Page 76 of Warrior's Walk

“Mama, remember them costumes you made for us so we could be Rhett and Scarlett for Halloween?”

“Good Lord,” she laughs, her face lighting up with the memory. “You must have been about six or seven.”

“You looked so pretty in that dress.” My mama blushes, which is something I haven’t seen in years.

“Well, I do declare, Rhett Butler, your tongue is as slick as a buttered casserole dish.”

She’s cute when she puts on her most dramatic southern voice. “Can I get you something to eat or drink?”

“No baby. I’m supposed to be fussin’ over you, not the other way around.”

“I don’t mind at all, Mama. You’ve fussed over me for twenty-three years.”

“Let’s just sit and watch this movie together.”

Her favorite part is coming up, where Rhett tells Scarlett he doesn’t give a damn. I already know she’s going to say it out loud. If this was on DVD, she would rewind it three times.

“Mama, have I told you how happy I am you’re here?”

“Me too, my little sugared pecan.” She leans into my side, and I wrap my arm around her blanket-covered body.

My body reacts physically the closer I get to the airfield. A boost in energy, my mood soars, and I feel excited about something for the first time in… in what seems like forever.

Adrenaline spikes when I walk into the hangar, and my heart feels like it’s gonna beat right outta my damn chest.

“Rhett!” Randall Mallory jogs over and gives me a one-armed hug. Damn, he smells amazing. Like pine and leather? I’m not sure, but I love it. “I can’t wait to show you what I’ve got.” His words sound innocent enough, but it’s the gleam in his gray eyes, and his sexy smirk, that add meaning to the words.

“Show me. I’m all yours.”

He laughs wickedly, sliding his arm around my shoulders. Randall guides me to a small room packed with metal racks of equipment and packed parachutes.

“I guess you have some experience with these,” he guesses, smiling. “You’re out of commission as a jump instructor, but I bet you can pack a tight chute.”

Is that a sex reference?

“With my eyes closed, sir.”

“Drop the sir and call me Rand.”

I spot a bucket of carabiners, rigging and paracord, chutes, and backpacks. I’m in my element, finally. This beats wrapping silverware and refilling condiment bottles at the Tavern by a country mile.

“You can help book appointments, print and file waivers, and schedule plane maintenance. My flight logs are a damn mess, and I’ve got a pile of updated certifications and regulations sitting on my desk collecting dust. Wanna help me out?”

His enigmatic smile is hard to resist, especially when he’s speaking my language. “Hell, yeah. Point me in the right direction.”

“Right there.” He points through the hangar doors to the sweet little Cessna 172 parked on the landing strip.

“You want me to wash it or somethin’?” I just want to put my hands on her, even if I’m just holding a soapy rag.

“No,” he laughs. “We’re going for a spin. Climb in.”

Holy fucking nitrous! I’ve never moved so quickly, even with my bum leg. I click the seatbelt and blood whooshes in my ears. My cheeks hurt from smiling. I feelalive, and I’m not even in the air yet.

Rand settles into the pilot seat beside me and points out the various gauges and levers, explaining everything as he runs through his preflight checklist. He motions for me to put my headset on, and then his smooth voice flows into my ear like honey.

“Hang on. I’m about to blow your mind. Let’s get you back in the air where you belong.”

I’ve never heard sweeter words spoken.Back in the air.Yup, that’s exactly where I belong.