“Where’s Dalton?”
“He’s with the sketch artist at the office. They’re going to put an APB out on the man when he’s done.
“That's my boy.” I say with a nod.
It hits me like a ton of bricks, I could have lost her again today. That’s twice. This woman is going to turn the rest of my black hair gray.
“I don’t know if I should kiss you or spank you for getting into trouble again.”
“Kiss me now. Spank me later.”
I don’t need any further encouragement. I step into the tub, put her on my lap and kiss her until I can’t tell where I stop and she begins. I kiss her like I want to drink her soul. I feel something I’ve never felt before. I can’t put a name to it, but it’s there. It’s alive and thriving.
When the kiss breaks apart my hard cock is knocking on the door of her soaked entrance. Soaked from more than the water. Her nipples are pretty pink peaks. Her face is flushed and her breathing is ragged.
“Efrem. I can’t not if you’re going to disappear again.”
“I won’t disappear again but I need to take things slow. I’ve only ever dated one woman my entire life. Until I met you, I never wanted to date another.”
“We’ll take it as slow as you need. Just don’t ghost me.”
“I won’t ghost you.”
I kiss her lips again before kissing down her throat. I bite at the pulse of her neck, sucking the flesh into my mouth. After her second close call with danger I feel the need to mark her. Shemoans and sinks her nails into the flesh of my shoulder. I pick her up.
“Straddle me.”
She does.
“Hold my cock baby.”
She reaches around and holds my cock. I line it up with her entrance and gently impale her on the length of my cock. I move so she can get her legs further around me. Her eyes are round.
“Spitfire, are you alright.”
“This feels so amazing I’m afraid to move. It feels so incredible and you’re so deep. Deeper than anyone else.”
I chuckle and thrust my hips up. She gasps and grabs hold of my shoulders.
“Ride my cock, spitfire. Ride me like you mean it.” I growl taking her lips again in a possessive kiss.
I own her mouth. I own her body. She’s going to give me every inch of it. Even if she doesn’t realize it yet.
Chapter 31
My day from hell is turning into a day of incredible bliss. I can’t begin to describe the intense pleasure I feel in this position. Roger would never try it. He said I was too heavy and I’d hurt him. He was mister missionary. Effrem rolls his hips and shoots me through the ozone.
I gasp and grasp his shoulders. When he tells me to ride him, that’s what I do. I start out slow. The tub is slippery and water isn’t the best friction but I’m so wet from being turned on it doesn’t matter. As I move up and down his length, a new sensation of pleasure wash over my body.
Effrem’s hands, lips and teeth are everywhere. I know he’s leaving marks all over my body and I don’t care. They’re marks showing I’m alive, I’m desired and maybe one day I’ll be loved, too.
I speed up and get lost in all that sensations that are making love to Effrem Reeves. As my pleasure intensifies I feel myself getting closer to going over the edge. I close my eyes and revel in the passion. He rolls his hips hitting that magic spot inside me and at the same time he pinches my clit.
“Effrem!” I cry out and moisture gushes from me.