
“Well if you smell like spicy Italian sausage, I’m really glad you stopped by.”

“I knew you only wanted me for my meat,” I told her playfully and produced a brown bag with a familiar logo on it. “Broccoli, sausage and cheese calzone for you, milady.”

She let out he excited squeal she reserved just for food and reached for the bag, but I shut the door and held it just out of her reach. Sophie sighed but her smile grew wider. “Hey Stone.”

“Hey Sophie.”

“Thanks for lunch.”

I smiled. “You’re welcome.”

She pushed up on her toes and pressed her lips to mine, kissing me deeply and with lots of tongue as her fingers tangled in my hair and those sweet curves pressed up against my body. “I’m starving.”

“I can tell.” I laughed she when smacked my midsection and reached again for the bag, but took advantage of my height advantaged and stole another kiss when she was close enough. “Did you skip breakfast again?”

“I got up early to work since someone kept me up all night and just when my stomach started growling, I had to leave for the office.”

I smacked my lips together and wagged a finger at her. “Naughty, naughty.” Things had been like this since she showed up at my house to seduce me, good. Really good. So damn good that I was doing my best to just enjoy being with her without thinking about the future. Without thinking about the fact that we were still sneaking around, still hiding. Without thinking about the fact that Sophie still wasn’t sure about me. Or about us. “Good thing I love to feed you.”

Her cheeks turned an even darker shade of pink. “Want to share?”

“Always.” When Sophie turned on her heels to grab plates and utensils, I watched the sway of her ass and the swing of her hips until she disappeared from sight and took he seat behind her desk. “This chair is so comfortable I don’t know why you do any work from home.”

“Because I can work in my pajamas on my sofa when I’m at home.”

I laughed at her logic. “But you never do. You’re either in your office or at the kitchen able.”

Her big brown eyes narrowed in my direction as she made her way to the desk. “I said I can, not that I did.” She sat on the free corner of the desk just beside me, giving me an up close look at her legs and when she reached for the bag on the other side of the desk, I got a glimpse of those lace top stockings she preferred.

Hell, so did I and I put a hand on her thigh and squeezed gently. “How goes the search for Magnus?”

The name of her most difficult client made Sophie forget lunch instantly. “Terrible. He wants a supermodel but he has all these little quirks that make it possible to match him, even with women who fit his criteria. It’s driving me insane and I am done talking about it. How was your day?”

I shrugged. “I hired a project manager to oversee the renovations in Tulip so now I don’t have to run back and forth several times a week. And I might have a solution to your problem, if you’re open to it.”

“I am,” she said, leaning forward and putting one hand on my shoulder.

“Babs.” Her gaze narrowed angrily but I pressed on. “Seriously. She likes the finer things in life so she’ll appreciate his money, but a career in academia means she’s not completely driven by it. Plus, she’s a knockout. Objectively speaking,” I added when her nostrils started to flare.

“You’ll pay for that,” she growled as my hand slid slowly up her thigh. “But dammit, it’s not a bad idea.”

“I know.”

Sophie rolled her eyes, her full light pink lips ready with a smart remark but the phone ringing on her desk took her attention before she could get it out. Her professional spiel was kind of sexy and I kept my gaze focused on her lips, loving the way she was so animated when she spoke. Her lips tugged into a smile. She nibbled them as she listened and licked them before she prepared to speak, keeping her tone even but forceful with a difficult client. “I’m aware of that, but you have an itemized list that’s pretty rigid.”

Magnus. I should have guessed. I hadn’t met the guy but he’d given her so much grief, I kind of wanted to pull the angry boyfriend card and threaten him. Except I wasn’t her boyfriend. Not technically. Not yet.

“Sorry,” she mouthed to me and pointed at the phone with a roll of her eyes. “Let me see,” she told the guy on the phone and slid over to access her computer, which put her thighs on either side of my waist. Her lace top stockings teasing me.