Page 32 of Stolen Love

Nicole’s mouth tightens, but she ignores me, focusing on Ivy instead. “Can’t you see that he’s trying to come between us? All I want is the best for you. It’s what your daddy wanted for you too.”

“Ivy, I can show you the agreement.” Nathaniel takes out his phone and starts looking for something. “I have a copy of it right here. He signed it.”

“What?” She stares at the document on his screen.

“No doubt it’s fake.” I cross my arms over my chest, burying my fists in my armpits while I glare at what looks like an official document. But shit like that can still be fraudulent, and from everything that Ivy has told me about her dad, there’s no way he would do that to her.

“The original is in the drawer in my desk.” Nathaniel speaks so softly, it’s almost like he actually cares about Ivy. But if he does, he has a fucked up way of showing it. He extends a hand to her. “Let me show you.”

“Touch her and I will rip your fucking arm off,” I snarl at him.

Nathaniel blinks rapidly then slowly withdraws his hand.

“My dad would never have made that deal.” Ivy steps back. “He wouldn’t.”

The stupid bastard doesn’t give up. “It’s real, Ivy. Just come to my office…”

I wrap a hand around her elbow. “They’re trying to hurt you. Trying to confuse you. Don’t let them.”

“You have no idea what you’re meddling in, you selfish prick.” Nicole’s ice queen pretense starts to slip.

“Are you good, baby?” I bring Ivy’s back to my chest. I want to whisk her out of here, but unless she gives me a signal, I have to trust that she is tough enough to handle this.

“I’m good.” She straightens and lifts her chin. My strong girl can handle anything, but she shouldn’t have to be subject to such cruelty. “I’m finished here, actually.”

“Let’s go home then.” I take her hand and lead her away from them.

“She’s my daughter.” Nicole marches after us. “And you’re just an unfortunate entanglement that she’ll be free of shortly.”

“I’m not going anywhere.” I spin around, bringing Ivy tight to my side. I’m so sick of this bitch thinking she has some right to Ivy’s life. “You, on the other hand, are running out of time.”

“Don’t threaten me, Mr Maddox.” Her eyes flash.

“I’m not. You killed Richard Love. And I am going to make sure everyone knows it. By the time I’m done you won’t be able to get anywhere near us.”

Nicole smiles as she runs her fingers over the pearls at her throat. “When do you plan to have time to do that? When you’re behind bars? Because that’s your future if you keep holding my daughter back from fulfilling the arrangement her daddy made for her.”

“The fuck that’s happening,” I snarl.

"Rogue, don’t.” Ivy clings to me. “I’m not going to do what you want, Mother. It’s over. Let me go.”

Nicole shakes her head at Ivy like she’s a wayward child. “Nathaniel, talk to her. Make her see sense. I am running out of patience.”

Nathaniel takes a step forward.

“Stay the fuck away from her.” I block him, shifting Ivy protectively behind me. “Do you hear me, you fucking creep?”

“Ivy…” Nathaniel’s gaze seeks her out. He holds out his hands, palms up. “Be smart. Mark Anders is dead. If we have to we’ll use that to separate you two. And trust me when I say the case will be airtight. Agree to the proposal now and your lover goes free. Can you really live with sentencing him to a lifetime behind bars? Or worse?”

Ivy yelps. “Oh my God. You can’t—”

“Did you just threaten me?” Ice in my veins, I snarl at him.

“You won’t get to be together.” He ignores me as well as Jackson, who is moving closer, to continue pleading with Ivy. “I know that you don’t want to hear that, and I’m sorry it hurts you. But it’s the way it has to be. But, Ivy, I promise, I will do whatever it takes to make you happy again. I made your dad a promise and I will keep it.”

I’m this close to losing my damn mind and letting my fists do the talking. It’s only because Ivy’s clammy hand is gripping mine, and the fact that they’ll use it against me and Ivy if I do anything, that keeps me from lashing out. “Don’t listen to them, baby. You can’t trust anything they say.”

“Too many people have died already for me not to take them seriously. My dad. Marty. Mark Anders. I can’t let you be another casualty. I won’t let you die.” Ivy turns to her mother. “If I do what you want… you won’t hurt him?”