and avoid it where I can.

“What do you like on your pizza?”

“I like all kinds. Cheese, cheese with mushrooms, and supreme with olives are my favorite.”

I chuckle. “I’ll keep that in mind. We can make pizza’s next time.”