Page 45 of Heart of the West

That little shit. Without skipping a beat, I meet their gaze.

“If she moves and cuts herself, yes.”

Jessi squeals and runs out of the room, yelling. “Dad likes a girl.”

I shake my head.

“I think she had too much cocoa,” Ruby says.

Bless her for giving me a way out. I need to get some time alone and sort my head out. Then I need to go see Evie. Nothing more can happen unless I know I have her blessing. No, I’m not crazy. I’m well aware my wife is dead. She’ll tell me what she thinks. She always does. She sends our sign, a red cardinal. They’re rare around these parts.

I make quick work of cleaning the glass and insist on checking Ruby’s feet for cuts before I let her move.

“What are we making?”


“Yes, I’m helping make dinner.”

“We’re making chicken-fried steak, mashed potatoes, corn bread, fried okra, black-eyed peas, cream gravy, and pecan pie. Well, we already made the pecan pies. They’re on the cooling rack.”

“How did you do that? We just got back.”

“I pulled them out right before we left. I had them in during lunch.”

“Woman, you’re amazing. Jumping in with both feet and helping me out when I know you have a ton of work to do before the bakery opens.”

“What bakery?” Dalton asks.

“Ruby is opening a bakery. Same spot as the old one, but her stuff is better.”

“If it’s anything like the taste we’ve had so far, I might be tempted to move back.”

“Serious or joking?” I ask.

“Seriously, I’m thinking about selling and finding a local place to buy. I can get two to three times the size of my place in New Mexico. Maybe I’ll find a woman of my own and have a passel of kids.”

“Are you ready to be grandpa?”

“Son, I’d love nothing more. Let’s look at what’s around here after dinner.”

“Or invite Dustin. He’ll know.” Ruby says.

“That’s a brilliant idea. I’ll call him now. You don’t mind?”

“I don’t. There’s plenty. He gave me a great deal on the bakery. The least I can do is repay him by sending him business.”

She turns to me. “How are you at peeling potatoes?”

“Pretty, good. I did KP a few times in the Navy.”

Chapter 26


We work side by side for the next hour preparing a feast. I had most of the prep work done before the trip today. I thought I was going to be here. I’d planned on baking a few things. I’ll have to get an earlier start tomorrow morning. I plan on making a trip into town to grab a few baking pans I forgot. Plus, I want to check on the bakery’s progress. I can do all my test baking from this kitchen. Also, I think I’ll get supplies to make fudge. Oh, and candy molds. I found out Maya loves Queen Anne style cherries.

I made a mental note to switch up breakfast. I’ll do rolls and breakfast casserole and side meats. I can make all those ahead of time and keep them warm. If I leave the cleanup until I get back, I can make it into town and get supplies, stop by the bakery, and get back in plenty of time to make lunch.