“I want us to be friends. I want us to stay friends. I want things to stay just how they are.”
“So, you want Stone to be alone forever while he waits for you to realize he’s amazing?” Eva snorted and shook her head. “Why not wish for a billion dollars and calorie-less foods?”
“I do. I wish for that every single day, and for TFL to be a raging success. That’s it.”
“That’s said…,” Eva began, but I don’t hear the rest of her words because the door opens and Stone walks in with Joss Callahan, the gorgeous high school history teacher and soccer coach who had a way of looking like a tomboy, but also effortlessly beautiful. “Whoa.”
“I’m sure they’re just friends,” Olive tried to console me.
Friends. That’s what I want to believe, but the acidic feeling in my gut makes me worry that Eva and Olive are right.
I am an idiot.Stone“Not that I don’t appreciate the offer to eat my weight in beef and bean quesadillas, but why exactly are you buying me lunch?” Joss Callahan was a friend but not a close one. Which made her unexpected call even more, well, unexpected.
She flashed a shy smile before turning her attention to the big pile of hot chips and fresh salsa on the table between us. For a brief moment I wondered if this was some attempt at matchmaking, but I brushed it off quickly because Joss wasn’t the type to keep her feelings to herself. As a high school teacher and coach, she couldn’t afford to be meek.
“I need your help.”
“Okay.” The word came out slowly. I didn’t want to agree to anything without hearing the details, but I probably wouldn’t turn her down if she needed me. “You know you can just ask, no free lunch necessary.”
Her face brightened into a smile. “I know, but this is kind of a big favor.” Joss gathered up her courage, nodding to herself a few times, before she was ready to speak again. “I want you to be my assistant coach. Not because the job is too much for me, but having an assistant coach will help lighten my load since I have two AP classes this year. And I think having a cute guy around will motivate the girls, especially the seniors that have a shot at some type of scholarship. If they can keep their eighteen year old heads screwed on straight.” Her lips twisted into a grin and I wondered if she really was interested in me, at least a little.
I leaned forward with a playful grin. “You think I’m cute?” Maybe moving on from Sophie would be easier than I thought.
She shrugged. “Of course, you’re very nice to look at, but you’re not my type and I’m not yours.”
“How can you be so sure?” Joss was a beautiful woman who downplayed her looks, she was every man’s type.
“Because I already have feelings for someone who doesn’t know I’m alive, and I don’t need to add a man who is clearly in love with someone else to my roster of bad decisions.” Her words surprised me, but Joss only laughed. “Oh come on Stone, the whole town is trying to figure out why you and Sophie are on the outs.”
That was small town living for ya, no topic was off limits, no matter how personal. “We’re not on the outs, just having a difference of opinion that requires some space. It happens.”
Joss arched one eyebrow and slid her gaze to the left with a smile. “A difference of opinion that has sweet little Sophie Worthington shooting daggers at our table? I’m curious, are those daggers aimed at you, or me for being here with you?” My gaze narrowed and Joss burst out laughing. “Interesting.”
“Nothing,’ she said quickly and lifted her hands in a defensive position. “So, you finally told her how you feel?”
“What!” Did the whole damn town know my business?
“Oh my god, you did!” Her eyes shined with delight as she leaned forward, the gleam of good gossip lighting her whole face before it fell in sympathy. “It didn’t go well I take it?”
“I’m not having this conversation.” Not now. Not ever. Not with anyone. “Unless you want to tell me about this man who doesn’t know you’re alive? Maybe I could put in a good word with him.” I flashed an innocent smile while Joss shook her head, brown ponytail swinging energetically behind her.
“No thanks, that won’t be necessary.” Her switch to prim and proper pulled another laugh from me, and suddenly I felt it too, the weight of Sophie’s gaze aimed right at our table.
“I didn’t think so. But if you still want an assistant coach, I’m happy to do it. As long as we never talk about our love lives.”
“Deal,” she said and held out a fist for me to bump. “I’ll email you the practice and game schedules as soon as I get back to my computer. Rumor has it you’re opening another gym?”