Page 44 of Heart of the West

The words no sooner leave his mouth than a snowball hits him in the back of the head. He turns to see Clyde guffawing loudly. What soon ensues is the best snowball fight of my life. I’m being hit from all directions. Laughing, I take to the trees to gather ammunition. I make an armful before I’m found. I don’t know who fires first, but I fire back and run. Dodging behind trees and throwing widely. I don’t see Effrem before I collide with him. We go down in a tangle of limbs with him on top of me. Our mouths are not even an inch apart. You can see our breaths as we pant. Both from exertion and from the chemistry that explodes the moment our eyes meet.

A snowball to Effrem’s head breaks the spell of the moment. He gets to his knees, then helps me up. We return fire before I hear someone call halt. We’re all a wet, cold, happy mess.

“I have spiked hot chocolate in the basket.”

“Yay!” Several people yell.

I laugh and make my way to the basket.

“Dad, I know what tree I want.”

Jessi pointed out the tree. The Bass men get the chainsaws out and go to work while I serve everyone else a mug full of hot cocoa.

“Oh my. This is the best cocoa I’ve tasted. Are sure we can’t steal you away?”

I shake my head. “I think I’ve finally found a place to call home. Wolf Creek is more than welcoming. You’ll have to move here.”

Maya King gave Jessi a look. Jessi, who is busy watching Kai help cut her brothers and father with the tree, doesn't see it.

“That may be in the cards. Jessi wants to move back home after graduation. She dreams of opening up a law firm here in town. Kai’s told me he’s planning on coming with her.”

Wow. That’s a lot to process. I wonder if Effrem knows the kids are this serious. My heart soars for him. He’s so proud of his kids. I could tell by the way he talked about them at breakfast the other day and the way he looks at them now. He’ll be thrilled Jessi is moving back home and with a husband to boot. I have little doubt these two are headed down the aisle.

Chapter 25


By the time we make it back and get the tree inside, everyone begs off to take a hot shower, get warmed up and change clothes. To my surprise, less than ten minutes pass before I hear noises coming from the kitchen. I wander in, finding Ruby dancing around to Christmas music and cooking.

“Do you want some help?”

She yelps and drops the bowl in her hands, sending water and raw potatoes all over the floor. The glass bowl shatters into pieces.

“Stay right there and let me get the glass cleaned up.”

I look down, surprised to see her bare feet. She shrugs, her cheeks coloring.

“You have heated floors.”

I smile. “I do. Now, don’t move.”

“Yes, Sir," she says, adding a mock salute.

My hand itches to spank that sassy ass as I go to get the broom and dustpan. It’s in the utility closet, which has a door inside the pantry. The broom, other cleaning tools, and cleaning supplies are kept here. There’s also a shelf with extra laundry supplies. Dee and I like organization. l grab the broom and dustpan and hurry to the kitchen.

Jessi is already in there with towels soaking up the excess water without shards of glass in it.

“That’s my girl.”

Jessi smiles up at me from where she's kneeling.

“I remember mom always barefoot in the kitchen. You’d scold her and tell her you’d spank her ass if she cut herself.”

“And I did too.” I say, matter of factly.

Jessi gasps, then giggles. Ruby turns redder than I’ve ever seen her. My daughter stands up, turning her back to Ruby. She gives me a grin that says she’s about to start trouble.

“Are you going to spank Ruby too?”