Page 1 of Sexy Bad Escort



“We’re such a cliché.” I place a glass ofred wine in front of the lovely, dark-haired lady I’ve been eyeingall evening and then grab the chair next to her, shifting it closerbefore dropping into it.

She arches one eyebrow but doesn’t move awayas my leg brushes hers. “I realize we’re at a wedding, but wehaven’t slept together. So how are we a cliché?”

“We should sleep together. I’m pretty sureyou’d like it.”

“Pretty sure?”

The bride at today’s wedding is my bestfriend Erin, and the lady I’m sitting with, Veronica “call meRonnie” Frost, is now officially her sister-in-law. Ronnie’s alsohot as fuck, eight years older than me, and completelyunobtainable. Which makes this chase both fun and safe.

I shrug and take a pull from my beer. “Imean, we won’t know until we try, right?”

Shaking her head, she says, “Danny, you havea pretty face, a rather spectacular body, from what I’ve seen,anyway—”

“Do you want to see more?”

“No. Because you are lousy at this game.This back and forth we do, this isn’t what women want.”

“How do you know what women want?”

“Because I happen to be one.” There’sannoyance in her voice, like I’ve struck a nerve. What, was she aman in a past life?

Leaning forward, I let my hand fall to herknee, cupping her leg just below the hem of her dress. It’s a darkgreen sleeveless number with a cowl neck and a flouncy skirt, and Iwant to smooth my hand up under it to check to see if she’s wearingpanties. If she is, I bet it’s a thong. Probably matches the dress.No, it’d be fire-engine red. I’m getting hard just thinking aboutit.

And I know damn well I’ll never get a shotat finding out. To be honest, I’m surprised she’s letting my handhover on her knee right now.

“You are definitely that,” I agree. “So tellme, what do women want?”

She glances at the white silk tents set upin her brother’s backyard, at the party guests mingling about. It’sthe third wedding here in a year. All three of her brothers are nowhitched. She’s the last single Frost sibling. How does that makeher feel?

“Maybe I’m not the best person to ask,” shesays quietly, and there’s something in her voice that makes me wantto drop the bawdy act and be real for a minute, maybe reassure herthat she isn’t the only one with secret wishes. Which is weird,because I’ve been this guy for ten years, since my junior year inhigh school, when I figured out being the class clown was apotential way to convince people to like me, since I pretty muchsucked at every sport known to the human race and couldn’t figureout any other way to make it happen.

“Why not?” I arch brows that are pale,blond, a little bushy, not dark and perfectly manicured likehers.

She shakes her head. “I’m not like mostwomen.”

I squeeze her leg. “Tell me more.”

She sips the wine I’ve brought her. “Mostwomen want love and affection. Adoration. S—”





“Look, you aren’t gonna win this argument.My best friend is a woman. She tells me everything. You wanna knowhow many times she and your brother get it on in any given week? Inany givennight?”

“God, no. And does Garrett know she sharessuch intimate details about their personal life?”

“Sure. Because I make it a point to tellhim. And then Erin gets mad at me. And then Abby tells her not tobe mad at her favorite uncle Danny. It’s our little routine.”

“Everything is a game to you, isn’t it?”