Page 26 of Karma's Kiss

It’s a beautiful chapel made from the bones of the old barrel room. There’s a central aisle with a dozen pews on either side all facing a raised altar. On the far wall, a large window reveals a view of the lush rolling hills. Everything is original, or at least very old. The pews are all distressed and worn. The beams on the ceiling show every bit of their age and character.

It should feel stuffy and dark inside, but rows of abstract stained glass windows placed on the sides of the chapel pour pale blue and green light into the space. My wedding planner brain immediately goes in a million directions. You could drape the pews in soft linen; sage green or white would look especiallynice. We could use a pair of old wine barrels from the vineyard, repurposed as pedestals for bursting bouquets of hydrangeas.

“This is really unique,” Dana notes.

“I completely agree.” My mom nods. “Not many venues like it. In so many ways it speaks for itself, but it’s also a blank slate. You could dress the space up or leave it just as it is. The floors are pickled wood, original to the space as is most everything. The pews were hand-carved by Crawford Garnett—”

“Sawyer’s grandfather?” I chime in.

Queenie looks at me and smiles. “Yes. This was his pet project after he retired from running the vineyard full time.”

Dana turns in a circle, looking it over. “This is really something.”

I love this part of my job. I can practically see the cogs spinning in her head, her vision coming to life.

“Have you thought about florals?” I ask gently, not wanting to step on my mom’s toes.

I didn’t review Dana’s intake forms. For all I know, they’ve already gone over all of this, but I see my mom nod encouragingly behind Dana, so when our bride-to-be admits she’s clueless when it comes to what she wants, I start to walk her through some of the options that could give her the most bang for her buck.

“An altar arch is always very pretty, and you have the added bonus of giving your ceremony a focal point, not to mention it’d look great in photos. However, with the stained glass windows and that view, I think you’d be better off putting a little more of your floral budget into your bouquet or any arrangements that might sit nestled against the pews along the aisle.”

It’s actually enjoyable getting lost in planning with Queenie and Dana. I’m reminded of what I love to do. I find a bit of the purpose I’ve lost in the last few weeks since I left Evermore Events and uprooted my life. I attributed the listless feelingI’ve been enduring solely to the end of my relationship with Matthew, but now I realize I might have also been missing my passion. The strength and control I was hoping to regain after my date with Sawyer actually comes from being good at my job. Go figure!

I’m smiling, happy, eveneagerto see more of the vineyard until we’re walking outside and, a few yards away, I spot a sexy man in jeans, boots, a Starlight Vineyards t-shirt, and a backward cap.

No nono. Why’s Sawyer working at 10:30 AM on a Tuesday?! He’s truly becoming a thorn in my side.I could just…and don’t get me started with…and if he so much as looks at me I’ll—


I quickly triangulate myself behind Dana and Queenie so I can hopefully go unnoticed. I’m lucky that Queenie really teased her hair to high heaven today; if I stand directly behind her, it’s like I’m not even here.

“Sawyer!” Queenie says, throwing her hands in the air so her bangles jingle-jangle on her arms. “Just the man I was hoping to see. I’ve got a prospective bride here I’d love you to meet, though you probably already know her. This is Dana Felding, her daddy used to be the softball coach up at the high school for over twenty years, wasn’t it?”

Sawyer nods and smiles. “That’s right. Good to see you, Dana.”

“And of course you know my Madison.”

Queenie—god rest her soul, because I’m about to kill her—steps to the side to reveal me. I keep my eyes laser-focused on the ground as I wave. “Oh-hi-Sawyer,” I mumble quickly so the words all crush together.

Please go away.

“Hey there, Madison.”

I don’t even have to look up to know he’s wearing a teasing smile. God, the way this man twists me up inside. I hate it!

“Do y’all need my help with anything today? Happy to show you around or let you sample some of the wine in our new tasting room.”

Queenie steps forward to take his forearm like he’s a prince and she’s a princess in need of escorting. “Oh, that’d be great, darlin’. That way Dana can see where the reception would be held.”

I don’t even bother telling them to go on without me, I just hover on the fringes of the group, taking one slow step for every two of theirs until eventually I’m free to peel off and hang back. They go inside and I linger near a side building, eliciting weird stares from the vineyard workers who pass me by.

“You lost?” one of them asks.

“No.” I tap-tap-tap the side of the metal building. “Just checking the place out.”

His look says he’s concerned I’m a crazed lunatic on the loose. Lucky for him, that’s only mostly the case.

I come to regret my hasty decision to branch off when another ten minutes pass and there’s no sign of them. They’re really taking their sweet time talking shop, and the spot I’m posted up in has absolutely no shade. By the time I get out of here, I’ll have a weird tan line from my sundress. I dab at my forehead with the back of my hand and am grumbling under my breath when an older man leaves the building I’m standing near and spots me.