“Oh,we’re definitely going tomake it worth it.” I stride over and pull her into my arms,rub my hard-on against her hip. “You are the most beautiful woman Ihave ever seen in my life.”
“Wow. Nowthat’s high praise.”
“It’s100percent accurate.”Assuming she doesn’t want me to muss the lipstick, I kiss hercheek, nibble my way to her ear, and give her lobe a littlesuckle.
Shewhimpers, grabs my face,and puckers up, kissing me with the kind of fervor no man can sayno to. Like I’d even consider it.
I pressher back against the wall and drop my hand to the hem of her dress,sliding up her leg to cup her ass cheek. She’s wearing a thong. Ibet it’s fire-enginered. I push it out of the way so I can run my fingers through herfolds. She’s already slick, wet, ready for me. All the blood in mysystem has gone south. All I can focus on at the moment isconnecting with this woman, getting as close to her as humanlypossible. Inside her.
We’re onthe same wavelength, because she’s scrabbling at my beltbuckle, unbuttoning myshorts, tugging at the zipper, getting them down just far enough soshe can grasp my erection and give it a couple strokes. My eyesroll into the back of my head as I thrust my fingers into her, inand out, copying her movements.
Shereleases my member soshe can dig around in the tiny handbag hanging from her wrist. Igroan when she pulls out a condom packet. My beautiful, brilliantRonnie. So fucking perfect.
I need to makethis woman mine.
She usesher teeth to rip open the foil wrapper, then she rolls the rubber over my shaft while Icontinue to fuck her with my fingers. When she’s done, I extract mydigits and cup her thighs, lifting her off her feet and using thewall for leverage as I position myself to impale her. She reachesdown, guides me toward home, and then I thrust, pushing into herwhile she wraps her legs around my hips, exactly as I’d imaginedearlier, except I planned to do this on the kitchen counter insteadof against the wall. And you know what? It’s still just as fuckingamazing as I expected it to be.
Sherolls her hips and shoves her hands under my shirt while her heelsdig into my ass. I’m so damn close I’m seeing stars. Her inner muscles contract, andshe throws her head back, smacking it against the wall while shemakes this keening noise. I start pistoning like a damn machine, myballs tightening against my body, my dick swelling even more, untilI finally let loose, emptying everything I’ve got into her—my mind,my body, my soul.Everything.
“Well,” shesays as I pull out and slowly let her feet drop to the ground,“ready for our date now?”
“This isa nice place.” I glance around the restaurant Danny picked for our date. An actual date.Not one where I pay for his meal or we split the bill. This ismore...
“Yeah,it’s nice.” Danny glancesover his shoulder, darts another glance at the door, andadjusts the collar of his shirt.
I pickup a fork. My reflection shines in it. Don’t get me wrong. Ilikeswank restaurantsand nice dinners. But I’ve never been to one on a date. I’m morecomfortable in places like this when it’s with my brothers. Or whenchatting up clients. Although a few of those tried to turn dinnermeetings into dates over the course of my career at PascalDesign.Perhaps that’s part of the problem.
I putthe fork back down, smooth out the linen napkin while Dannyhesitantly reaches for the winelist. It’s like he expects the narrow, cardboard menu to bite hishand off if he doesn’t catch it without being seen.He’s actingweird.And that’s sayingsomething. But he was fine when we left the apartment. More thanfine. “How was your date this afternoon?”
He lowers thewine list enough that I can see his eyes, like we’re playingpeekaboo, and clears his throat. “Fine. Everything went great.”
“Tell me aboutit?” I run the toe of my heel up his leg under the table.
He joltsin hisseat as thoughhe’s being electrocuted. “We should order. Beer. I need abeer.”
“Beerwould be great.” Because this restaurant, this date feels likewe’ve enteredTheTwilight Zone.Maybe it’s the date-i-ness of this situation that’s making us bothnervous. We’ve been sleeping together a while now, but we’ve kepteverything casual. This, well, it’s the opposite of casual. Like myfeelings for Danny. I like him so much. Enough that his suits hangin my closet and his toothbrush nestles with mine. Enough that I’mnot sure we can actually continue calling what we’re doing casual.“But I have an idea.”
“Yeah?What’s that?”
“Do you wannaget out of here?”
He dropsthe wine list on the linen-clothed table. “Fuck yes.”
Thecouple at the next table, a well-dressed man and woman withmatching salt and pepper hair,glare in our direction.
Standing, Ipick up my purse. “Come on.”
“Whereare we going?”he asksonce we’re outside.
“To dosomething fun.” I hail acab. “Something crazy.”
Dannytakes my hand as the cab pulls to the curb.The smile I like so much curves his lips.“Ronnie Frost, you are the perfect woman.”