Page 12 of Drunk Girl

With two cups of coffee consumed and a small breakfast of some buttered toast, I make my way back into my room and grab my cell from my nightstand. It was plugged in, so at least it isn’t dead somewhere—probably another thing Nick did for me last night. I quickly add his contact information into my phone and then open my messaging app.

Ashley:Hey, thanks for the ride home last night and for making sure I made it inside and to bed safely. You’re one of a kind, Nick.

I don’t really expect to hear back from him, especially this early in the day with the hours he works at the bar, so I toss my phone back onto my nightstand and slide back under the covers. I don’t have any real plans today, so a little more sleep sounds about perfect right now.

* * *

I wake up a while later,feeling refreshed. I grab my cell to check the time and am shocked I slept for another three hours. I also have a couple missed texts from Nick and Tiffany.

Tiffany:Are you alive? Did you make it home safely? Anything fun happen with the sexy bartender?

Tiffany:Ash… text me, call me… I just want to make sure you’re okay. Fuck, I should have never left you at that bar last night.

Tiffany:I really hope you’re just asleep and not dead in some alley somewhere.

Nick:Really it wasn’t a big deal. I’m glad I was able to get you home safely. Since you found my note with my number, I take it you also found your keys.

Nick:Want to grab a late lunch? I can come pick you up.

Crap, I hate it when Tiffany worries about me, so I answer her first.

Ashley:Sorry! I’m safe at home. Nick got me home last night, nothing fun happened. He was a complete gentleman. But he did text me, asking if I wanted to go grab a late lunch with him… Tell me what to do!?!?

Ashley:Yes! I found my keys. Thank you for removing them from the lock. I can’t believe I left them in it. :head desk:

Tiffany:Girl, you had me freaking out. I was about to head down to The Tap House and start questioning the workers to find out when you left last night. So, I’m glad to hear you’re alive.

Tiffany:So, he took you home, huh?

Ashley:Yes. He offered to drive me home to save me the cost of an Uber. I stuck around the bar while he closed down and then he drove me home. I ended up falling asleep on the way home, so he helped get me inside. I was a mess, Tiff. Like, drunk girl, life’s in complete disarray, huge fucking mess. I vaguely remember inviting him to stay, but him kindly turning me down. Said I’d had too much to drink to make a decision like that. But I know he was attracted to me. He left a note with his cell number and my keys—which I’d apparently left in the door when we got here—on the counter. I texted him earlier when I woke up for a little bit, thanking him for the ride and apologizing for my hot mess express of a life. So, I was a little shocked at the lunch invite.

Tiffany:There is so much to unpack from all of that. Please tell me you said yes to the lunch invite. Any guy who would tell you you’ve had too much to drink to make the decision to sleep together is one you pursue. He sounds like a good guy, Ash.

Ashley:I’m sure he’s a great guy, but Ijustgot out of a relationship. Should I really be jumping right back into the dating pool?

Nick:No worries. We’ve all had nights like that. I’ve done some stupid shit a time or two while drunk. Don’t worry, I won’t hold it against you. ;)

Nick:Did you want to grab lunch? I was about to head out to grab something… I can swing by and pick you up if you want.

Ashley:He’s texting me again asking about lunch—tell me what to do!!!

Tiffany:Tell him yes!

Ashley:Are you sure? I haven’t even showered yet and he said he’s ready to leave his house.

Tiffany:Yes, I’m sure. Now get your ass into the shower. You’ve got a sexy bartender to impress. I expect details later!

Ashley:Okay, you’ve convinced me.

Ashley:Lunch sounds great, but I haven’t showered yet. Can you stall for twenty, maybe twenty-five minutes?

Nick:Sure can. I’ll see you soon.

Ashley: It’s a done deal. I told him yes! I’m off to shower as I told him it would only take me twenty minutes to be ready.

Tiffany: I want details later. You better not forget to call me.

Ashley:I’ll think about it. ;)