Page 28 of Sexy Bad Escort

“Itisn’t?” Karen says, followed by, “Wait, Aunt Bernie,you’re gay?”

“As athree-dollar bill,” the older woman says proudly.

“I thinkthat’s supposed to be ‘queer,’” I point out.

“How did I notknow this?” Karen asks.

Bernie shrugs.“I mean, do you broadcast that you’re straight?”

“Well,no. But that’sbecauseI’m not.”

Berniesmacks her sister’s arm. “Told you. Didn’t I call it, Georgia? Didn’t I? I knew the girlwas living in denial. Good for you, Karen, for finally taking thatfirst step. I’m proud of you.”

Karenpulls her phone out of her purse. “Well, if you’re proud of that, let me introduce youto my girlfriend.”

“Ladies,” Isay, hooking my arm through Erin’s, “we’re going to leave you toit. Good luck, Karen.” I give her a wink. “You got this.”

Before Ican leave, she grabs me, pulls me into her arms. and squeezes with more force than Iwould expect. “Thank you,” she whispers before turning to greetTiesha, who has tentatively stepped into the lobby.

Erin andI head over to Mama Frost’s table. “Do you want us to take Abby?” Iask. I’m not ready toexplain the situation to her yet. I need to get it out toErin first.

Sheshoos us away. “I suspect you two need to talk. I’ll drop her athomewhen we’re donehere.”

Erindrops a kiss on the little girl’s hair and then we slip outsideonto the sidewalk.“I’mgoing to go out on a limb and say you showing up here wasn’t acrazy coincidence,” I say as we head down the street.

“MamaFrost texted me. Something about you and another woman and whatabout Ronnie and to get my ass over here to make sure you don’tdo something drastic andpossibly quite stupid.”

I don’tsay anything inresponse. After a few minutes of silence, Erin says, “I’mwaiting.”

“You’re goingto think it’s crazy.”

“Try me.”

“I’m anescort. A very well paid one, actually.”

Her eyeswiden. “Waita minute.Aren’t you and Ronnie…?”

“Sleepingtogether? Yes.”

“I knewit wasn’t a damn spider crawling under her skirt. Wait, justsleeping together?”


“So how’s thewhole escort thing work? Does she know?”

“She’smy manager, actually.She created our website, vets the clients, schedules myappointments, pretty much handles all the admin stuff. We’re doingreally well. So far.”

“So Ronnie isyour pimp? You’re sleeping with your pimp?”

“It’snot that kind of escort, dipshit. It’s like…almost like a dating service. Most of thetime, I help my clients figure out that they are in love withsomeone else.”



“So, you’resleeping with Ronnie.”

I rollmy eyes. “That’swhatyou’re hung up on?”