Page 51 of Heart of the West

By the time I arrived the sheriff was in surgery. His house, a total loss. Luckily, his wife, kids, and dogs all got out safely.

I immediately pull everyone we can off the street. Eyewitnesses put a local trouble maker at the scene. I issued an APB and started a man hunt.

The deputy sheriff is in Florida for the holidays with his sick mother and the other deputies all have less than two years on the force. Alan’s best guys all retired over the last couple of years. He’s in the process of recruiting. What an absolute clusterfuck.

Things like this remind me I need to make sure my contingency plan is effective. With Buck out if something happened to me I have Boyd and Jeffries. Both have five years on the force. Not the veterans Buck and I are but far from the wet behind the ears Dingleberry. That kid’s never going to make it past his rookie year.

I hope like hell that Wilder will consider joining the force. He may never ride bulls or broncs again but he can still take down a criminal. He’s proven that by wiping the floor with all the assholes that came at him over the last month.

Next we get the suspect but not before he manages to wound a deputy and two civilians. I had to put a bullet in him, but it’s not fatal. No, if he shot the sheriff he deserves to spend decades behind bars. Add three more counts of attempted murder and he’ll never see the light of day.

On the way home I ran into construction then got a flat tire. After changing it, I’m filthy and exhausted. All I want is some food and a hot shower. I don’t care which order.

Jessi told me she’s taking the King’s sight seeing today. They’re eating lunch out and will be home late. That’ll give me time to go take flowers to Evie’s grave. Clyde is tagging along with his sister and Dalton is meeting with Dustin today.

I hope my boy finds a property nearby. With Clyde possibly wanting to move colleges and Jessi coming home aftergraduation all my kids are coming back to the roost. My heart couldn’t be more full or more proud. Evie would be so proud of our kids.

I take my boots off by the back door and hang my hat and coat on a peg. I parked in the garage. Ruby’s SUV is parked outfront. Both the truck and the Yukon are gone. I wash my hands in the big farm sink before heading into the kitchen. I’m surprised Ruby’s not here. It’s only been a day but I’m used to her being here.

With the kitchen empty and my stomach rumbling I search for leftovers. I pile a plate high with breakfast casserole, ham, sausage and bacon. The cinnamon rolls smell delicious, but I’m not much for sweets. The fried cherry pies with honey are my weakness.

After heating everything I sit at the island and eat it while enjoying a cup of coffee. Oh this is good. The casserole has eggs, potatoes, onions, peppers, cheese, and a hint of hot peppers. I wonder if she used the cheddar jack with cayenne peppers.

When I’m finished I wash my plate, mug, and utensils putting them in the drain to dry. After wiping down the counters, I head to my room. I wonder if Ruby is down at the stables? I’ll find her as soon as I’m finished with my shower. Once I’m certain she’s fine, I’ll saddle Duke and head to Evie’s grave.

I have a lot of things I need to work through and she’s my best sounding board.

I don’t know if I’m more overwhelmed over my own feelings for Ruby, or the fact my family seems to think we belong together. Hell they don’t even know we hooked up. I winced at the thought of the words. She deserves so much better than a hook-up or one night stand.

I step into the bathroom and strip out of my clothes, tossing them in the hamper before turning to the shower.

Chapter 30


My eyes widen as I take in a wet and very naked Ruby in my bathtub.Up to her chin in bubbles. A quick pang hits my heart when I realize the bubble bath is likely Evie’s. I never threw it away. I cleaned out the rest of her belongings a few months after she passed. I wanted to give myself and my family time to grief and deal with the loss before I started getting rid of Evie’s belongings.

I zero in on her face and notice something awry. Forgetting I’m buck naked I stroll to the side of the tub and gently take her face in my hand. She had a black eye and a huge knot on the side of her head. I can see it pushing up through her hair.

“Baby, what happened?” I sit on the edge of the tub.

Her eyes are wide.

“Um, Effrem.”

“Yes, Ruby.”

“You’re naked.”

“So are you.”

“I’m in the tub.”

“I was going to take a shower. I didn’t know you were in here but none of that is important. Tell me who did this to you darling and do my deputies have him locked up?”

She gingerly shakes her head. “No, I’m afraid not. I don’t know who it was. Someone was in my apartment. They didn’t see me. At least I thought they didn’t. I went to the bakery to call 9-1-1 and he grabbed me. We struggled and he hit me. We struggledsome more. Dalton arrived but the man pushed me and I hit my head and got knocked out. Dalton stayed with me until Deputy Boyd arrived. Then they took me to the ER.”

“Is anything broken?”