“Close enough,” Keegan said. “The implication was clear.”
“So, what’s changed?” Rueben asked.
Sven cocked his head and pursed his lips as he considered the question. Keegan tried not to let on just how invested he was by the answer. “It’s not a specific thing.” Keegan hated the way his heart sank, and he hoped his disappointment didn’t show. “It’s this collective energy of actions and reactions whenever Kee enters the room. You’re too wrapped up in Seth to attend family dinners right now, but you and my cousin are missing out on one hell of a saga.”
Rueben assessed Keegan with twinkling eyes. “Is that so?”
“Nope,” Keegan said.
“The temperature goes up twenty degrees whenever Keegan and Kerry are in the same room,” Sven said.
Keegan’s foolish heart soared like a balloon on the breeze. He tried to grab the string before his daydreaming carried it too far away, but it only floated higher. “You’re ridiculous.” But had he meant Sven’s assumptions or his foolish heart?
Rue waved off Keegan’s denial. “Continue. I want to hear specifics.”
“First, Kerry does an impression of a meerkat whenever Keegan arrives,” Sven said. “His head pops up, and he goes on high alert, looking left and right with quick, jerky motions.” He demonstrated what he meant and winked at Keegan. “Listen, I’m telling this in terms Rueben can understand.”
Keegan laughed at the reminder of his first visit to the Thirsty Cowboy, where he’d not only danced with Kerry but got to see Sven in action for the first time. Rueben had hilariously narrated Sven’s flirtations like they were wildlife encounters occurring in aNational Geographicdocumentary. Sven was the gazelle who masterfully seduced the hunky lion. Kerry had asked Keegan to dance before he got to witness the outcome of the conquest. Keegan had asked Sven about it during their drive home last night, and he’d learned that the lion had fallen prey to Kerry’s cockblocking antics.
“Let the gazelle talk,” Rue said.
“It’s like his every sense is tuned in to where Keegan is and what he’s doing,” Sven said.
“I think I’d know if that was the case,” Keegan argued.
But Sven continued talking as if he hadn’t heard Keegan’s protest. “The rest of the room fades away as Kerry tracks his every move. He laughs when Keegan laughs and smiles when Keegan smiles.”
“Christ,” Keegan groaned. “I’m really concerned about your observational skills. Pretty sure those are grimaces.”
“Nothing wrong with my eyesight or perceptions,” Sven replied before returning his attention to Rueben. “And the look on Kerry’s face whenever Lucinda wraps her arms around Kee. I’m telling you, that big, growly bear melts because Kerry adores his mother. And guess who Mama Lulu loves?” Sven pointed at Keegan.
“He’s growly like the Big Bad Wolf,” Keegan corrected absently. He would not touch the other parts with a ten-foot pole.
“Huh?” Sven and Rueben asked.
Well, damn. He couldn’t pretend he hadn’t said it or easily explain his comment away. Luckily for him, Melinda announced that their class was over.
“You can leave your paintings on the easel to dry,” she said. “I’ll stow them in the back room, and we can pick up where we left off next time.”
She instructed them on how to clean their brushes and tidy their stations before leaving. Multiple sinks lined one wall, but there weren’t enough for them to wash up at the same time. A petite, perky brunette stopped Sven to ask where he’d bought his hot pink T-shirt with the word “fabulous” bedazzled across the chest. Keegan took advantage of the distraction and moved to the line farthest away from where Sven chatted with the woman. He wasn’t upset with his friend, but he needed time to recover from Sven’s outlandish claims. Kerry was fond of him, and sometimes he flirted, but that was it. Right?
“You okay, Kee?” Rueben asked.
“I painted a metaphorical representation of my pathetic pining during art therapy, so I don’t reckon I am okay.”
Rue’s smile was sympathetic. “How’d you end up dancing with Kerry? I thought you were going to trivia night.”
“That was the plan until I’d told Sven some things Brendan recommended at my last therapy session.”
The lithe blond appeared by their side as if summoned and waggled his brows. “Brendan wants Keegan to get laid.” At least he had the good grace to whisper. “And I had a plan to make it happen.”
Rueben’s expression was a mixture of amusement and horror. “This sounds like a long story.”
“The longest,” Keegan replied.
“Which is why we’re going to mosey on down to the diner,” Sven announced. “We can grab a bite to eat while I spill the scalding hot tea.”
“Isn’t this Keegan’s story to tell?” Rue asked.