Sven cocked his head and briefly tapped a finger against his full lips. “We’ll tag team.”
Rue’s brow shot up. “Was that part of your master plan last night?”
The question earned a wicked grin and a shoulder shimmy from Sven. “Well, I did agree to show him the ropes. I had meant to take a hands-on approach, but I hadn’t considered a three—”
“No,” Keegan said, holding up his hand to ward off whatever else Sven was about to say.
“—some,” Sven finished anyway. “Especially since the intended target was Kerry.” He scrunched up his face in disgust. “Biology doesn’t make family, and Kerry is my brother. I don’t judge others, but there’s no way I would—”
Rue slapped a hand over Sven’s mouth. Their friend continued to talk, but his muffled words were inaudible. “I know that beautiful brain of yours has a filter. Try using it, okay?” Sven nodded vigorously, and Rue released him. “Let’s clean our brushes and head to the diner.”
It was too early in the spring to draw many tourists, but the locals had packed the diner for lunch. Several heads turned in their direction, and Keegan couldn’t help feeling like everyone in the restaurant knew his personal business after he sat down for an in-depth web series interview with Rory for the ranch’s YouTube channel. Spilling the details of his time with the cult had been one of the hardest things he’d ever done, but it was a cathartic process and his only avenue for closure since most of his assailants were dead. The lone survivor pleaded guilty to his crimes against Keegan, but they got swallowed up by the bigger atrocities Reggie Ulrich committed.
Keegan’s impact statement at sentencing had barely registered as a blip on the radar, even though it had been the scariest moment of his life. He’d felt cheated afterward and wanted an outlet to vent his sorrow and rage. Rory had provided that safe space and patiently guided him through his story. Keegan just hadn’t expected anyone to watch it, let alone half a million people in less than a month. It unnerved him that everyone in the diner might know the abuse he suffered from Miriam and the people she’d entrusted to “cure” Keegan of his homosexuality. But he was more than his trauma. Keegan Scott was a fucking survivor, and it didn’t matter what anyone else thought. He was learning to love himself more and more every day.
Rueben clapped him on the shoulder. “I spot a table in the back corner.”
Keegan notched his chin up higher and led the way. Rueben slid into the booth beside him, and Sven sat opposite them. They made idle chitchat until their server took their lunch orders. Then Sven started with his animated recap of their night at the Thirsty Cowboy. It was Keegan’s story to tell, but he preferred to sit back and let the master entertain him. He only had to interrupt a few times to scale back Sven’s boldest exaggerations.
Rue listened with rapt attention until the story came to a dramatic end. “Holy crap.”
“Wait,” Keegan interjected. “Kerry did not kiss me passionately under the moonlight before we parted ways. He barely brushed his lips against my temple.” The gesture had been brief, but Keegan felt the resulting tingle for hours.
“I have never seen Kerry give such a tender gesture to anyone outside our family,” Sven argued.
Keegan swallowed hard as he floundered for a response. Luckily, their server returned with the food. Sven dug into his bowl of Aztec chicken chili with reckless abandon, so Keegan pivoted the conversation to safer subjects. “Have you heard anything else about the lawsuit?”
Sven shook his head, then swallowed his food. “I haven’t talked to my dad yet this morning, but I’m confident that Kerry will come out of this unscathed.”
“Why is someone suing Kerry?” Rueben asked.
Keegan had also gotten that story during the drive home but didn’t feel qualified to answer questions. He’d also learned what Sven had meant about his “tonight of all nights” reference. Kerry getting served on the anniversary of his dad’s death was terrible. Keegan wished he could rewind to the previous night and hug Kerry tighter.
“Now that I can tell you.” Sven made him wait while he dipped a wedge of grilled cheese sandwich into his soup and ate a bite. Then he launched into a detailed account of an accident like Rueben’s, though the location wasn’t as harrowing. Rue gasped when he heard about the equipment malfunction and the car plummeting back down the ravine.
“With the guy in the vehicle?” Rue sounded as appalled as Keegan felt. “And since Kerry owns the company, he’s responsible for his employee’s actions.”
“Yep,” Sven said. “It doesn’t matter that Chuck disobeyed company procedure and direct orders. Kerry’s ass is on the line.”
“And what a fine ass it is.” Keegan didn’t realize he’d spoken his thought out loud until Sven’s mouth curved into the wickedest grin Keegan had ever seen. The Cheshire Cat and the Grinch had nothing on this guy. “Just don’t, okay?”
Sven held up both hands as if in surrender, but Keegan knew better than to fall for it. His friend would strike as soon as Keegan let his guard down.
“What’s Kerry going to do?” Rueben asked.
Sven told him about a cousin named Vinny who practiced that type of law, which Rueben found hilarious.
“I don’t get it,” Keegan said, looking between his grinning friends.
“And we need to expedite your pop culture education,” Rueben said. “That’s a classic movie that everyone needs to see.” Sven and Rueben bounced movie quotes back and forth, and Keegan had to admit he was intrigued.
“I’ve got time to kill before my first shift at the Feisty Bull starts,” Keegan said. Sven was all for movie time, but Rueben grimaced. “It’s okay if you have plans with Seth.”
The remark only seemed to make Rueben feel guiltier. “I don’t feel like we get to spend much time together outside of work.”
Keegan missed hanging out with Rueben too, but he was happy for his best friend. “You came to art therapy with me today, and I really appreciate it.”
Rue bumped his shoulder against Keegan’s. “I had fun, and I’m looking forward to going with you again.” Rue leaned over and lowered his voice. “It’s interesting to see what your subconscious confesses through your paintings.” Rue jabbed a finger at Sven. “And you!”