Page 2 of Sexy Bad Escort

Leaning back in my chair, I drape an armacross the back of hers, deliberately stroking my fingers againsther dress. Don’t feel a bra strap. Didn’t think I would. And nowI’m even harder than I was over the idea of her wearing a redthong.

“Yeah, it pretty much is.” Life’s easierthat way. No one expects me to be responsible, take ownership. AndI never have to let anyone down. It’s a genius plan, frankly.

“That is no way to get through life.”

“I’ve been doing pretty well so far.”Especially now that Erin and Garrett have bought a house with amother-in-law suite in their walk-out basement. Or, as I prefer tocall it, Danny’s Love Den.

“No, you haven’t. You’re drifting throughlife, mooching off your friends. Do you have any idea what you wantto be when you grow up?”

I shrug. “I don’t know. Married to a hot,wealthy woman because her secret fantasy is to bang the pool boy ona permanent basis, maybe?”

Her eyes get darker, cooler, and whatever’sgoing on in her head, she is through with this conversation.

“What, is that your fantasy or something? Ifthat’s the case, I’m in.” I spread my arms wide, inviting her tohave her wicked way with me.

She stands, graceful as a gazelle, lofty asa cat. “Absolutely not.”

But then she smooths the front of her skirtand bends over me, swiping her wineglass off the table. I ogle theglorious yet brief view down her top, and I’m wondering if she didthat on purpose, despite the sudden coolness and her insistenceabout not playing games.

“Sweet dreams, Danny.” And then she’s gone,sashaying across the yard, heading toward her older brother, James,who’s cradling his three-month-old daughter in one arm with theother wrapped around his wife, Myra.

A goat with multi-colored ribbons tiedaround its neck and a bouquet of daisies in its mouth trots acrossRonnie’s path and she halts, waiting for the young, dark-hairedgirl who’s chasing it to rush by. A white duck waddles in thegirl’s wake, followed by a slinking Siamese cat. Anyone who didn’tknow the Frost family would think the circus was in town.

After checking both ways for the all clear,Ronnie continues strutting toward her brother. I presume she’ssaying goodbye.

Damn. Struck out again.

Exactly the way it’s supposed to godown.


“I need a favor.”

Yawning, I stretch, wince at the sliver ofsunlight trying to peek through the crack in the blinds. What timeis it, anyway? And who the hell’s on my phone? The voice is female,sexy, and familiar, but I can’t quite place it.

“Did you hear me?”

“Who is this?” I ask without opening my eyesand looking at the screen on my phone.


Ronnie.My brain’s fuzzy, notfunctioning on all cylinders at the moment. Last night had beenanother bar night, another hot chick to chase. This one hadrecently broken up with her boyfriend and was looking for asatisfying way to take out her anger over all the time she’d wastedon the loser, so we’d started playing pool—on her dime, ofcourse—against another couple, betting on shots bought. Turns out,she’s a shark, and I’d appreciated every drink the other team hadto buy us.

I finally pry my eyes open and glance at therumpled sheets next to me. Nope. Hadn’t gotten lucky, unless shesnuck out at some point in the night. But I’m pretty sure Istumbled home alone after last call.

As usual.

“Danny. Hello? Are you there?”

“Yeah. Ronnie. Oh shit, Garrett’s sister.Hey, sexy.”

“You don’t even remember me?We’veknown each other well over a year by now.” Her indignation ispractically beating me over the head with a broom all the way fromNew York.

“And you’ve called me how many times? Plus,I’m barely awake.” And now I’m sporting wood, because damn, hervoice is hot.

“For Christ’s sake. Are you really still inbed? Do you realize it’s noon on a Wednesday? Well, I suppose it’sonly eleven in Chicago, but still. That’s ridiculous.”

“Did you call to ask for a favor? Becausethis conversation isn’t exactly winning me over at the moment.”Despite her prickliness, my woody isn’t deflating. I shouldprobably do something about that. I flip the sheet off my legs andlazily grasp the stiff appendage, give it a couple strokes.