“No, I say.” Yanking at my phone and throwing an elbow.
It lands with a thud.
“You’ll pay for that bitch.”
I feel a blow land to the side of my head. I scream out and run for the door. He grabs me around the waist. I dig my nails into his hands. He releases me, only to hit me again. My head is ringing, but I’m not giving up.
“Let her go.” I hear Dalton’s voice.
I bring my foot down on his instep. He shoves me away. I fall into one of the metal counters, hitting my head.
Chapter 29
Dalton pulls to a stop in front of the ranch house and comes to help me out.
“Lean on me. Let’s get you inside.”
By the time I’d come too, I was in the town’s small emergency facility. The man who attacked me had gotten away. Dalton was more concerned with me since I hit my head and was knocked unconscious.
We enter the foyer.
“Ruby, are you alright.” I hear Jessi ask.
“She was attacked earlier today.”
“Oh dear. Let’s get you some hot tea and get you into bed,” Jessi says.
I let her guide me to the guest bedroom. She leaves me to get tea and I undress, sliding on an oversized tee. Jessi comes back a few minutes later with a cup of tea.
“It’s peppermint. If you feel like it later, you can take a long soak in dad’s tub.”
“Thank you, Jessi. I may do that after I take a nap.”
“Dalton and Clyde are unloading the SUV.
“Thank you.”
“I should stay home and look after you.”
I shake my head. “I’m just a little bruised. I’ll be good as new with some rest.”
Jessi left, reluctantly. I take a few sips of the tea before crawling under the covers.
I cannot believe this day. Someone broke into my home and for what I don’t have anything. Then they assaulted me. I would’ve been in real trouble if Dalton hadn't shown up. I shudder to think what would’ve happened. As I have no clue what the man wanted. It’s too bad he got away.
Dalton called the police as soon as he checked me out. Deputy Boyd took our statement and escorted us down to the emergency room. Thank God our town has one. Not that my injury is life threatening but with all the ranches and farms around here, not to mention traffic accidents, it’s a blessing. Listen to me thinking like Wolf Creek is my home and has been forever.
It hits me then. For the first time, in maybe ever, I feel home. This is home. This small town with its beautiful people. It reminds me of a song a country music caught flack for. Small towns take care of one another. It doesn’t matter your skin color. If you’re in need there’s a town behind you.
In the short while I’ve been here the residents of Wolf Creek have welcomed me and made me part of them. It’s like a big family.
I tried to relax into the pillows and closed my eyes. It felt like the weight of the world rested on my shoulders and now some random man is after me or something I have. I don’t understand. I don’t have money. My jewelry is locked in a bank in downtown Indianapolis. Giving up I head to Effrem’s room and start the water in his enormous tub.
What a cluster fuck of a day. First I get called out of town on an emergency. The sheriff two towns over was shot this morning, and his house set on fire. What the actual fuck. Who shoots a small town sheriff and sets his house on fire.