"That's awful," I agree, feeling a little remorse for telling her we couldn't take him when I first spotted them on the side of the gas station.

"Yeah, I'm all he has." She slides out of bed and starts pouring him food.

"Hey, I wasn't ready for you to get up yet."

She strokes the dog's coat before standing. "I need to get dressed and call Kieran."

"Kieran?" I question, unable to bite back my jealousy.

"He's a vet. I want to get Snowball chipped so we don't lose him," she says as she walks toward the en suite. "Also, don't forget Jacob invited us to Holly's Tavern tonight after we close the tree lot."

I throw the cover off. "Are you asking me on a real date, Josephine Estes?"

She smiles. "I guess I am. It's a double date, and I expect you to be on your best behavior this time."

I nod toward the bathroom. "Are you going to let me join you?"

She pulls her sleep shirt off over her head and tosses it at me. "No." I spring off the bed, but she slams the door before I can reach her. "Let Snowball outside when he's done eating," she calls through the door.

I hear the shower turn on, and I slide down the back of the door, and Snowball side-eyes me while he chews his food. "She does what she wants and tells me no… I'm going to marry that girl."



Turning Colton down this morning was hard. Spending this past week with him alone has been everything. It almost feels too perfect to be real. I can't believe I'm saying this, but Colton Callahan is the definition of a book boyfriend. I fall asleep thoroughly ravished and wake in his arms, ones that don't want to let me go, ones that make me feel cherished. Knowing I'm the first person he's rolled around in the sheets with in the mornings melts me. He doesn't want to get out of bed. It's hard to believe morning sex and staying in bed all day isn't his favorite pastime. He's even memorized my morning coffee order, freshly grinding my beans, pressing the grounds, and whipping my cream before pouring it over the top.

The first morning we woke up together, we didn't get out of bed until noon. We spent hours tangled in the sheets. He brought me breakfast, we got lost in each other some more, and fell back asleep before we literally couldn't afford to stay in bed a minute longer. Luckily, we have high school kids who come up to the farm to ring people out, wrap, and haul trees. The first two customers were already being rung out by the time we walkedout of the house. But even late, I was able to break Archie's record by twenty trees and eleven wreaths. It's not a huge lead, but it's a lead nonetheless.

I'm sure I would have sold more were it not for Colton distracting me. He's everywhere I turn, like now. He and Jacob went over to the bar to refill our drinks, and his eyes are on me, but I only know that because mine are on him too.

"That man has it bad," Avery comments from our bar table by the dart boards.

"You think?" I joke before finishing the last of my beer. "I'm pretty sure I have it just as bad, but enough about me. How are things between you and Jacob?"

At Friendsgiving, she pulled me aside to ask if I was interested in him because we seemed close. I immediately felt guilty about how things must have looked from the outside looking in for Colton. I knew Jacob was clinging to my side. I just hadn't realized how that looked until Avery mentioned it. It was on the tip of my tongue to out Jacob and how we connected. His intent is so genuine and utterly adorable, and I wanted her to know exactly how far he'd gone to make a good impression, but I couldn't. So I lied. It's something I've been doing way more than I'd like to lately. I told her he was helping me with material for my next book. It's not a complete lie. The entire concept of the BBB has given me a lot of ideas. I'll have endless stories working with couples falling in love. Avery just doesn't know the story I plan to write is hers.

"I really like him. Like, really, really like him. It took every ounce of self-control I had not to squeal in excitement when he invited me to Friendsgiving. I'd been playing it cool, subtly throwing out hints for weeks, and I was beginning to think he wasn't interested. Now I know he was nervous."

"He told you that?"

"Yeah, we talk for hours every night. It's one of the best parts of my day: falling asleep talking to him on the phone. I just wish he'd invite me over to his place. I still live at home, but he has his own place. Talking on the phone, texting, and seeing him at work is great, but I'd like to hang out with him alone."

I spin my empty bottle. I know precisely what his hesitation is. She is the preacher's daughter, and he doesn't want to be that guy. The one who looks like he is defiling her.

"You should try talking to him about it. When you find someone you care about, articulating your wants isn't always easy. You don't want to mess things up, but everything is still so new you're unsure how to navigate certain topics." I should know. It's how I felt with Colton prior to finding our groove this week.

"Yeah, I get it. My dad's a preacher. That title has been a cock block my entire life."

I can't help but laugh. "What's so funny?" Colton's arm circles my waist as he returns with another beer.

"My virtue," Avery states matter-of-factly as Jacob spits his beer.

"What?" he questions.

"JoJo says you don't want to invite me over because the entire town will assume you're defiling the preacher's daughter."

Now I'm the one choking on my beer. "That's not what I said."