“News travels fast in this town,” I said instead of an answer.

“Good or bad, there are no secrets in Pilgrim,” she agreed with a wistful sigh. “Except mine. So far.”

I smiled mischievously. “So, if I were to suss out this mystery crush of yours, maybe I could get everyone to forget about my non-fight with Sophie.”

Brown eyes that weren’t the same color as the ones in my dreams went wide with disbelief. “You wouldn’t.”

“I might,” I shrugged.

“You know what the second most valuable currency to gossip is in a small town? Speculation.” Joss sat back as her fish tacos were delivered along with my quesadilla platter, and grinned. “Whatever I make up will be just as believable as the truth. As long as it sounds close enough to the truth.”

“I thought you needed my help,” I said in a grumpy tone that made her laugh.

“You’ve already agreed to help out, and I know you Stone Lawson, you’re a man of your word. Now I’m just messin’ with ya.” She winked and leaned towards me with a playful grin. “Besides, the more Sophie glares over here, the more I’m getting exactly the right idea about what happened between the two of you.”

“Nothing happened.” And that was the whole damn problem, wasn’t it? “Nothing at all.”

Joss looked at me with a twinkle in her eyes, smirked and then turned her focus to her food. “Something happened before that so called nothing though.”

She wasn’t wrong so I kept my mouth shut except to eat.Sophie“The turnout is already promising, and the mixer doesn’t officially start for another fifteen minutes.” Eva leaned against the bar beside me, looking stunning in a gray and black pinstripe dress, a satisfied smile on her face. “This over fifty thing is going to be huge!”

My lips curled up into a smile at her enthusiasm. “Let’s hope so. We can always use another revenue stream for TFL.” And given the stats on women outliving their husbands, it was a mercenary decision that would end up helping TFL and our clients.

Eva scoffed and rolled her eyes. “Don’t try that money manager crap on me. I know that deep down you’re a romantic. Way, way deep down, but still.” Her smile brightened and she took a step back. “Incoming,” she said ominously and then she was gone. Off to straighten ties and calm the nerves of men and woman who hadn’t dated in decades.

I sighed and looked around Carriage House, the slightly upscale bar we’d chosen for the first Over Fifty Mixer, pleased with the turnout. Some of the singles had come from several towns over, just for a shot at finding love.

“So, do you come here often?” The familiar voice interrupted my thoughts and a frown crossed my face as the words sank in. I turned and found Maggie Lawson wearing a mischievous smile and a pretty green dress with white polka dots.

Relief swamped me at the sight of her smile and the slight hint of devilishness in her eyes, because I was expecting anger, or maybe retribution, but Maggie was just…Maggie.

“Your pickup lines need work Mags, but you look beautiful.”

That mischief turned to uncertainty immediately and Maggie’s shoulders stiffened as she looked around at the other women in attendance, some dressed more elegantly and some not, but in typical fashion she only focused on the few well-dressed ladies in the room.

“Are you sure? This dress is old.” She leaned in and held up a hand to shield her whisper. “Really old. I didn’t have time to buy a new one before I talked myself into coming. I should have made an appointment at the salon, does my hair look all right?” Maggie didn’t wait for an answer. “Hell, I’m not sure I even remember how to flirt.”

At her words, it was my turn to roll my eyes and laugh. “Oh please, you flirt with every single man in town over the age of eighteen, regardless of relationship status.” The woman was a natural flirt, and every person who walked away from her, did so with a smile. “You’ll do great Mags. You’re awesome and a natural with people. So just let the boys see that part of you.”

“Boys?” Her brows arched in question. “I’m a bit too young for boys, Sophie. Though wouldn’t that be something, to be a cougar?” Her laugh came out loud and throaty, drawing a few curious stares.

“Like a very smart woman once told me, honey you can do anything damn thing you set your mind to.” The same way Maggie used to do to me, I smacked her backside and gave her a shove towards a trio of silver foxes. “Now go get’em tiger.”

“Oh!” She sent a dazzling smile over her shoulder and then turned her walk into a bit of a saunter and joined the men, who turned their focus to Maggie. “Do you boys have names?”