He’s wearing a work shirt similar to what a mechanic would wear, gray with an embroidered name badge that readsCrawford—Sawyer’s grandfather. The one who built the chapel. For how old he is, he looks pretty fit. Tall and sturdy, though the sun has done a number on his skin and his thin white hair isn’t long for this world.
He eyes me with one eye winked in speculation. “What are you doing out here? You one of them wedding people?”
I hold my hand up like a Girl Scout. “Guilty.”
He hums but doesn’t sound impressed. “Why aren’t you in the tasting room with them?” His finger points to the big building they all disappeared into. “I bet that Queenie’s talking everybody’s head off. You with her?”
This makes me smile. “That’s my mom.”
He chuckles and assesses me again, his eyes wrinkling in the corners. “That’s right. You look just like her apart from the eyes.” Then he continues, “Well if you’re lost, it’s just through those double doors there. I can show you if you need.”
“Appreciate it, but I’m not going in.”
I’ve really piqued his interest now. “You piss someone off? Been banished to this heat?”
Oh, hilarious. He thinks I’m in timeout.
I laugh. “No. I’m just avoiding your grandson. He’s in there, isn’t he?”
He gives me an earsplitting grin. “Avoiding Sawyer? Now see, that’s curious. Is that kid giving you trouble?”
“Pfft. More like the other way around…”
“What was that?”
“Oh nothing. Never mind. I’m happy out here. I like what you did with the old barrel room, by the way. Where’d you purchase all that stained glass?”
“I made it.” He stands up a little straighter, affecting a proud stance.
“Did you really? Must have taken you forever.”
He shrugs. “Gotta have something to do to pass the time now that my son and grandson run the place. Why don’t you like him?”
A laugh bursts out of me. “I didn’t say I don’tlikehim.”
“It’s written all over your face. That or something else I can’t read right. Either way you’d better get it figured out because they’re headed over.”
He’s right. Queenie and Dana have exited the tasting room along with Sawyer. Instead of waving farewell and getting on with business, he falls in step with them. SERIOUSLY?! Surely, he’s a busy man. Grapes can’t pick themselves!
I don’t wait around to see what will happen. I take action.
I step forward and motion dramatically toward the car. If it were possible, I’d get behind Dana and shove her along faster. “Ready to go?! Dana, how’d you like—”
“Can I talk to you for a second, Madison?” Sawyer’s voice makes me squeeze my eyes closed with pent-up fury (and other emotions).
“Wish I could but I’m on the clock and my boss is a realstickler—”
Queenie cackles. “Don’t be ridiculous, Madison. Take five. I’m going to review a few things with Dana before we head out anyway.”
“Should you really be out in the sun this long though, Mom? A woman your age should stick to places with A/C!” I’m having to raise my voice now because they’re ignoring me as they walk away.
When they proceed to keep on keepin’ on, I prop my hands on my hips in annoyance. Meanwhile, Sawyer looks pleased as punch to have me all to himself.
Wait, that’s not true!His grandpa!
I whip around to see Crawford Garnett grinning ear to ear. He holds out his hand as if wanting me to hurry up. “Now, go on, Madison. Tell my grandson why you don’t like him, and make sure to speak loud enough so I can hear.”