I folded my arms over my chest, leaning against the doorframe. “A joke?”

She sighed and nodded. “I don’t know what any of this means, Stone and I’m terrified. So, the universe decided to test me. With you. Don’t you see?”

I was pretty sure I did see. And I didn’t like the picture that was forming. “I see that you’re here for another screw.”

She sighed and pushed off the couch, bridging half the distance between us. “Don’t be crass. It doesn’t suit you.”

My head fell back and laughter burst out of my mouth. “You showed up for another round of fucking and I’m being crass? Nice.”

“I don’t want to lose you Stone and this is a test, don’t you see? If we do this and it doesn’t work out, it’s all gone. Twenty years of friendship gone. Mags, gone. My biggest fear in the world, realized.” She started to pace again. “Why couldn’t this have been some random guy who doesn’t matter to me? Why did it have to be you?”

“Don’t you think I ask myself that every damn day? For years I wondered why you, but after a while I just accepted it. If you can’t, then you should probably just go.” Turning Sophie away was the last thing I wanted, but it was the only way to preserve my sanity.

“I can’t.”

“You can,” I growled. “You did after that first kiss, and you did the other night.”

“Okay,” she nodded. “I can. But I don’t want to.”

“Okay. So you want to sleep with me but not date me? You know how insulting that is, right?”

“I’m not saying that, Stone.” She took a few hesitant steps forward and stopped with an annoyed sigh. “Let’s see what happens before we go making any public announcements.”

I took a step forward at her words and the heat simmering in her eyes. “You want me to be your dirty little secret, Soph?”

“No. I just want us to be a secret until we decide if there will be an “us”. Is that asking too much?”

For a chance to make her mine, for real? “Hell no, it’s not.”

“Good,” she sighed and nodded. “That’s very good to hear.” Her smile was shaky, but eventually, Sophie found her footing and a bigger smile. She took another step forward and then another until she was directly in front of me. “I’m going to kiss you now, Stone.”

“I’m right here, Soph.”

“Yes you are,” she purred and put her hands on my chest and slid them up and around my shoulders. Then her lips were on mine and all logical thought left my mind. She tasted like cherry lip gloss and her tongue tasted like oranges, but underneath it all was just…Sophie.

I kissed her back for what felt like hours, just enjoying the feel of Sophie in my arms and kissing me back because she wanted to.

Because she wanted to.

Her hands fisted in my hair and she tugged me closer as if she couldn’t get enough of me. The thought that she was just as crazy for me, turned me on, and my hands slid down her back and pulled her close, squeezing her round ass. I found the zipper of her dress and tugged slowly.

“Stone,” she pulled back and purred my name, a sultry smile on her face that I was sure matched my own.

“This time, we’re going slow,” I told her and pulled her body close to mine again before I lifted her over my shoulder.

“Stone! What do you think you’re doing? Put me down!” She smacked my ass and squirmed, trying to stifle the laughter when I smacked her ass in return. “Put me down before you hurt yourself.”

How could I not love this woman who didn’t know how tempting and delectable I found her feminine curves? “You calling me weak, woman?” I marched up the stairs to my bedroom, squatting every few steps just to show off my strength. “Light as a feather.”

“Stone,” she growled and tried to bite me.

“Kinky,” I told her and gave her ass another smack just as we made it to my bedroom. “But now it’s my turn to get my mouth, my tongue, my teeth all over your body.”

She let out a stuttering breath as she fell on the bed, chest heaving at the look of heat I leveled her with. “Yes, please.”

This time she stayed after her first orgasm.

And her second.

And her third.

It wasn’t everything, but it was a hell of a start.Sophie“Hey Soph, you ready to head out? I’ve had wings and cheese fries on the brain all day.” Eva poked her head into my office with an eager smile and I sat back in my chair and grinned.

“Maybe you’re pregnant?” Her gasp of shock and the narrowed gray stare she sent my way said she didn’t appreciate the joke as much as I did. “Sorry?”