“No babies until after the wedding,” she said again. In fact, she said it so much it was slowly becoming her mantra to all of Pilgrim who wanted to know when to expect another baby. “So, are you ready or not?”

“Not,” I said with my best apologetic look. “I’m working on a new program to help with our difficult cases, like Magnus, and it’s taking all of my focus. In fact, I’m thinking about taking it home so I can do it totally unplugged.” I did my best to look exhausted and overworked to avoid any questions, but Eva’s keen gray eyes missed nothing.

“Maybe a break is just what you need.”

I shook my head. “If I lose my mojo now, it might be a few days before I get it back. Besides, I think I’m close. In fact,” I stood and began to gather my things. “I think the quiet of home will make things easier. You girls have fun and have a taco for me.” I closed my laptop and scanned the room for my work bag, purse and the cardigan I’d brought for the anticipated evening cold with a sigh.

“Something’s going on with you but I can’t figure it out. Yet. But you know I will.”

I shrugged and gathered all my things before turning my gaze to Eva. “What could possibly be going on with me, Eva? All I do is work and work some more.”

A sympathetic look lit her eyes as she stepped into my office. “You’re sulking because of things between you and Stone. Don’t. Figure out what you want and then make it happen.”

I appreciated the vote of confidence and I felt bad that I was keeping this major development a secret from her, but for now that’s how it had to be. It’s how I wanted it to be. For now, I reminded myself once again. “Right now I’m focused on this new program and the original algorithm always needs to be tweaked.”

The moment her shoulders sank in acceptance, I relaxed a little. “All work and no play makes Sophie a lonely girl.” Her sing-song voice brought a smile to my face and I shrugged.

“Someone has to keep the business running while you and Olive run off to fall in love and have babies. It’s perfect advertising for the business.”

Eva rolled her eyes and groaned. “Honey, we have to work on your sense of romance.”

“We do, but can we do it later? After I’ve finished this program?” Eva nodded her agreement went off to hurry Olive along, still claiming starvation level of hunger loud enough for all to hear. While they bickered, I made a quick escape at five on the dot.

There was a certain element of excitement to sneaking around that I hadn’t anticipated, but when I stepped inside my house and locked the door behind me, the sounds and smells from the kitchen kicked my heart rate up a few notches.


I kicked off my shoes with a satisfied groan and followed the delicious scents to the kitchen and the handsome man wearing my French maid apron. “Where’s your car?”

He turned with a wide, happy smile that sent my heart soaring into space. “Hey. I’m a fitness pro, I managed to walk over here on my own two feet. Wasn’t that hard.”

I rolled my eyes. “Smart ass.”

“Maybe a little. How was your day?” It was an innocuous question, one we asked nearly every single day but today it felt different, more significant. More intimate and domestic.

“Good. Busy. I lied to Eva about why I couldn’t go to happy hour tonight.” I didn’t like lying, it made me feel dirty and wrong.

Stone’s gaze softened and he came to me, wrapping me in his big arms before he dropped a kiss on top of my head. “If it makes you feel better, set up your laptop and get some work done while I finish up dinner, that way you’re not a big stinkin’ liar.” I gasped and prepared to glare up at him, but Stone, of course, was smiling.

“Thank you.” This man always had the ability to make me feel better. “Remember on Senior Ditch Day when we spent an hour doing homework before heading to the fishing hole?” I didn’t want to lie about studying so Stone had sacrificed an hour to help me make it true. “You’re always doing things like that.”

He took a step back and rubbed a hand down he back of his head and neck with a smile. “What can I say? I am pretty awesome.”

“No doubt about it,” I laughed and stood on my tiptoes to press my lips to his. “Thanks for being so great. How was your day?”

“Mostly good,” he sighed and kissed me again but it wasn’t a lover’s kiss, it was a welcome kiss filled with heat and anticipation. Maybe even a promise of something…more. “Busy as hell with all the paperwork required to get things going in Tulip, but I can’t complain.” He rarely did complain about anything. Ever. “It’s looking a hell of a lot better now.” There was erotic intent in his eyes even as he kissed me once again and took a few steps back and then a few more until the center island stood between us.