"It was implied, and I'm not offended. I'm glad it came up because here's the thing. I want a real man and a real man isn't worried about perception. He's more concerned with what is."
Jacob's eyes flick between me and Colton before they focus on hers. "What is this about? What have I done to make you believe the latter isn't true?"
"I want to go to your place."
He clears his throat. "You want me to take you back to my place?"
"Yes, but not for what you're thinking. I just want to be alone with you. I want to hold your hand while we talk. I want to see your things and be in the place you call home. I want to see the walls you stare at when you fall asleep talking on the phone to me. I want Jacob Kringle, the one the world doesn't get to see."
Jacob's eyes flash to mine and I give him a subtle nod of approval before he says, "Fine, I just need you to answer one question."
Her eyes narrow on his. "What's that?"
"How all in are you? Do you want me to toss you over my shoulder and smack that ass for doubting me, or am I going to lace your fingers through mine and walk you out like a lady?"
Colton's mouth brushes against my ear. "You told him to say that?"
"Something like that,” I murmur discreetly as I attempt to keep my expression impassive.
She bites her lip. "If you throw me over your shoulder, you're stuck with me. Everyone knows you can't break up with a preacher's daughter."
"Shoulder it is," he says right as a huge smile takes over her face, and she squeals with excitement as he carries her out of the bar. Epic book boyfriend move.
"How could you have known she'd like that?" Colton says, shifting to my side, curiosity marring his perfect face.
"Easy. Avery reads romance books. She loves, love."
He tips his beer toward me. "Do you read those kinds of books?"
I bite my cheek to hold back the words that threaten to slip out. I want to say, "I don't just read them. I write them." But I don't. Not yet, anyway. "I did my research when he asked for my help." I take a pull off my beer. "I'm getting tired and I wantto clean up the kitchen before Archie gets home tomorrow." The remodel is basically complete. All that's left is drawer pulls, paint, and lighting fixtures. We can do those things ourselves, and I wanted to surprise him by getting them done.
"You want me to carry you out of here the same way?" he teases.
"No, I have to pee. That would definitely cause a scene. I'll be right back, then we can leave."
"Whatever you say, Posey. Where you go, I go." His eyes sparkle as they hold mine, and shoot arrows straight into my heart. I'm sure he knows exactly what he's doing, and I hate him for it. Colton Callahan is ruining me for any other man.
I've just finished washing my hands when a text from Ava comes across the group chat.
Ava: How did the second date go?
Gemma: I hear preacher's daughters are into fifth base.
Libby: No, you're into fifth base.
Gemma: Hmm. Maybe, but it doesn't make the preacher's daughter thing any less true.
JoJo: He just threw her over his shoulder and left the bar, so I'd say it was a home run. Talk later. I'm leaving to go explore all the bases myself.
I shove my phone back into my pocket and head out, only to find Colton leaning against the wall, waiting. "Did you think I would flee out the back door before returning to the table?"
"No, there's nowhere you could go that I wouldn't find you," I smile at his antics as his morphs to match mine. "What’s withthat face? Was that not a good line? I googled popular one-liners from books while you were in the bathroom."
"You did not." I swat his chest.
"I did. I thought it was pretty good."
I lace my fingers through his and say, "Come on, Casanova. Take me home."