“I can’t.” Ivy digs her heels into the sodden grass.
“The fuck you can’t,” I growl. We never should have come. If I’d realized… I would have vetoed this trip immediately.
She slips her hand free of mine. “I need this.”
That stops me in my tracks. “You wanted to see her?”
“I need to look her in the eye and see if there is any part of her that feels guilty over killing my dad.” Her voice is laden with emotion.
Well shit… she needs this like therapy. Like closure…
Jackson takes a step in our direction, his hand twitching near the hip where his gun is holstered.
She needs this parlay with Nicole. Who am I to say no to that? I gesture at the bodyguard to stay where he is. “Five minutes. That’s all.”
“That’s all I need.” Ivy turns to face her mother.
“Did you come to your senses, my wayward daughter?” Nicole glares at me over Ivy’s shoulder before turning her glacial gaze on her daughter. “Perhaps you found your family loyalty?”
I don’t like her tone or the way she looks down her nose at Ivy. It raises my blood pressure and makes me want to change my mind. The only reason I don’t is because the woman will never get this close to Ivy again. I will make sure of it.
“My loyalty is to Rogue.” My brave girl trembles as she steps out of the safety of my arms. Without her to hold onto it’s a fight to keep my hands loose at my sides. “He’s more my family than you have ever been.”
“You ungrateful little brat.” Nicole’s tone turns chilled. “After everything I’ve done for you. All I’ve given you…”
Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Jackson is getting itchy. His posture is rigid with tension ready to be unleashed at a second’s notice.
Nicole sighs dramatically. “Your father would be so disappointed in you turning down the arrangement he made for you.”
“What?” Ivy gasps.
“What arrangement?” I demand.
“The one he made with Nathaniel for her hand.” Nicole smiles smugly. Her cruel eyes gleam. “It was in his will.”
Ivy presses a hand to her chest, her fingers splayed across her breastbone. Her voice turns to a whisper. “I don’t believe you.”
“If you had paid any attention, instead of wallowing in self-pity—”
“I was grieving,” Ivy cries. “I was depressed. I’d just lost my daddy.”
“If you had paid attention,” Nicole repeats, “you would have known…” She raises her voice and gestures at the prick, “…that it was your father who approached Nathaniel about taking you as his wife.”
“You’re lying.” Ivy shakes her head and takes a step back.
Jackson mirrors her, moving closer.
“T-there’s no way my dad would do s-something so awful or c-controlling.” Ivy clutches at herself, but she doesn’t shrink or go quiet. “You’re a liar. And a murderer. Y-you killed my father and now you expect me to believe your lies.”
“How dare you talk to me like that.” Nicole presses her hand to her chest and has the nerve to look affronted. “I loved that man very much. I could never have hurt Richard.”
How dare Ivy?If it weren’t for Ivy telling me she needed this… this conversation would be so fucking over.
“No, you just p-paid someone else to kill him.” Ivy sobs.
Nicole raises an eyebrow. “These allegations you’re making are foolish. He’s filling your head with such ridiculous theories.”
“Truths,” I grind out between my teeth. “And Ivy knows it.”