I leaned back on my elbows, showing off the pale yellow and black teddy I’d picked up over the weekend with him in mind. “Kill you? Not at all. Just want to drive you a little mad. Is it working?”
Stone nodded and then his mouth attacked mine, showing me exactly how mad with desire I could make him, which pleased me to no end. Just like you, I thought as his lips touched my neck, my collarbone, the spot between my breasts. Lower. Stone managed to bring me a ton of pleasure in the forty minutes we had before the oven timer sounded and when the buzzing sound ripped through the air, I lie back exhausted and satisfied. A goofy grin on my face.
“I guess it worked a little.”
Stone smiled down at me and kissed me again, this time it was a slow, drugging kiss that sent my desire firing back up on all cylinders. “You always drive me wild, Soph, but that little number just took it to another level.”
“Good to know,” I told him, watching in awe the way his muscles bunched and flared as he stepped into black and red boxer briefs. “It’s a good thing you don’t need any of that to drive me crazy.”
A happy smile appeared on his face when he turned back to me. “You don’t need either. I love you just the way you are, but that lacy thing is like the cherry on top of the sundae. Always welcome.”
“Not the sprinkles?”
He barked out a laugh. “Not the cherry or the sprinkles. It’s the hot fudge all the way baby.” Then, in nothing but his underwear, Stone went to check on dinner, leaving me staring at the gorgeous figure he cut until he disappeared from sight.
This was exactly what I’d always wanted but could never find with the few relationships I’d had over the years. Was this because of Stone and our previous relationship? Or was this what it was supposed to be like? Was it what Olive and Eva felt when they were with their men?
More importantly, could it last?
I still didn’t know, but once again Stone had said he loved me, so casually that I knew I needed to figure it out sooner rather than later. If it could last, this had the potential to be the real thing. True love.
If not, I was looking at a long future of heartache and worse, I was looking at it without the support of my best friend. A thought that caused my eyes to sting with tears I refused to let fall, especially when Stone would be back soon.
Instead of worrying, I jumped in the shower and put on another of my new purchases, a soft red negligee, that would be the perfect outfit for roast chicken dinner with my bestie.
And if it turned into another round of sex on the kitchen table, well that would be all right too.StoneAs soon as I walked into the Time for Love offices, Kendra arched her brows in my direction and her pink painted lips spread into a knowing smile. “Here to make up with the bestie?”
My own mouth twisted into a bittersweet smile that I couldn’t just be here to see my woman. Because it’s still a secret. “Something like that. Is Sophie in?”
“That depends, what kind of pizza did you bring since I see you brought enough to share?” Leave it to Kendra to get right down to what was really important.
“Meat lovers and veggie supreme. Good enough?”
“You did good, Stone. If I was pissed at you, I wouldn’t be any longer,” she said as she rounded the modern looking reception area and motioned for me to hand over the boxes. “I’ll put them in the break room after stealing a few slices. Eva is out of the office for the rest of the day and Olive is doing etiquette lessons with a group of newbies.”
That was music to my ears because I meant I could enjoy a long lunch with Sophie behind closed doors. Hopefully uninterrupted too. “And Soph?”
Kendra glanced over the desk at the phone and grinned. “She’s all yours.”
Damn right she was. “Thanks.” She nodded and made a shooing motion towards Sophie’s office. I knocked and pushed the door open at the same time and the gorgeous smile that greeted me made me feel like we were making progress, despite the secrecy.
“Hey! What are you doing here?” She sat up straight. “Is everything all right?”
“Everything is good, Soph. Shaping up to be better now,” I told her and gave her a thorough onceover when she stood, looking sexy as hell in a prim and proper pink and black pinstriped skirt that brought all my sexy librarian fantasies to the surface. “You look great.”
“Thank you, Stone.” Her words came out shy and a little surprised, but it was the pink that stole over her skin that told me she truly appreciated the compliment. “What’s that amazing smell?”