Page 43 of Sexy Bad Escort


“I can’tbelievewe just crasheda wedding.” Danny hands me a glass of champagne. “Do you knowanyone at this shindig?”

“Maybe.Maybe not.” I sip from my fluted glass. The setup for thisreception is amazing, straight out of a design magazine. It’s likesomeone built a ballroom without windows or walls. Maybe the MadHatter, because there’s a definite Alice in Wonderland tea partyfeel. Top hats and fairy lights hang everywhere, funky couches andodd chairs are situated on a checkerboard floor between thickpotted ferns. A huge dance floor is surrounded by tables covered ingold linen and mismatched china. Huge mirrors set up around theperimeter bounce reflections of the whole thing, including guests,like a kaleidoscope.

“I’mrubbing off on you,” hesays. His stance is at ease, one hand in his pocket, theother casually wrapped around the stem of his glass.

“Youcertainly rubbed something on me earlier.”I side-eye him.

“Couldn’t help myself. Have you seen how sexy you looktonight?”

“Sure.It takes effort to look this fabulous.” Which included a good fortyminutes of bathroom mirror time while I primped. Ifinish my champagne. “Should wehit up the buffet?”

“Wecould.” Heoffers his hand for me to slip mine into. “But I’d rather see youbust a move on the dance floor.”

Wedance, and drink, and dance some more. The champagne isfizzy, and all those airbubbles are going to my head. But they’re great for my courage.Even though I don’t know that having a...oh my God, I’m seriously consideringtalking to Danny about this... conversation about how not casual this thing between heand I are, is a good idea. Danny is still a bit off, or maybe it’sme. Maybe he isn’t being a little less showy. It could be that I’mstruggling with how I’m feeling about him.

“Hey.” Awoman in ruched purple taffeta and a gray top hat—a bridesmaid, considering the fourother women dressed identically—gives a tipsy shriek and grabsDanny’s elbow. “I know you.”

Oh crap!We’ve beenbusted.

A waiterin the black and whitetuxedo that seems to be par for the course at these eventsenters my peripheral vision, and I snag another champagne and downit like a thirsty camel trying to restock its hump. One for theroad.

“You’reRent-A-Danny.” Thebridesmaid continues with her high-pitched noises, as she grabs hisother arm.Someone needs to take the squeaker out of this chewtoy.She glances at me,and shit, she thinks I’m renting Danny for the night. She doesn’tcome right out and say it, but two and two equals four, right? Ican manage numbers still despite the champagne.

“Felicity.” He’s so damn smooth, like top shelf scotch.

“Right?” Shebeams. “You helped me with my little conundrum.”


“Yes.”She bounces up and down, which is something no girl as well endowedas she is should ever do in a strapless number. “Yes. That’s theone. He asked me out the day after our date. Three years I’ve lived next door, crushing onhim, and he finally asked me out. You made it happen.”

“I didn’t domuch,” Danny says. “It was just a few pointers.”

“Well, theyworked.” She beams at me, her face flushed, eyes bright as muchfrom alcohol as excitement. “This guy is a miracle worker. I can’teven begin to tell you.” Her hand flutters to her throat. “I’msorry. I’m probably intruding on your own miracle, aren’t I?” Shepats Danny’s bicep as she squeezes my shoulder. “But seriously,this guy is the best. He’ll totally have your love life sorted inone evening. It’ll rock your world.”

“Is that so?”I waggle my eyebrows at him. This is going down in the historybooks of crazy stories we share.

“Absolutely,”she says.

“Greatreference, don’t youthink, Ronnie? I can rock your world with one date.” Danny smirks.He’s getting so much entertainment out of this.

And me?It’s funny, but I also want to set her straight, so she’ll stopbeing so touchy-feelywith my...casual fuck buddy. Yeah, I’m not sure that designation isgoing to do anymore. Another waiter walks by, carrying a tray ofhors d’oevres, and I place my glass amid the salmon cream puffs andblinis piled with caviar and then pull a card from my purse. “It’sgood. We’d love to use your recommendation for our website, ifyou’re interested in shooting something through to myemail.”

“Oh.” Shestares at the card before slipping it into her cleavage. “Oh.You’re his manager.” Again she pats my arm. “You must bethrilled.”

“Iam.”Well, I was when hewas fucking me up against a wall earlier. Now, not somuch.

“Can I ask yousomething?” She weaves closer, whispering very loudly.

Dannycan barely suppress achuckle, and I roll my eyes at him. Even though I know I shouldn’t,I say, “Okay.”

“Haveyou slept with him? Surely you must have. How could you not? If I wasn’t totally inlove with my neighbor, I might have considered it, you know?” She’sstill whispering, in what she thinks is a conspiratorial octave,but her volume button seems to be stuck on the highest setting.“He’s so good at relationship advice, he has to be good at the sextoo. Doesn’t he? Come on, you can tell me. The sex is amazing,isn’t it? He’s the all night, dirty, sweaty, multiple orgasmytype.” She nods, satisfied with her own description. “Look at him.You can just tell.”

I feignshock as I glance at him over her shoulder. Also, I hope he’stelepathic because I’d really like him to save me rightnow.

“Seriously though.” She’s now talking to my boobs, her head droppinglower and lower like they’re becoming best friends. I’m concernedshe’ll fall, passed out and snoring, into my cleavage if we don’tpart ways soon. “If you haven’t had sex with him yet, you should.You know you want to. And he’s totally into you. I’ve been watchingyou two dance, and it seems to me like you’re much more than workcolleagues.” She giggles. “Look at me. I’m giving relationshipadvice.”