Page 11 of Drunk Girl

“Oh, thanks for thinking of me. I’m not sure I’d be good for the position, not having ever tended bar before. Especially with how busy you guys stay most nights.”

“You’d be surprised how quickly you pick up mixing all the drinks,” I tell her as I drive down the street. “That, and we fully train our bartenders, and have new ones work the easier shifts to start out. We wouldn’t throw you to the wolves,” I add on a laugh.

“Maybe. I’ll keep the option open and see what comes of all the applications I put in today.”

“Sounds good,” I tell her as I quickly look over at her and take in her relaxed state. She’s got her head resting on the headrest, and her eyes are closed from what I can tell by my quick look at her.

I continue driving, following the GPS directions as we fall into a silence. I’m not one hundred percent sure, but I think Ashley might have fallen asleep in the passenger seat. My suspicions are confirmed when I pull into the lot of the apartment building and park.

“Ash,” I say, somewhat quietly as I run the backs of my fingers down her cheek. “We’re at your place.”

Her eyes pop open and she looks around, then straight at me, a little shocked at her surroundings.

“Crap, sorry for falling asleep,” she says, sitting up and rubbing her eyes.

“It’s okay,” I reassure her. “It’s late, and from the sounds of it, you had a busy night.”

She yawns. “Yeah.”

“I’ll walk you in, make sure you make it inside okay.” I get out and walk around to open her door, then offer her my hand to steady herself as she stands up. I slip it around her, resting my hand on her hip as I pull her against my side as we walk into the building. “What unit?” I ask, once inside the hallway.

“Number two,” she says, motioning down the hall.

We walk back to the door marked with a metal number two. Ashley pulls out her keys and unlocks the door, opening it to a dark apartment. “Would you like to come in?” she asks, looking up at me with a mixture of drunkenness and desire in her eyes.

“I’ll come in to make sure you get settled tonight, but for nothing else.” She pushes her bottom lip out in a pout and it’s just about the fucking cutest thing I’ve ever seen. “Sorry, darlin’, but you’ve had too much to drink tonight to make any decisions like that,” I tell her as I nudge her to move inside.

She reaches in and flips a switch that turns on a lamp in the living room. The unit isn’t huge, but it’s homey.

“Let’s get you in and into bed.” I follow her back to her room, standing at the doorway as she rummages through her drawers, pulling out a tank top and shorts. I step aside so she can exit her room and head into the bathroom. While she’s in there, I lean back against the wall, looking up at the ceiling, and blow out a big breath.What the fuck am I doing here?I see her phone laying on the bed and her charger on the nightstand, so I grab it, plugging it in so she doesn’t forget or lose it in her sheets overnight and end up with a dead battery in the morning.

The bathroom door opening draws my attention, and I look over just as Ashley is coming out. She’s pulled her hair up into a messy bun that’s sitting on top of her head, and the tank top is tight and leaves little to the imagination. I can easily see her hardened nipples and the outline of her areoles. The sight of her curvy body in the tiny shorts and tight tank top has my dick pressing against the zipper of my jeans.

She closes the space between the bathroom door and where I’m standing at her bedroom door, stopping in front of me. She looks up at me, that drunk lust still filling her eyes. “Are you sure I can’t change your mind about staying?” she asks, then nibbles on her bottom lip and fuck if my dick doesn’t twitch and harden a little more in my jeans.

“I meant what I said earlier. You’re in no condition to make those kinds of decisions right now. Maybe another time, Ash, when you haven’t had so much to drink and can make that decision with a clear mind.” I will not budge from my stance on this. I would never push myself on a girl, and don’t want one regretting a decision made when drunk come the next morning.

“You’re one of a kind,” she whispers between us, then turns and walks into her room. She tosses her clothes into a hamper in the corner before she lies down.

I walk back out to the living room to leave and notice her keys are still in the lock, so I take them out and place them on kitchen counter, where she’s sure to find them. I find a sticky note pad on the counter and scribble out my cell number and leave it stuck to her keys.

“I took your keys from the lock, I left them on the counter. Call or text me in the morning, tell me if you’re okay. Also take these, and drink this,” I tell her, handing her a couple ibuprofen I found in a bottle on the counter, along with a glass of water. She does as I tell her and then collapses on the pillow. I look over her one last time, pretty sure she won’t remember much of this conversation, then leave her bedroom.

I shut the door behind me but leave on the lamp and turn the lock on the handle of the door since I can’t lock the deadbolt without the keys. I left her alone, to sleep off the alcohol. Hopefully, she’ll call or text me in the morning.



I wakeup and look around at my room. I vaguely remember coming home with Nick last night, after being out for Tiffany’s birthday party and ending the night at The Tap House. I roll over onto my back and realize the other side of my bed is empty and cold, so Nick either never slept there or has already left. After pulling the blankets off and realizing I’m in my normal sleep clothes, I’m going to guess he didn’t stay, and we didn’t sleep together. How pathetic must I be that I can’t remember exactly what happened last night?

After using the bathroom, I wash my hands and face, then brush my teeth. Once I feel human again, I make my way out to the kitchen. Mom’s door is shut, which doesn’t surprise me, since she worked a night shift and it’s only ten. I notice my keys sitting on the counter with a sticky note attached to them, so I grab it after starting the coffee pot.

Ash – you left these in the lock last night, not sure where you normally keep them, but figured here was better than in the lock. Call or text me when you wake up, so I know you’re okay. – Nick

I read his note a few more times, wondering what kind of man does this. What kind of man drives a drunk girl home and makes sure she gets to bed safely? What sort of man picks up my life I’ve practically thrown on the floor, left my keys he found in my door and his number on the counter, and then walked out? Who doesn’t take advantage of the drunk girl who throws herself at him, offering up her body? Maybe he’s got a girlfriend? Maybe he swings for the other team? No way. I saw the way he looked at me, how I affected him. How he held my hand last night leaving the bar. He’s definitely attracted.

I sit with a mug of coffee, fingering the sticky note with Nick’s note and cell number on it. I ponder if I should contact him. He was super nice to do everything he did for me last night, so it would be rudenotto at least text him, to let him know I’m okay and to thank him for getting me home safe last night.